Friday, February 28, 2020

Blind Item #5

This permanent A++ list celebrity had a private party planned for the rapist producer if he was found not guilty.


  1. Very few A++ listers, so either Oprah or the Clintons?

  2. Hilary would have been aspiring A++. probably Oprah.

    1. Could have been Bill. He's permanent A++.

  3. Ugh, I hope it's not Oprah:-(

  4. All of these "elites" look more and more like South Park characters everyday.

    1. Right? This would make a great episode and I can totally hear the SouthPark renditions of Streep, Oprah, Lawrence, and the rest of Weinstein's pals

  5. Who would be stupid enough to have a party, even a private party with Weinstein now? He's so toxic that nobody wants to be associated with him in any sort. He can't give a big campaign contribution, and most of the people in his address book would prefer to be dead than connected to him, the guy is simply done.

    It's one thing to assume that Bill Clinton or Oprah would be evil enough to still be on friendly terms with Weinstein. But it's just dumb to believe they would plan something in celebration for him. There's simply the risk that any of it would come to the light, and they wouldn't take that risk.

    1. They don't care. They believe most people are so stupid and so sound asleep that all they have to do is deny and people buy it.
      Which is mostly true.

  6. Meanwhile Weinstein is still @ Bellevue, not Rikers. WTF?!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. #1 Private party, on DL, so they probably didn't expect anyone to find out.

    #2 Slick Willy would be down, his wife isn't running, but I'm not aware of any real connections to Harvey plus Slick Willy is more of an attendee than a host.

  9. Harvey and Oprah will always be friends, bound by the secrets they share. How obvious unless you are busy counting subscribers and rooting back through countless data to try to prove a pointless point...

  10. Aquagirl, I too am pissed he is still in the hospital instead of the infirmary at Riker's. WTF??? The other day the NYPost had some BS article about bologna sandwiches - I said there is NO WAY they are feeding him bologna in the hospital, which of course, they aren't. He needs to go to Riker's asap. If he dies or goes blind, too fucking bad. He should have thought of that before threatening and assaulting all of those women. NO sympathy. Some corrupt DA that I knew in Louisiana kept putting off serving his term in federal prison because he was having chemo. AGAIN - NO ONE ELSE gets that kind of treatment. It's bullshit. Shame on whomever would throw this ghoul a party!

  11. Oprah the pig. part of a dark and evil side of America.

  12. One and only Oprah-Messiah of the women!

  13. You stop right there Indie!

    I am a woman and I do not subscribe to identity politics. Neither Oprah, nor Hillary are the sot of women I would ever support or look up to.

    It takes more than a pair of tits to get my attention.

    1. It's called Sarcasm..... now go back and read that again!

    2. Erp.
      I REALLY don't want to think of Oprah or Hilary's tits.

  14. I hope you're all around in November so I can see what kind of batshit crazy shit you spew after Trump loses lol

    1. Do you honestly believe the media and "elite" Democrats are trying to get rid of Bernie because they don't like communism? Please.
      They're trying to get rid of him because the DNC knows the numbers and knows Bernie can't win a presidential election against Trump. And he is by FAR the front runner of Democrat candidates.
      If you don't know this, you are already hopelessly out of the loop.

  15. If the blind had been A++ Actress instead of Celeb++ I would have said Meryl Streep. I could see her throwing him a party as long as it didn't interfere with her standing ovations for Roman Polanski.

  16. Superfly.......used to read a well known journalist at the time, Wayne Madsen.He was in Navy Intelligence. Anyway, he went to Chicago to investigate Obomba gay rumors. Found them to be true. That great pastor of his had a club for the gay men of the church. Down Low Club. Rahm Emanuel and Obomba went to Chicago gay bath houses. Not much of a secret the hot dogs being flown in for party...think that is code for young boys. And it was noted that it is against the law to bring in food from outside. Maybe not little boys...don't know.

    1. 😂😂😂
      Sure Jan

    2. One of the Chi Clubs was Man Country. Maybe that's what the 2 white guys yelled at Jussie when they put that rope around his neck! "This is Man Country!!!? That's why Jussie was out so late!!!

  17. Well JD one thing you will see if Bernie wins is a lot of people stop working rather than continue to earn to pay taxes to support people who don't want to work for anything. I'd rather live off the fat of my financial land than support freeloaders

  18. no one, including sanders, has a chinaman's chance against trump. 65-70 percent of the vote. dont believe the bullshit polls that have him at 52.

    1. 😂😂😂
      65-70% huh?

  19. Oh JD.....isn't that the exact same line you gave us in 2016?
    Who has been loosing their batshit ever since? Difference is that last time it truly was a ferocious battle, while this time, Trump will be skipping into the WH like through a meadow on a spring morning.

  20. @Indie: I am not, nor have I never been, an Oprah fan. She is certainly not a Messiah to me. Lying sack of shit is a better description. But, unfortunately, there are many women in the US who do look up to her. I guess ignorance is bliss.

    1. It's called Sarcasm..... now go back and read that again!
      I've always hated her....Showman are biggest liars !

  21. Oh I totally believe the Barry Bathhouse stuff. But there's a difference between being a pedo or liking young men. One look at Michelle tells me he likes them rather masculine.

    1. Actually, witnesses said OmarshallDavis preferred older white men. But whatev.

  22. Ok Indie, as long as we're not he same page my friend. You and me, we're simpatico, I always enjoy your posts.

    1. Thank you ...Iam glad misunderstanding is all cleared!

  23. Why isn't that monster in Rikers yet? Throw him in the general population!

  24. @Indie: Phew! 😅 I always like your comments and then I read this one!!!

    1. C'mon girl...I was raised by a single mom!
      I can spot a fake feminist Mike away!
      Luv ya!

  25. @Philly, If the economy goes before the election, he goes, presidents always get the blame. Not to mention this virus thing, and pardoning Milken and commuting Blagojevich's sentence.

  26. The funny thing was.. Oprah was alwaaays rotten.

    In hindsight, I can’t believe that was the stuff on tv for when the kids got off of school. Glad I got some golden girls in with all those nasty talk shows.

  27. Coronavirus is making the wrong people sick...

  28. They all knew about Weinstein and for about 3 years now, they've been trying to cover their asses. It's been pretty sickening to watch.

  29. You all are a bunch of right wing conspiracy nut jobs. This site has been ruined by crazy as*holes.

  30. @brayson. Corona is among the last gasps of
    A dying corrupt globalist deep state. Man made in a lab. The economy is going nowhere. 65%... book it

  31. @tmpr, I suppose when all the newspaper polls lied and said Hillary was 90% chance to win in 2016, you didn't see that (our yourself) as part of a Leftist conspiracy. You boomer socialists are such morons. Your brainwashed sense of right and wrong has completely ruined the world. Your hubris and delusions will see you lose again in 2020. We can't wait to hear more of your crying.

  32. @HS You laid that out perfectly :)

  33. Don't believe Oprah would be that stupid.

  34. wow, right wing conspiracy nuts. what about racist? misogynistic? fyi, no one is falling for leftist bullshit anymore. if the site is ruined for you, maybe find a safe space.

  35. Molly: A gay neighbor told me al lot about Illinois politicians. Basically they are all gay. Political decisions were being made not in smoke filled rooms, but in gay bathhouses. There are only three Illinois politicians that I am certain are not gay.

  36. @PhillyWilly - you're right. You all are not just right wing conspiracy nuts, you're also racist and misogynistic and I can't wait until you all crawl back into the dark, smelly holes tRump dragged you out of.

    1. Only the insecure and inadequate feel threatened by certain folks. Micro p and incels mainly. And both parties. I lean left always

  37. p.s. I can't believe how you all gloat so much at being horrible people. It's seriously sick.

    1. It's a weird crew who hangs out here...

  38. It's always fun to watch the party of no hate explode with hate when everyone doesn't think exactly the way they do. 😆

  39. How did this turn into a nasty thread about politics? This is sad.



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