Saturday, February 08, 2020

Blind Item #4

There is no way on this Earth that the alliterate former actress would turn down an invitation to present at the Oscars. Not a chance. She wasn't asked to do so. The Academy had their final list of who they wanted prior to them even moving. 


  1. Fatass Markle.

  2. Is that what she claimed? That she was asked? Her narcissism knows no bounds, lol. What's next, is she going to claim to be the next Miss Golden Globes, something she's 20 years too old for?

  3. J, could you post your current weight and size or a picture of yourself?

    I'm always curious about people who comment on the physical appearance of others. For statistical purposes, naturally. 99% of the time...

  4. This blind is based off a GQ article I mentioned in the comments the other day. I think it was a parody article.

    They are already giving $$$$ speeches to JP Morgan bankers, so the oscars are chump change.

  5. Yeah, but the Oscars are still the prestige gig. It would have been more about ego than $$.

  6. No, Angela dude.

    The only thing blimp Markle and her scientist husband should be presenting is takeout at a McDonald's window.

  7. 5 minutes of airtime at the oscars would enable the duchess of exit to get and charge more for the $ making gigs

  8. JP Morgan hires a trust fund baby and his grifter wife to talk about their love for each other and therapy. Because both have worked out so well for them. Wtf. How’s that a wise investment? And honest to God, if I was that boy’s mother, I’d slap him for making money off my death and tell him to go mow some lawns for honest wage FFS.

  9. P.s. the only way I’d forgive the Academy for extending such a dumbass invitation would be if they hired Ricky G to skewer her before and after she took to stage. That’s be worth watching.

  10. Excellent.

    The Sussex duo has no business at the Oscars. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.

  11. Did Half-Prince Harry deliver his speech barefoot again? That was so fucking cool, pretty much stopped global warming dead in its tracks.

    And JPM's whole business model is oriented around saving the planet!

    Let's hear it for Simpleton and Blimpleton!

  12. Markle is getting annoying

  13. Since we have Kardashian-free February, can we have March-free MarKle next?

  14. i will always call her fat markle

  15. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Her Markleness. We heard it was a duo offer only which Harry declined. Of course Markle isn't going to pass on a chance to present an Oscar.

  16. She always tries to get these fake PR stories in the news. Pathetic.

  17. There is no way JP Morgan paid them $$$$$ to speak at that event. Investors don't care what Prince Harry has to say. It would never sell out seats. It's not like he is Jack Ma. At best maybe $60k. Whoever is their PR agency needs to be fired. Not very good.

  18. I read a tweet from someone who was there saying that it was like listening to a drunk at the end of the bar complaining. It was immature and people were embarrassed for them. No one could understand what they were doing at an investment conference.

    1. This is hilarious what a funny thread!!

  19. I look forward to J's comments every time its about the dumbartons! And thanks for that info Mischi

  20. Walking away from the Royal Family will be the biggest mistake these two ever make. Even though Harry was not next in line for the throne, he would have never had to worry about money for the rest of his life.

  21. Bwahahahahahahahaha, fat head Markle's ego makes JLO's self-absorption seem meek and retiring by comparison. Just keep cashing in on Dumbass's dead mama there Woko Ono.

    1. You mean JHO after that superbowl performance!!

    2. Hahahahaha! I’m so stealing “Woko Ono!” Brilliant name.

  22. Of course. All the favours, couching, and money have already been agreed to. What can she offer to surpass that? People have already had her, she is not that wealthy, and her influence is unproven.

    To be horribly crass, it just means that she hasn’t put Harry’s servicing skills up for grabs. A blow job from a Prince vs [X]? That would get them the presenting jig.

  23. Haha sparkles, you lose.

  24. Harry has admitted he has panic attacks, which can feel like heart attacks, and he has to just keep smiling and meeting and greeting people. At least now he can choose to be present more of when he wants, and if this is the life he wants, then fine. It's not my life, so I don't care about who he meets. But seriously, panic attacks are nothing to have to endure for years. And he's been in therapy for 7 years. Looks like CBT is not working, and he needs to do EMDR. MUCH faster results. The Army did a study on people who did CBT in individual and group sessions, and those who only did EMDR. 20 Ind/Group sessions = 1 or 2 EMDR sessions. So hey, if people want to spend their lives in their therapists' offices, that's one thing. But if they want to go and do what they like, there is nothing that beats EMDR. Just sayin'...

    1. I was just about to start EDMR, but now I’m moving. I’m hoping I can find a place that does it where I’m moving .

  25. Has she ever made a movie even?

    1. She’s got one on Celebrity Jihad:

  26. Lies, I tell you...all is the fake article:

  27. Anonymous5:49 PM

    PMSL, Angela, a wee bit triggered there... Ha ha haaaaa.
    Sheesh he isn't talking about you, ffs.

  28. Didn't Markle announce she had turned down the offer to present Best Picture? That was a stupid move! All that networking gone to waste! All that job begging Harry could do!

    I vote against a Markle-free March.

    J's humor and wit is hilarious.

  29. +1000 Kansa

    EMDR is awesome therapy!

  30. Oh, @J. Congratulations! Yachto Ono is BRILLIANT! I love it.


  31. I think time has come to demote JLo as 'everything in her mind' to number 2 'everything in her mind' and give description to MM, as it is mostly befitting.
    At least JLo has worked her ass off to get where she is and is nice to look at while MM is just completely delusional.

  32. Yachtko Ono -- ha ha ha!

  33. Anonymous1:14 PM

    They are clones.
    There are cloning centers thru out the US.
    Elites tour them, often.
    Clones, built for specific political purposes.
    Better understand what these creatures are.

  34. Thread is gold. Saw J's hilarious response to Angela-dude and immediately scrolled down for the dude's response. Found none. You disappoint Angela-dude, you disappoint.

  35. Are there really clones of people around? I would like to clone myself. I wonder what that costs?

  36. Another one of her story plants. She must have the busiest PR team on the planet.
