Friday, February 07, 2020

Blind Item #4

This one named permanent A list rapper has reached out through back channels and told this permanent A list singer he is going to leak naked pictures of her unless she gets her ex to stop doing what he has been doing.


  1. I get the feeling those pics are going to be more Hustler than Playboy.

  2. Mimi naked without photoshop? OMG, she will DIE from embarrassment!

  3. Uh...what? If he has a problem with her ex, why is he not dealing with the ex himself? Why threaten her?

  4. Please don't.

  5. Mariah is a hot mess anyone of her stature ho doesn't realise not to be involved in naked pictures is an idiot/drunk/high.

  6. you just answered your own statement longtime reader.

  7. Finally something which will turn people off the internet! You go, whoever you are!

  8. lol, yep. Comcast stock tanked on the rumor.

  9. Wouldn't that be considered prosecutable revenge porn? Since when can't one of the sharpest tongues in rap battle with his wits? They're all too old and successful for this nonsense.

  10. @Vita, Probably for all the publicity they get from their feud. They were both cool back in the day but most people couldn't give a sh!t about either now.

  11. Vita: Revenge porn laws vary considerably from state to state, because they were all quickly thrown together grandstanding legislation. One state recently had their law struck down by courts.

    In a state like NJ, you technically could get a year in jail for reposting a from a porn site, w/o the model's consent. Then a state like California, there is a selfie exclusion, as they are seen as gifts, so the recipient is free to do what they want with them.

  12. There is no way he Eminem has nudes of Mariah.

  13. Vita: Revenge porn laws vary considerably from state to state, because they were all quickly thrown together grandstanding legislation. One state recently had their law struck down by courts.

    In a state like NJ, you technically could get a year in jail for reposting a from a porn site, w/o the model's consent. Then a state like California, there is a selfie exclusion, as they are seen as gifts, so the recipient is free to do what they want with them.

  14. Eminem/ Nick "hold my purse" Cannon

  15. Thanks, Count, I didn't know any of that. I thought bc of internet, it was federal.

    "Selfies that have been sent are gifts" is an interpretation that should be presumed by everyone, just to be safe.

    Brayson -- you're probably right, though it's hardly been a positive for any of them

  16. @Count, So if you send a pic or video to someone else, it's gift and available for anything, like JLaw and Weinstein.

    But if someone else takes your pic then they can't do anything with it without your consent?

    1. Brayson: yes, that was how the CA law was written.

    2. Wait, many of the Jlaw pics were obviously taken by someone else. That is where her DMCA take down letters fell apart. Most sites panicked and took them down, while one porn site responded that since she didnt take the photos she has no inherent rights to them and they asked for either takedown notices from the photographer/copyright holder or proof the copyright was transferred to her. To the best if my recollection, her attorneys never responded.

  17. Hey, leave JLAW out of it! She nevr sent any selfies or pics to Pigstein!

  18. @yep, Pretty sure there's a few gaper pics that say you're wrong.


  20. I dunno, @paris. If Eminem has nudes of her, it is from years and years ago when she was up and coming and did not need Photoshop.

  21. @Count, So you're saying that for some of her pics that she didn't take, she actually let them remain on sites rather than admit who the photographer was? Definitely sounds like someone married she didn't want to out.

  22. @longtimereader

    Mariah has confirmed she has bipolar disorder. Posing nude while manic would not be unusual.

    Eminem would be a tool if he releases the pics. If Mariah were smart she would claim he took advantage of her while she was manic.

  23. In every state the person who snapped the pic is the copyright holder.

  24. Lol @ "Please Don't".

  25. Anonymous6:44 PM

    It's more likely there are incriminating pics of Nick the Tuban and Auntie Em than there are of a nude Mariah Carey.

  26. I highly doubt that Em even gives a shit about the juvenile wanna be diss raps that fool is spewing out.

  27. Em is a world class Fuckin coward and a racist POS to boot. Just confront Nick Cannon personally!
