Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blind Item #4

The A list celebrity who was shooting for A++ a few years ago knew exactly what was going on for years with the rapist producer and ignored it and took his money anyway. Now, she is acting all high and mighty and talking about justice. Please. Opportunism at its fines just like the DA who took the money too.


  1. Fat pig Harvey and Hillary Clinton.


  3. The disgraced intersex producer and the closeted lesbian "wife" of the permanent A++ list blowjob recipient/cigar aficionado

  4. even after the story broke, didn't she refuse to return it. Greed knows no bounds.

  5. Ok calling Harvey a fat pig gets a pass. Don't forget the labia shaped scrotum w no weiner tho

  6. Quiet πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸΊπŸ˜΄.

    Fuck Hillary.

  7. Cy Vance for the D.A who let him go free. Evil c***.

  8. +1 Montana, HRC and Vance all the way. I notice she's not mentioning the child rapist she laughed about successfully defending or her hubby who has been accused of rape.

    "The recordings, which date from 1983-1987 and have never before been reported, include Clinton’s suggestion that she knew Taylor was guilty at the time. She says she used a legal technicality to plead her client, who faced 30 years to life in prison, down to a lesser charge."

  9. Speaking of Weinstein...what the hell does "intersex" genitalia mean?

  10. Rosie is fine with body shaming people she doesn't like but becomes outraged when other people do the same.

  11. @Melit, Check out wikipedia, it's a fascinating subject. Intersex persons often struggle with the same discrimination and intolerance as other groups seen as different.

    Intersex people are individuals born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies".[1][2] Such variations may involve genital ambiguity and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[3][4] [5][6]

  12. @Meliticus Bee

    Intersex is sad to me. You know how people say “if you don’t know if you’re male or female then look between your legs or get a dna test?” Well, intersex can’t do that.

    Their dna is so messed up you can’t tell what they are. Also, some people have female organs but have XY chromosomes. Some people have male organs but have XX chromosomes.

  13. Big difference between taking campaign money from questionable sources and stealing money from a veterans charity and being a lying venal rapist traitor with an IQ of 50 and dementia.

  14. @T.W., It's sad that society doesn't accept them for who they are.

  15. For chrissakes Harvey is NOT INTERSEX he just has a fat man fupagina.

  16. that deranged sociopath Hillary

  17. intersex is extremely rare.
    fupagina?? this site can be very educational.

  18. Actually, I once knew someone who was intersex. The individual looked like a 12 year old female, but stated that they had been born with a number of physical issues (kidney, missing parts, additional parts). I would say that many things about their life was difficult and they showed a lot of bravery in demanding acceptance. For instance, when they went to a university building, and wanted to use the restroom, they tended to use the one with the least number of people in it. Long before most people were talking about intersex, they were demanding accommodations, and talking about feeling comfortable as their true self. Their refusal to "just be quiet," made me really respect them.

  19. @Meliticus Bee I want to know what an egg shaped penis is too.

  20. +1 Kansa, That's great

  21. Kansa, but what specific accommodations did they need? I don’t think people should be ashamed of any medical condition, but there’s a difference between shame, and trumpeting it to the world. The latter is something I won’t ever be able to understand.

  22. Jennifer Lawrence

  23. I still think Bill/Hillary had something to do with Epstein's demise. Didn't they have the most to lose?

  24. ‘tried to be A list a couple of years ago’ = Hilary Clinton trying to be president.

    Not shocked at all. greed & tolerance of evil is nonpartisan.

  25. Intersex is more common than people realize. It's not only ambiguous genitalia. It is most commonly a deviation from the binary XX/XY "norm" and not a noticeable difference in genitalia.

    Most everyone has known or knows an intersesx individual. They just don't look different from you or me. Most intersex females have no clue a problem exists until they fail to get pregnant. They present as completely and unambiguously female. The first test for infertility is a genetic test to ascertain whether the female is genetically female. If the chromosomes deviate from strictly XX, pregnancy would be out of the question.

    Intersex births are thought to be one percent of the population with various degrees of difference. These individuals are not to be confused with hermaphrodites which is extremely rare in humans. In most instances those differences are not crucial enough to cause problems.

  26. Wow...who knew?

    In any case - @hunter is probably right...harvey's "intersex" issue is probably a case of grotesque fat collection in groin area due to being a fat, sweaty, hairy pig.
    @Post Cards...I agree - sort of. Would like to see a drawing of all of this stuff but not an actual picture I think?

  27. Very sad for the true intersex (we called those hermaphrodites in my day - no matter the cause or variety) and they deserve no criticism or ridicule.
    but I doubt that Harvey is one of them and deserves all the ridicule that can be heaped upon him.



    Jessica Mann, who accused Weinstein of raping her in a hotel room in 2013 when she was a budding actress, made the shocking claim during her testimony in the former filmmaker’s rape and sexual assault trial:

    “The first time I saw him fully naked,” she told the court, according to the report. “I thought he was deformed and intersex…He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina.”

    Weinstein reportedly lowered his head as she made the claim on the stand.

    “It was very bad,” she said, when asked to describe his hygiene, according to the report. “He smelled like s--- — excuse me, sorry, like poop. He just was dirty.”

  29. fall guy Harvey Weinstein abused adults which is more than i can say for Hillary Clinton's friends Podesta Alefantis etc

  30. Why isnt she in jail? She better be, along with barry, or else no vote from me this november. Thats literally the only reason i supported the orange man.
