Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blind Item #4

Organizers of a huge event that took place yesterday are upset that the permanent A+ list singer made the event about her and not the person being honored. The singer had demands, not only from the press, but also for herself that were really excessive.


  1. Beyonce perfoeming at Kobe's memeorial...

  2. Kobe Bryant memorial

  3. *performing *memorial I screwed that one up lol

  4. lol Ive done worse!

  5. Beyonce us so dumb and stupid she doesn't even understand how a funeral works.

    Vanessa looked morr rrlieved than sad. i could see more grief in michael, or even jimmy kimmels eyes

  6. That whole thing was so freaking cringe. It totally gave me a Hollywood award show vibe. Be in awe of the witch singing while celebrities fake sob in the audience. You bet your ass J LO was front and center...

  7. Beyonce and that boob that kept popping out.

  8. Its ok. You don't like Beyonce. We get it. #eyeroll

  9. People like Beyonce ??? *eye roll*

  10. Was She lip syncing? Christina blew Beyonce away.

  11. Vanessa's hair was so fucking stupid...

  12. Beyonce,no pictures please.

  13. How about the eyelashes?!!!

  14. If I was the widow, anyone making demands would’ve been gone. That’s why I don’t believe in these huge celebrity memorial services. Whitney Houston’s funeral made Cory Booker a name.

  15. https://pagesix.com/2020/02/24/photos-of-beyonce-banned-during-performance-at-kobe-bryant-memorial/

    I do like Beyonce but I think she gaffed a bit. Performers often forget that they are not the main attraction at funerals!

  16. @mydogsmiles
    "That whole thing was so freaking cringe. It totally gave me a Hollywood award show vibe. Be in awe of the witch singing while celebrities fake sob in the audience"

  17. Definitely Beyonce. Didn't they show up late for an awards show trying for the attention there too?

  18. @Freckles: Yes. Plus they sat through the National Anthem @ the Super Bowl because they were ‘distracted.’

  19. They showed up at the golden globes late and brought their own champagne that of course JayZ reps.

  20. Looking up Jay's champagne brand is hilarious! You wanna drop a cool 850 on that? Lmao.

  21. Her thighs are like sides of beef--so no unflattering pics allowed!

    Yet she keeps getting invited to these things so the organizers have no one else to blame but themselves. When she started fussing they should have told her and her sides of beef to take a hike

    1. Being a long time close family friend to Vanessa and Kobe for 20 years "got her invited" to this "thing"

  22. Good Lord. How'd she have time away from her UterusFactory?
    Anyway, her best days were Foxy Cleopatra. So sexy

  23. It was weird to see her "performing" at a memorial service. And it looked like the wind machine was going. shrug

  24. Agreed, Beyonce but they should have realised she has only 1 gear, 100% diva.

  25. Who has demands at a memorial service, except, perhaps a ride to and from?

  26. Enty fails once again with his Beyoncé blinds....Staples Center banned media pictures of everyone, and that included Beyoncé for fucks sake....a quick fact check never hurt

  27. If they want to do a tribute concert for charity or something, fine, but these celebrity "event" funerals are just strange. I think it started with MJ

    @longtimereader she claims she has two sides, her shy self, and her diva side she calls Sacha Fierce, lol

  28. CHRISTINA!!!! Only celebrity who did not offer comfort or hugs to Vanessa. Didnt even look her way when she left the stage. Her entourage quickly got her out of there. All she did was go up there, sing real quick, blow a kiss, interrupted the announcer by saying Thank You and left.

  29. Anonymous9:07 AM

    The cattiness in the comments, which I admit to being, is just so petty, I LOVE it.
    I look forward to reading what others say, and posting my own bullsh&t.

    Ha ha haaaaaa.
    Have a day.

  30. Beyonce Knowles.

    Her attitude sucks as badly as her singing. Can't stand the tone of her voice. Maybe she is friends with the Bryant family though.

    To have demands at a funeral is a new low even for her.

  31. This actually makes me respect Beyonce. If I had to go to a rapist's memorial I wouldn't care either. Good work Beyonce, yesterday you were the real queen bee.

  32. Is anyone surprised? She is so delusional and narcissistic she probably believed it was about her.

  33. Anonymous9:42 AM


  34. @MyDog and others. +10000. It was absurd. Im sorry, I hate to minimize or cast aspersions on anyones grief over the lost of a loved one, but grown men crying damn near uncontrollably, when all this happened a month ago? the whole thing was just so strange. public grief in the age of Facebook, twitter and instagram, everyone trying to outdo one another. maybe im just old and grumpy, but I prefer stoic and dignified. and the Merry Widow, dont get me started? I hope that lawsuit backfires and the other families set their sites on her fortune if somehow it can be established that Kobe pushed for the flight.

    1. Lawsuit Is justified and will be successful. Company did not do their job. I saw nothing merry about Mrs Bryant and I'm sure the other famiies will folliw suit. No case against his estate because Jobe was not the pilot.

    2. You should take a law class in order to understand how you place blame correctly. Its very enlightening

  35. Beyonce is so selfless....I wanna speak at her memorial!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Bee Yawn Say, the professional yodeler:

    1) Beyonce Banned Photographers From Taking Photos of Her at Kobe’s Memorial Service


    2) Beyonce Accused Of Being 'Diva' At Kobe Memorial - Refusing To Wear Black!!


  38. Beyonce looked ridiculous in that yellow getup, but then Vanessa's eyelashes looked ridiculous, too.

  39. I honestly couldn't believe it's already been a month. I understand the shock and tragedy of the entire situation. But please let these souls rest!! I don't even know if PJPII's death got dragged out this much.

  40. That whole production over someone paid millions to play with a ball is why I find humans so hate worthy.

  41. I looked fat as hell. She must be on the Oprah diet.

  42. Bey just needs to stop. Heard her singing and turned it off. Wishing Aretha was still here that's for sure

  43. Beyonce is a perfect puppet for the memorial to the basketball hero-rapist.

  44. There was no rape, but there was a typical gold digging ho though

  45. I wonder if in her gesture to keep attention off herself she became the focus.



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