Thursday, February 06, 2020

Blind Item #3

The bot farm is at work again for this A list mostly movie actor. He has suffered the loss of a big franchise and wants his actress ex to suffer the same fate. So, the bots are on a mission to make that happen and are succeeding.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard?

  2. If it's Channing jokes on him. He was gorgeous while young but will age like unpasteurized white milk.
    Next in line plz

  3. The bots did a really good just b of imitating her on that tape then.

  4. Job not "just b",goddammit Autocorrect, you uncordinated graceless bitch!

  5. Amber Heard doesn't need any help from bot farms to look like a vicious money grubbing psycho hose beast.

  6. I am not a bot. When someone tells you who they are believe them.

    Amber Heard has admitted domestic abuse on those tapes you are so ardently ignoring (and has a documented history with previous partners). Her own accusations against Depp were dissmissed by the courts.

    You don't have to like or approve of Depp to admit that of this accusation, at least, he has been found innocent.

    1. Logic and rationality don't go far with this herd.

  7. Never got the Channing appeal. He looks like he isn't going to age or fatten well. Dopey ears. As mean as this sounds he actually 'looks' dumb. Same thing as Ryan Reynolds to me - hot ugly or ugly hot. Channing does that pout and I don't find his features interesting. His ex is actually far prettier than he ever was.

    1. I have never seen the appeal in this Tatum made up first name.

  8. The petition to remove Amber from Aquaman, after Johnny lost Pirates

  9. Amber Heard has ALWAYS admitted to hit Johnny back..she even said she punched him when she was to throw her sister down the stairs

    you should read ALL the contest, and not stop at the" she admitted to hit him "

    idk why people react like this wasn't a known fact

    also, if Depp is so" innocent" why has he refused to present to the court ( at least til now) his record of arrests, drugs abuse and acts of violence, including his medical record about the " finger accident"?

    1. This came up months ago as a false statement from her lawyer. Arrests are public record that she can gather and he signed a Hippa waiver. It's all in the court docs if you care to look it up.

  10. ( i want to be clear, i am not 100% sure of the truth, but sure i don't base my opinion on ONE record of few minutes extrapolated by a recording that last hours )

  11. This is a fake rumor sent by Heard's team.

    Check European medias to confirm this was all real, and take the time to check random twitter profiles to see there are no bots involved, simply shocked people.

  12. I listened to the leaked audio in its entirety. Amber Heard basically blames Depp for her violent actions towards him. She blames him for exacerbating her tendency for physical fights because Depp extracts himself from such situations. It contradicts her claim as the abused one in the relationship. I mean, wouldn't you be glad the "alleged" abuser walks away before the fight further escalates??? Her reaction to that is she gets madder and starts throwing things at him and chases and forces him to be in the same room as her.

  13. If he lost so should she....equal rights and all ....

  14. " forces him to be in the same room as her. " you mean, after she took Ambien to go to sleep, locking the door, while D kept on knocking on the door? And how do you explain him mentionning three times her toes ( she was angry bc he hurt her toes), like she was mocking her )?

    1. Here is a video explaining the toes thing based on filed court documents and yet another recording of amber admitting to punching him

  15. So the blind is Depp unleashing shills and bots on Heard then?

  16. She may be no saint, but we know Depp is a f*cking scumbag that got his business partner killed, on top of a heap of other sh!t over the years.

  17. One response (and I won't clutter up your timeline any more, sorry).

    I have spent a week reading around all available sources on both sides of this case. I have only stepped off of the sidelines following the release of the last two tapes.

    I have never experienced abuse in a relationship but I am very sensitive to mental manipulation (and those tapes raised so many red flags I couldn't listen to more than a few minutes at a time - I am actually shaking while typing this).

    Whatever the truth (and I agree we cannot know for sure) Amber Heard's evidence was not credible in court.

    The delays in the defamation case are on her side, not Depp's.

    For the record, I am female, liberal and yes, a feminist, but I believe that is a fight for equality not freedom from consequence.

  18. So, why the JUDGE has ordered DEPP to provide all documents requested by Heard's lawier and til now STILL not presented) as i said, including the medical record of the finger accident?), bc DEpp kept on delaying?

  19. they are both abusive, and they both suck at being decent human beings.

    1. +100. I’ve always felt they were a couple of toxic idiots who had no business marrying each other. This mess is the end result of that stupid decision. As you say, they both suck.

  20. Did those two meet on ?

  21. ""

    " failing to produce: (1) his medical records and other documents ordered by the Virginia court; (2) documents his own U.K. counsel produced in his related case for defamation against The London Sun; (3) relevant documents produced in his litigation with his former manager; (4) a single relevant text or other communication with anyone on his staff; or (5) any substantiation for the $50 million in damages he seeks from Ms. Heard, Mr. Depp has made it clear that his strategy is to try to run out the clock during the holiday season so that Ms. Heard is unable to obtain critical evidence and testimony to corroborate her defenses to the baseless defamation suit he filed against her. While Mr. Depp would like the trial to be a “he said/she said” contest of his own skills as an actor, Ms. Heard, who would prefer that the case be about the truth of what really happened, has asked the Court for a relatively brief two-month continuance to give her time to obtain the evidence that Mr. Depp has stubbornly resisted producing.”

    1. Listen Amber, you can wait his time.

  22. Maybe I'm ignorant, but how the hell can bots have that effect? Don't they just post in comments sections? How does that make somebody lose a job?

  23. @Huckle, Bots can also write emails, texts, tweets, etc. Almost any kind of communication and they're getting more advanced every month. It's not AI but the algorithms are getting next level.

  24. @MJ, Amber Heard hurt her toes because Depp locked himself in the bathroom when she started throwing things at him. She kept kicking the door forcing him to come out. Then she mocked him because Depp called the building manager to stop the assault.

  25. Az, actually things are different, did you read what i wrote, and what is said in the audio? AMBER said: YOU KNOCK at my door, you knock at my door" , she could HE be locked in the bathroom if HE knocks at the door?

  26. Look, they're both assholes. He's just saying she's no saint, either. That's a fair assessment.

  27. i don't agree, you don't have to be a p saint or a perfect angel to be a victim, the fact that amber fought and even hit him back back or even the fact that she might be a gold digger, doesn't mean that she cannot be a victim of an ABUSER POS

    but anyway, my main point was, let's see how the process go, we cannot judge by a maliciously edited tape

  28. I am a real person and I'm taking the time to comment on that I believe Amber Heard:

  29. @Serleena, thansk for the link, i had read that, but actually what makes me tend for Amber vs DEppp is the fact that is obvious that Depp is mostly doing two processes, the legal one, in which he is more than reticent in providing evidences and one public, in which he smears Amber, with half truth, maliciously edited video( like this last one) or lies, like the one that the texts that in which he said that he can become a MONSTER , sometime, were manipulated, while an expert has said that they were genuine

  30. Depp. I am still heartsick over their dogs in Australia.

  31. I am so sick of the two of them. Depp and Heard have become trash.

  32. Meh. The no visible marks on skeeze-girl when letting skeeze-boy into the building video (Amber Heard/James Franco) settled it for me. She's lying.

    And for the record, Johnny Depp gives me the creeps and always has. The only movies he's done that I've ever liked him in were Benny & Joon and What's Eating Gilbert Grape? But every other time I see him I get the urge for a Silkwood Shower.

  33. I'm solidly in Depp's corner on this one. I think Heard must have a lot of dirt on a lot of people.

  34. Who sent you this blind, Amber? Dude byee 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

  35. She is the one with farm bots. All over her Instagram account and Twitter. Is disgusting. Let's thank democrats for this bot shit.. (and no I'm not a republican)

  36. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Depp and Heard. Drunken cokehead couples beat up on each other. They are probably equally guilty. She should have quit while she was ahead and shut up but she had to go all #metoo. What a stupid hoe she is.

  37. " This came up months ago as a false statement from her lawyer"

    a lie like this?

    let's see how the process ends and then see who was lying.

  38. ( or this )

  39. If this blind is about depp/heard, no, I disagree bot farms are not needed. Heard is fucking, roll her shit in balls crazy,beat you to death with a dildo crazy. Get it? Looney-Fuckin'-toons, that one. However, I agree, he wants to hurt her financially. Can you blame him? She ruined his career and reputation. Crazy people will ruin your life.



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