Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A+ list tweener doesn't even sleep with his wife because of his drug use and his street corner cures.


  1. That young man needs to get out of the public eye, get a gig flipping burgers at some diner for a while. Get his shit figured out.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      ��You can check out any time you like,
      But you can never leave!'��

  2. It’s sad what a mess he is...dismal and sad.

  3. They don't done in the hyperbolic chamber ??!

    What's the point of even having one?

  4. Good for her....looks he hasn't showered for days!

  5. This is so sad. Bieber was most likely abused by so many in the industry and it has destroyed him. They will keep him going until he cannot take anymore. Prayers for this young man.

  6. Just amazing how Hailey continues to do nothing about the situation. Looks as though it’s beyond time for a 5150 and she just keeps shopping.

  7. Anonymous8:13 AM

    LOL, Look at Hailey's family. What a fricking nightmare, you cannot expect trash to act like of value.

  8. Anonymous8:14 AM

    *something of value.

  9. I think it's romantic.

  10. Can anyone see him being able to do a tour ? The guy's right on the edge .

  11. Dude likes his drugs. Dude is also an adult and get out anytime he wants.

  12. Don't think he has any idea how to function on his own, and the people around him aren't letting their meal ticket go anywhere.

  13. Today he’s walking around outside in socks (no shoes.) He looks awful!

  14. what happens when parents are not a strong influence in their child's life. no one has his back.

  15. Still, his wife will get all of his money.

  16. I see Biebs is back to being a dud on the site again. Next month it will be studly Biebs again.

  17. For sure Clark, that’s what the child believes... “I’m on my own, fuck it.”

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    A lot of young men today are like Bieber. They start early and burn out early sexually. Drugs are a big part of it.
    I've really been surprised that she hasn't popped out a kid or two to seal the deal. Maybe he just can't function at all. Sad.

  19. Time for celebrity rehab

  20. Back in 2010, I was working a celebrity gifting suite. I had no idea who this punk kid was trying to get into the adults-only event. Turns out, it was Bieber & his bratty entourage. I told him I wasn't anyone's baby sitter & he needed to go, but he pitched a fit & was let in. The writing was on the wall over a decade ago that this kid was overindulged & going to be trouble. I was irritated at the time, but now I just feel bad for him. He was tossed to the wolves of the entertainment industry, as a child, by his trashy, greedy parents. I don't know there's much hope for him now.

  21. Personally I wouldn't mind a Bieber free month.

  22. At their age they should be going at it like rabbits, must be drugs.

  23. The male Britney.

  24. That upcoming tour of his is gonna be epic!
