Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blind Item #3

As I told you months ago and the late night actor admitted, he spent all of his time trying to make the 18 year old celebrity offspring pregnant. 


  1. Pete Davidson and Kaia?

  2. Butthole Eyes Davidson

  3. his sperm are too mellowed out on weed, to bother swimming too the finish line

  4. Poor Pete. Once he sobers up and gets his act together he'll probably be a great father, it may help to center him and make sobriety easier. I got this from a VERY good source

  5. Make’s sense now that Pete’s saying he wants to have a baby. Luckily Kaia was probably too anorexic.

  6. I see Kaia all the time in Malibu and have never seen her with a guy, in fact the only guy she is affectionate with is her brother, and Presley seems like self-hating closeted gay guy.

  7. not certain but I don't think babies are part of the rehab curriculum

  8. @Rosie, no thanks. The world is already over-populated. Junkies and criminals need not procreate and reduce some carbon footprint.

  9. Was she also trying to get pregnant? Get a quasi celeb baby daddy to boost her profile?

    Or is Enty just saying that Pete barebacked the sh!t out of her? That he raw dawged her a$$ like it was going out of style?

  10. Whatever kindness he may have as a friend or person in general, this was a manipulative and ill-considered choice, given her age/career and his (possibly her) sobriety issues.

    It will be wonderful when he hopefully overcomes his issues and finds a woman with whom to have a family. To knock up the hot, teenage girlfriend thinking it will lead to joy is naive, at best.

    He seems sad and aching for love. Most can understand that, but he should get a pet while he sorts things out. And, I'm not saying that to be snarky.

  11. 💊💊🍺😴 is up for more neglected doomed junky offspring.

    No surprise.

  12. They must be really desperate to find homes for children if they're letting junkies take them in, that's a recipe for disaster.

  13. Pete should start with a plant, like a fern or something. And if after a year it's still alive, then maybe he should get a dog, or maybe a cat. A dog will keep him grounded- you have to go home to feed it ect. Same with a cat, except that it will eat you after you have OD'ed, and the food has run out!

  14. Kaia reminds of of one of those novelty skeletons. She’s got the sex appeal of one, for sure. Better than Pete, who is nauseating to even look at. Imagine his bony ass humping away on anything 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Hope he’s sterile. Please, Jesus.

  15. LOL Hush. Brilliant idea. @Rosie, please will you let Pete know it through your very good source.

  16. agreed astra. I am sympathetic to addicts, but not the evil manipulative fucks.

  17. George is my friend. I want to love him and pet him and squeeze him and call him my very own.

  18. @Hush, For Pete that would be, dead plant, dead dog, dead cat, dead girlfriend. That is his future, junkies like him don't die first.

  19. Imagine their offspring: a super-skinny baby with butthole eyes. Not exactly the winner of the genetic lottery.

  20. Nope that 100%. He's a sociopath who is out to score for #1. Those types don't make good parents, as you have to sacrifice and give up what YOU want. Heard the podcast re: Pete and Ariana and what he said on tape.

    Recovering addicts probably shouldn't try and be responsible for a kid. On the other hand, crazy ass environmentalists don't get to tell someone if/when/how many kids someone can have to "reduce carbon footprint". We aren't in effing China. Or are we.....?
