Blind Item #3
This celebrity offspring should be very careful. She has opened up a can of worms about the parental unit and the same things she is saying now are what the dead actress was saying right before she was killed.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Spielbergs adopted daughter doing porn?
ReplyDeleteSteven Spielberg daughter
ReplyDeleteMichaela Spielberg
ReplyDeleteThe stories i'm sure his daughter has...
ReplyDeleteWho is the dead actress?
ReplyDeleteIs the dead actress Heater O Rourke?
ReplyDeleteHeather O Rourke*
ReplyDeleteSo many to choose from. Misty upham and Brittany Murphy made similar claims.
ReplyDeleteI never heard of MU so I just looked her up. LA must really be some godforsaken hellhole if you can gang rape a women at the golden globes and the district attorney sneezes at it
DeleteOh shit!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that almost every suspicious death in Hollywood has some tentacles that lead back to Spielberg...
ReplyDeleteShe prob doesn't have to be careful At all since nothing ever comes of it. But Enty, if you're a lawyer and hear something, shouldn't you report it? Instead of ominous blinds
ReplyDeleteRIP Heather Misty Brittany
I agree she should be careful and maybe she does know something - a lot of something but she has been in and out of mental institutions with a variety of diagnoses - including borderline personality disorder which lends itself toward this sort of behavior.
ReplyDeleteLooking at this girl...I don't think she can see any danger and is mainly doing this porn thing to get money from dad.
I imagine that she has been cut off - with the 47 year old boyfriend and all being the "last straw"
She ran off from home at 18 to Atlanta (of all places) and has been doing drugs and heavy drinking (according to her) ever since - but is now supposedly sober.
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ReplyDeleteWait a second. Heather O'Rourke was 'killed' because she was talking? Wasn't there a blind about her dying after injuries from some horrific event with a number of 'producers'? Seemed that it wasn't to kill her, but just their normal thing that got out of hand.
ReplyDeleteOr am I not remembering that work of fiction right?
No you are right
DeleteHeather O Rourke dies during an chirurgical opération from a Crohn disease
ReplyDeleteIs Spielberg's daughter hot? Asking for a friend ...
ReplyDeleteJust googled her and nope, not hot.
That's unfortunate. For her earning potential, I mean.
ReplyDeleteThe actress may be Misty Upham, who was attempting to make public rape allegations. Maybe Spielberg isn't directly involved,but part of the cover-up. And not believed because of her mental illness.
ReplyDeleteHow exactly was she groomed and sexually abused, but the person/people were not anywhere near the parents' "inner circle"? Sickening.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it always the ones you don't want to see naked that insist on getting naked?
ReplyDeleteit must be O'Rourke bc of the SS connection? the surgery may have been cover. Upham was thrown, eh fell, off a cliff. and it was a rape at the GG that she was "hiding". My greatest hope is that once these pedos are brought down by our president, even those who claim to hate him now will come together with the rest of us, and unite against the vile scum of this country and world. maybe then we can get back to being Americans and not just members of a political party. ideologically possessed extremists, on both sides, need to know that there is no place for them in a civilized society.
ReplyDeleteFrom yesterday, Jimbonious totally found this one.
ReplyDeleteEndless red flags, she was adopted as a baby but groomed and abused growing up, wtf was going on under that roof?
"In an exclusive interview Mikaela Spielberg, 23, who was adopted as a baby by the legendary film director and his wife Kate Capshaw, ...
...She says she was groomed and abused by "predators" growing up - although she is keen to point out these men were outsiders and not anyone from her family or their circle of friends."
The only outsider grooming I've heard of is texts from Drake, usually grooming requires someone close by.
ReplyDeleteLet us also consider that Spielberg is supportive of her doing porn and becoming a stripper. Must be hard times at the Spielberg compound if he can't afford to send her money not to sell her a$$ on camera and stage.
ReplyDeleteShe was sent away several times to "treatment facilities" due to her being a troubled child with borderline personality disorder, likely dangerous.
ReplyDeleteNot saying bad stuff didn't happen to her - but she came with a load of problems even as a baby.
ReplyDeletethat's exactly why she is publicly declaring this.
Likely - daddy has cut off the money to support her freaky 47 year old "fiance"
So she comes out in a big article saying she's gonna wave her giant breasts and masturbate on film...fetish-wise.
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ReplyDeleteReminds me of another adoptive father, Allan Stewart Konigsberg. Do things matter less if they're not blood?
ReplyDeleteDrew Barrymore must have some stories to tell.
ReplyDelete@Melit, It's a little early in the day for victim blaming.
ReplyDeleteHow could ANYONE get close enough to groom this child who was adopted as a baby? THIS MAKES NO SENSE. She was adopted by one of the richest men in Hollywood and he couldn't PREVENT this? NO WAY. She is blackmailing him for something. WEIRD she is in Nashville, of all places.
ReplyDeleteHer living in Nville really isn’t weird at all considering how many ultra famous Hollywood types have made it their home.
DeleteOh...ok - well I'll wait 45 minutes.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a new revelation this morning - it happened yesterday and it isn't victim blaming to say some effed up adoptive daughter, obviously adopted because she was "disadvantaged" into a super-wealthy, uber elite horrid family...
and who is now threatening to do fetish porn, with the permission of her 47 year old "fiance" - is likely doing so as a manipulation.
It is a very sad (possibly) story - but is self-professed borderline with a long, long history of mental illness and parental incarceration...
Sorry to hurt your feelers, or make you lose your breakfast - but this screams...DADDY GIVE ME SOME MONEY!
Wow, type "st" into google from a clean browser, "steven spielberg daughter" is the first result, this sh!t is mainstream big now.
ReplyDeletehe fucking groomed her. shared her. you give less of a fuck about the adopted ones for sure. she will turn up dead before she can give uo her predators. these people are sick.
ReplyDelete@Melit, Like her being abused as a child had nothing to do with her future mental state?
ReplyDelete@Derp +10000
ReplyDeleteuh. ok.
@Melit, Too many bad things in his orbit, all the mental gymnastics to explain all the bad coincidences.
ReplyDeleteI am not saying something bad didn't happen to her (necessarily)
I am however saying that a self-admitted borderline personality patient claiming her "rights" to "empower" herself by doing fetish porn - riding a giant dildo with her "moneymaker" breasts bared for all the world to see Steven Spielberg's purse child daughter...might be angling for money from dad to shut up, put her clothes on - and ditch the old creepy boyfriend.
Just sayin.
Where's Count Jerkula, I would have expected to see him all over this post (so to speak)
ReplyDelete@ PhillyWilly: Don't hold your breath, no thanks even if he inadvertently came up with the answer to cancer. But onto this, I think this is about SS and his new porn actress daughter. Thread lightly girl.
ReplyDelete@Melit, And who do you think paid the doctor's bill of the psychiatrist that diagnosed her as borderline?
ReplyDeleteBy your own words you insinuate that people with mental disorders cannot be trusted as victims. That's as disgusting to me as people who say married women can't be raped.
You're focused on the messed up stuff she's doing now, I'm wondering how she got messed up in the first place.
Do you think borderline personality disorder happens in a vacuum? There is a direct link to child sexual abuse in all diagnosed. This is deep and not to be cheapened by salacious details that ultimately don’t matter. Unless someone not bought can save her, she’s a goner.
ReplyDeleteSteven Spielberg: The King of Child Exploitation Cinema?
(If I remember correctly, this link was posted on CDAN a few years back during another Spielberg discussion).
Google "Pederastic Park" to find the original 1993 essay.
You mistake me for someone who knows not of what I speak.
ReplyDeleteyou would be wrong on all counts
This is sad, dangerous...and a ploy for attention.
@PhillyWilly Its super weird and creepy how your brain accepts these stories on this site, but somehow Donald Trump is some kind of hero rescuing us from the Pedo Elites?
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump is ONE of the Pedo Elites. There is more proof of his friendship with Epstein than there is anyone else. Denial is more than just a RIver in Egypt...
Sounds like Spielberg's shills are using the Weinstein/Allen playbook, "it wasn't me, it was the crazy lady."
ReplyDeletehahahahahahaha "Spielberg shill" that's funny Brayson
ReplyDeleteI am here every day and not on the side of the pedos but whatever makes you feel better.
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ReplyDeleteAccording to Enty’s blind reveal, Heather O’Rourke does from an infection after two producers (connected to SS) sodomized her w/an object that then punctured her colon. In a panic, she was admitted to the hospital where a total lie was told regarding an ‘injury’ - she died by infection caused by the anal rape by an object. Payoffs & coverups, false CoD. That hospital should be ASHAMED - regardless of the lies told about what happened, they should of 100% noticed the signs of anal rape, etc on her body & report to the police & CPS. Did that happen? Nope! Pure evil. They raped a child so badly they killed her & got away w/it.
ReplyDeleteI recall Enty revealing also SS was interviewed by the FBI about his visits to Epstein’s island. Little girls, “call me grandfather” & somehow getting more off by molestation & feeling little girls up. Enty said he was so shaken by the feds he ceased all suspicious activities. He would be the only one that would kill himself rather than be alive & see his ‘legacy’ go up in flames. If SS’s reality was made public, film history would change *forever*
When I read that story yesterday I could only think how effing dark the circumstances are. It's like Mikaela is being held hostage and has Stockholm syndrome (along with a dozen other issues) her life has had to have been threatened. Otherwise why not spill about her despicable father Steven Spielberg? Is she on a precipice ready to tell?
ReplyDeleteRead til the end
@Brayson87 "Reminds me of another adoptive father, Allan Stewart Konigsberg. Do things matter less if they're not blood?"
ReplyDeleteAccording to my own adopted dad, yes.
She has a 47 year old boyfriend....yikes....
ReplyDeleteFrom 1988 AP article:
The death of 12-year-old ″Poltergeist″ actress Heather O’Rourke was ″distinctly unusual″ because she lacked prior symptoms of the bowel defect that reportedly killed her, gastrointestinal doctors say.
“...that it is very rare for the disorder to kill an older child who lacked prior symptoms.”
Hymna said congenital narrowing of the small intestine occurs in roughly one of every 50,000 live births, while such narrowing of the large intestine is about 10 times more rare.
″I cannot understand what precipitated the death because it’s usually clear when they’re born they have an important disease,″ said Dr. Carlo Di Lorenzo, a University of Southern California pediatrician.
″It just doesn’t seem to quite make sense,″ said Dr. Hartley Cohen, a USC gastroenterologist.
″It’s weird,″ Meyer said. ″She was completely healthy Saturday, they thought she had the flu on Sunday and she was dead on Monday.″
looks like her manager knew something was amiss. wonder where the dude is now.
“ Mike Meyer, the actress’ manager and lawyer, said Heather didn’t suffer chronic digestive problems, and the bowel narrowing wasn’t discovered until she underwent surgery and died on the operating table after suffering cardiac arrest en route to the hospital.”
those two producers should PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES. spielberg should be revealed for the alleged grandpa molestation fetish & connection to Heather O’Rourke being SODOMIZED TO DEATH & the subsequent coverup. They raped a child To Death, a child!!! And the irony re: Spielberg Gergen etc - once Michael Jackson found out what SS & Co. were using Neverland for ( the blind is a reveal I believe) their alleged molestations, he paid crazy amount of $$$$$$$$ to have a bunch of big voodoo spells done directed at SS & Gergen. THAT was the reason. MJ was guilty just the same as them but he was disgusted they duped him into using his playground as a ped0 playground. The irony, man.
I am furious the public might never find out the facts & murders behind Heather O’Rourke’s death. and whoever was paid off...I hope some form of cruel & unusual punishment finds that them....
(Justified) book-length rant *over* exhaaale
Damn it fukc autocorrect I meant Spielberg and GEFFEN
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling she woke up today with a million dollars wired to her bank account. We won't be hearing of her again for a long time.
ReplyDelete@Huckleberry, nope she is far from hot. (Who faps to THAT??)
ReplyDeletefamily film maker Steven Spielberg knowingly asked a child rapist to direct Schindler's List a movie about a man who saved women and children
ReplyDeletehere are three statements on the death of Heather O'Rourke
ReplyDelete″I cannot understand what precipitated the death because it’s usually clear when they’re born if they have an important disease,″
- Dr. Carlo Di Lorenzo
″It just doesn’t seem to quite make sense,″
-Dr. Hartley Cohen
″It’s weird, she was completely healthy Saturday, they thought she had the flu on Sunday and she was dead on Monday.″
- Michael Meyer,
the actress’ manager and lawyer
It just occurred to me that Spielberg made Amistad around the time the girl was adopted as a baby.
ReplyDeleteShe's saying it wasn't anyone in the family and it wasn't the inner circle of family friends. Yet whoever it was, was close enough and had enough access to her to groom and molest her. Her adoptive parents couldn't or wouldn't protect who groomed and molested her? Business associates? Colleagues? Why is her father supporting her career in porn? This rabbit hole goes way deep.
ReplyDeleteThat is sad in all kinda ways.
ReplyDeleteTY, everyone, for sharing all the info.
The world is watching.
PhillyWilly, that guy has made NO attempt to get rid of pedophiles, rapists, etc. There he was, attending parties with Epstein, flying all over the place with him, and said in a video (which I watched) that Epstein liked his gf's younger--a LOT younger. He knew what was going on and he didn't turn Epstein in. So just how good of a guy is he that he let that happen? I don't care whose side in the campaign and election someone will be on, there's no excuse for anyone to allow that to happen to people. As for the idiot in the WH, I think he is a rapist, not only of various women, but of the country.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Natasha Wagner, Natalie Wood/ Robert Wagner