Sunday, February 16, 2020

Blind Item #3

She spilled all of his secrets before for tabloid cash. Does anyone really think she is done spilling them if the price is right? Whether it is his bedroom fetishes or deals he is about to make or people he is going to talk to. She wants her own money. Prenup money is not what she has in mind. State money is what she has in mind.


  1. Chatty and chubby.

  2. And she will at some point accuse him of either child abuse or racism (racism more likely given his NAZI partying past and actual family history, but child abuse should anything ever happen to Archie).

  3. Allegedly, they were at a JPMorgan function a long side Kraft and Meek Mill. Man, she's gotten him/them into such a mess. He'll never come out unscathed.

  4. Liking MM has become the face tattoo of weeding out idiots from your life.

    You know how you stay away from ppl with face tattoo,s because they are clearly mental? Well, the only 2 ppl I know who still like MM, still defend her, still find her wonderful, happen to be the most cretinous imbeciles to walk the earth. It's a great test: ask a new person you meet if they like MM, if they do, you are dealing with an amoeba brained simpleton.

    1. @unknown. Really?? You base your attitude towards people about this bitch?? Must be UK unknown...for fucks sake

    2. Amazing comment and so true.

  5. The problem is, if they are not likable or charming, none of their hustle will go very far.

  6. If this is indeed MM, time to setup a Go Fund Me for MI5 or other interested parties to investigate and expose this evil weasel. How much longer are people going to allow this cow to continue? She is a burden on this world.

  7. The Fergalicious Dutchess of Pork would work too, but I agree with the consensus

  8. She was born and raised in LA, hustling is in her blood.


    Watch her face closely at the beginning..mask slips. Freaked me out..

    1. There's something evil behind those eyes. Check out these:

  10. Once the US bankers realise that Harry is bringing them zero worthwhile money-making connections in the Royal Family and UK establishment, the speaking engagements will dry up, just like the Clinton Foundation dried up when she dropped out of the presidential race.

  11. +1 @Alan

    I agree with you, perhaps Fergie? We've never heard about Harry's bedroom fetishes, people he's meeting, etc. Only after have we known. Andrew on the other hand....

    The only thing that throws it off is pre-nup money, etc. Andrew/Fergie divorced a long time ago.

  12. Merchin’ Markle is a greedy, soulless gold digger & her husband is a cuck. Watching them fuck up at every turn is mildly amusing though.

  13. Do you guys think that Musk will marry Grimes? If so, she could fit.

  14. I read this as Lauren Sanchez and Jeff Bezos. Didn't she and her brother leak schizz to tabloids before?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Harry deserves ALL the world of hurt Markle is going to dump on him. He brought her on board and gleefully forced her on people with the racism accusations. Stupid doesn't excuse his mean shit. I am going to take particular pleasure watching him suffer knowing he invited this on himself.

  16. I think this is Jeff Bezos / Lauren Sanche

  17. Prenup does indicate that this isn't MarkedDown and Harry.

  18. To me the mention of the prenup indicates it's Bezos and Sanchez as they are not yet married. And frankly, even as a Harry/Meghan supporter, I can't see who Harry meets with as newsworthy.

  19. +1 Jon I think you have the right billionaire, lol. Yes, her brother leaked info, but you know that skank was a part of it. You'd think Jeff would wake the hell up, but his little head is doing the thinking.

    Jeff deserves what's coming for him. His ex-wife seems like a lovely, classy lady and got burned for a plastic sex-doll.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My vote is for Melania. I bet she has a looooooot to tell from before he even entertained the idea of running for POTUS with any degree of legitimacy. We've heard stories....but she can probably confirm a lot, and add to them....

  22. Because she wants ‘state’ money, i’m not going with Sanchez although shes another grifter and it sounds like her.

    I’m going with markle, she supposedly wanted money from the brf to leave PH behind, and they didn’t cough it up but instead said sayonara and have a nice life.

  23. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Let’s see... in the past MM has: 1. Married H for money, 2. really wanted to be a princess, 3. Wanted clout?! Hmmm... now she is turning on her “meal ticket.” Enty is running out of material. I wonder why we never see anything on Kate and William. Lol

  24. My friend of escorts tells me the hirsute one is a sex addict.

  25. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I read this as Simp Bezos and Dirty Sanchez also.

  26. Could be Markle or Sanchez. The ‘state’ money makes me think it’s MM. Apparently they DO have a pre-nup; Dimwit wasn’t going to get one but HM made him at the last minute. But of course she wants more. Supposedly all of the numbers being floated in the press about her ‘potential earnings’ are a message to the BRF as to what she wants as a settlement. And yes, she is totally willing to walk away from Harry.

  27. Whether it’s Markle or Sanchez, I will just continue to laugh at Harry and Bezos for their stupidity in being conned by these women.

  28. @Bumble Bee: M15, etc. are well aware of Markle, her past, and her current going’s-on. The question is, why is it taking so long for anyone to take action? The use of a surrogate alone is treason, and she can be tried and jailed for this (leaving out everything else that she’s done.) My guess is that the BRF is worried about Harry & his mental health. He’s definitely not in a good place.

  29. Trump and one of his ex-wives?

  30. Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez. Who in the hell shows their brother the bf's dick pixs? Sanchez wanted to force the divorce. How many bj's did she have to give in order to get Bezos back?

  31. @Sd Auntie, abso-fucking-lutely and yes, greetings from London

    As I said, the only 2 ppl I know who still like her are borderline mentally slow, both narcs, both manipulative AF, both useless losers.

    You basically have to have negative IQ pints not to see through her at this point.

    But you keep surrounding yourself with MM stans if that's your preferred company *shrugs*

  32. Meghan really is the quintessential bunny boiler. All because she couldn't handle just being a booty call and yachting session for harry. MM yachting history will come out, along with her visa and money issues, drug use, and how Archie is a ivf baby who isn't Harry's. Her pap walk in canada with archie not fastened in baby carrier was actually in uk. Remember Jamaica wedding - never seen a man so bored out of his mind with his 'gf'!

  33. For everyone guessing Trump.....
    he doesn't have "state" money.
    The only ones who have "state" money - are the royals.
    I know TDS is a bitch...but geez.

  34. Sparkles obviously. How does Harry not see this? Is he so blinded by love? Or something more sinister at hand....

  35. @Clark Green, I'm pretty sure the BRF is running the table and Harry is clandestinely back in the fold. Never bet against the British Royals; they've been around for a thousand years and know the ropes.

  36. @MeliticusBee There was only one person guessing Trump: me.

    The blind is speaking of the greed of wife/ex-wife. Not what is actually attainable. Actual State money is illegal and improbable for both the US, and the UK.

    Nor was it besmirching the name of the husband.

    If my guess is offensive to Trump's ex-wives, I will change it to Malaysia and their former King's ex-wife. No offence is meant to Malaysia either.

  37. Marla Maples - still think it was her that released the one tax return. PreNup money makes sense too

  38. Sorry, I don't remember a time when Markle "spilled all of his secrets before for tabloid cash." Unless we're not talking about Harry.

  39. In what world would Meghan leave Harry? He's still a Prince with world-wide recognition and contacts. HM left enough holes in their contract or whatever they did for Harry (and I'm sure his wife/child) to come back into the fold should they get over what they're doing. Meghan would be a royal again. She's not going to do any better than this.

    She managed to break all the rules she was supposed to follow it doesn't seem too far behind that if they were accepted back into the royals that perhaps she could retain some of what she's going to do as long as it fits their narrative.

  40. IIRC, during Diana and Charles' divorce she rec'd $20m, as this what about all Charles had. No one can go after the crown's monies, jewels, etc.
    Also, IIRC, somewhere stated Charles was cleaned out, personally, after the divorce. So, IF someone thinking they can get even more Diana could and would've gotten more than $20m back then.
