Monday, February 10, 2020

Blind Item #32 - Oscars

Every actor wants to stay looking young or at least not old, but to see this former A+ list mostly movie actor turned B lister who has turned his career back up the past few years to land an Oscar nomination that should have been a win and plenty of other good roles, using botox and fillers was a bit jarring.


Tricia13 said...

Ray Liotta

MyDogSmiles said...

Joe Pesci?

AussieBlogger said...

Antonio Banderas?

Brayson87 said...

Couldn't have been worse than CGI.

Tricia13 said...

Liotta nah. No noms I think knit may be Banderas

La Morena said...

Al Pacino .

Sd Auntie said...

Banderas and his chain smoking self

Anonymous said...

Antonio Banderas

Aquagirl said...

I SO wanted Antonio to win. He was great in Pain & Glory.

hairydawg said...

glad to hear it is good. Anything from PA is like a wonderful present!

Studio54 said...

Antonio forgot to do something about his horrible looking smoker's teeth. Rita Wilson had the same problem that was very noticeable at the Golden Globes. She must have noticed because they were white and looked much better last night.

Do Tell said...

I hope it isn't Mr. Dafoe

Aquagirl said...

@hairy: Agree about PA. This was a beautiful movie.

Anonymous said...

Banderas. Best Actor nominee.

notthisagain said...


didn’t see it but most ppl say it’s the best acting he’s ever done - Pain & Glory.

Its all politics w/the oscars - just like lobbying & campaigning & sucking up/charming/schmoozing who you need to - it’s rarely about the best of the year, but who ‘played the game’ best

NoMoreBullshit said...

Banderas was so good! If he has fillers, I didn't realize. It's definitely not at a john cusack level

KnitWit said...

I think Banderas looks fantastic. Such a charming man.

Pacino looked like clipped a clip-on bow tie to his jammies after not bathing or shaving for weeks. What is wrong with him?

Vita said...

Banderas. I thought he looked great, I wasnt looking for things, but I didn't notice anything jarring. He seemed very sweet on the red carpet, talking about his 40 year friendship with PA, and how his girlfriend's aspirin saved him from his heartattack until help arrived.

alicecorrine said...

Joe P

Unknown said...

Mickey Rourke

Zinjo said...

Bradley Cooper

hula hoop said...

I agree with Zinjo, Bradley Cooper looked so stuffed that night.


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