Saturday, February 01, 2020

Blind Item #3

This one named A-/B+ list actress keeps trying to make things look like dating with guys, but she would be much happier if she could reveal her girlfriend to the world.


  1. Come out already. No one cares. Two days after, it’s not even news and you have your life.

  2. Easier for a woman to come out than a guess!

  3. She makes good side money being a beard, so why give that job up?

  4. Calling her an "actress" is a big stretch.

    1. Yet, Hollywood keeps giving her wooden ass role after role.

  5. @veritas

    are you new? Comments like these are so dumb. Maybe in your nobody world it wouldn’t matter. This is about money, and international $$$ > non-western/domestic revenue. Internationally obv its not like the tolerance you see - China would ban a movie w/even a lead actor or actress who is out. THAT is the industry. Hetero = riskproof money. And it’s always & ONLY about money.

    Stop pretending it’s the same as you or me.

  6. Replies
    1. My first guess too, but not sure she'd be considered A-.

  7. Zendaya can't come out as notthisagain states. The camera loves her and stylist works wonders. That butterfly dress was spectacular. Awkafina is a good guess too. Great stage presence and funny as hell.

  8. I never see pictures of her that insinuate any relationships. She appears to me to be a young adult about to step into life. I follow her stylist and she pops up in my feed all the time. I don't see it. Appears asexual

  9. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I am really surprised Zendaya is Closeted.

    Because I never ever in the past got that feeling that She was 1.

    But then again I am so horrible when it comes to Gaydar.

    That's it's no wonder why I am surprised by this.
