Thursday, February 06, 2020

Blind Item #2

It is the beginning of the end for this teenage Grammy winner. She has served her purpose and the powers that be are making a big deal out of nothing, just to give them an excuse to move on to someone else they can control.


  1. So, she sold her soul for nothing...

    1. Yup. Always. They ALL sold their souls for nothing.

  2. No brainer; it’s Billie.

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Well that was fast. I kinda like her sound. Hope she stays around awhile longer.

  4. About Billie's comments about Hip Hop and rap.

  5. How could she possibly say that rappers lie in their lyrics? Everyone knows what fine upstanding people they are. And of course it would be racist !

  6. @norster - mentioning rappers and hip hop only is what got her so much criticism. You can say the same thing about a lot of rock and metal lyrics. Those musicians aren't saints either. I don't know how many blinds enty posts about old rockers committing statutory rape back in the day or the ones who are outright pedos. Why people only shit on hip hop is more telling of racism.

  7. I don't know about racism, hip hop and rap just suck on their own!

  8. @halfdomerhomer - ok boomer

    1. Nothing personal but I'd advise against using that phrase if you ever want to be taken seriously by anyone other than a millennial.

    2. Oh come on, even early rappers know the stuff that's going on right now is deliberately garbage, JT.
      Are you some kind of halfwit that you actually didn't notice it's crap?

  9. Haha not a boomer, but OK nice try!

  10. This has been a debate since the 90s, not sure why Billie is taking the brunt.

    Black artists themselves complain about how if they don't adopt the thug lifestyle, white boomer executives wont sign them.

  11. @Gauloise she is taking heat right now because she showed her ignorance. She could have been critical of the music executives who are pushing stereotypical views unto their artists but nooooo, she went after her peers instead. Her mumble musical style is a ripoff of hip hop anyway. She is pretends to be edgy teenage angst rebel artist -- but she grew up extremely privileged without any real struggles. Her fifteen min will end more quickly now because she showed her true colors.

    1. Wow, the sucky music execs that produce the steaming piles of turd that you apparently like actually got themselves a live one!?
      Put down the KoolAid dude. It's okay to pay attention to quality

  12. I will admit I don't know a lot of recent rap music, what I have heard does seem to glorify violence and to have a negative view of women. On the other hand I have listened to a lot of rock music and, with a few exceptions, the lyrics tend to be pretty sentimental stuff - just sung loudly, with lots of guitars and drums! Lol

    1. Mmmnah, Iron Maiden was quite sexist. Poison, Crue, all of that hairdo band shit. Complete crap.

  13. Since I don't listen to her type of music, is she the "rapper" in the commercial about the paper thin clothes?

    Hey, easy now!
    That's what my wife calls the clothes sold at that store!


  14. @Norster -- you are shitting me right??? You haven't heard any rock music that glorified violence, referenced tons of drug use and was demeaning to women???? Now I know you are just trolling. GTFO of here with that bullshit. just revisit 80s glamrock and metal or the grunge period again. A lot 70s rock too. Stop feigning ignorance.

  15. As anyone who knows the current state of hip-hop, guns and hoe's was about 20 years ago. These days i,t's about lean. She has been outed as an ignorant suburban, home schooled white girl who doesn't have a clue about current music. Her music is good but she knows jack s*** about hip-hop.

  16. She's telling the truth, of course most of them are f*cking lying, just shit talking about how tough they are. The real thugs are in the street hustling, behind bars or in the graveyard. Most of the rappers and hip hop artists nowadays are only musicians or djs, not gangbangers. Wow that term changed over the years didn't it. 😅
    But it's a good thing they're lying, we really don't need a lot of musicians running around with AKs and beating every other woman they see.

  17. If she wants to get hardcore she should talk about how many of them are in the closet or bi. The intolerant community will toss most of those artists out in the street like garbage just because they like some d!ck.

  18. @Brayson87 Love it 😂

  19. I love when people say ok boomer. Means they've read almost everything and traveled everyplace.

  20. She served her purpose? What purpose was that?

  21. @J, People keep saying it because of the overreaction it gets from boomers. Plus the generational divide between boomers and younger generations has become so wide that people have given up trying to bridge it, like ok boomer whatever.
    For the record though it was originally a gen z saying that millennials adopted as their own. Got to love those gen z people, I hope they burn the whole place to the ground. 😅

    The Baby Yoda version with regular Yoda is hilarious:

  22. Well I seem to have rattled JT0130 tree ! And I never said anything about Rock and Roll and drugs - Whiter Shade of Pale, anybody? Lol

    @Brayson87 A rap song about gay love, now that would be ground braking, wouldn't it !

  23. @J, yes they are so old and wise to be able to say OK boomer, oi!

  24. @HalfDomerHomer - Sure...keep generalizing. Gangsta rap and trap music is a small portion of hiphop. Its white kids who are making it so popular that is drowning out all the other versions of rap. View concert videos and see who is making up the majority of the audience of those wanna be gangsta rappers and artists. I am Gen X btw. Ok boomer applies to anyone who dismisses entire music genre as trash as if they're a 65 yr old retiree that knows what qualifies as good.

    1. I don't know what gen x you grew up in but my gen x dont use ok boomer. It is used by the young to dismiss any view outside their tiny bandwith...including gen x's

  25. Never understood where Billie came from, how she got where she did or what the hell she was wearing.

    1. This right here. Almost like a Psyop. Sort of like all the violence in rap music.

      We benefit - no matter what color, race, etc... to get along & help one another, because Billie & Bey / Jay / Kanye / Kim / gangsta rappers have received their MK Uktra marching orders to continue to mine our life force & eat our babies. Race is not important. It is a created construct.

      The powers that be view us all as slaves & food while we are too preoccupied with cultural differences to notice. Shame on us.

  26. "You get nothing for nothing if that's what you do, turn around Bitch I got a use for you, besides, you ain't got nothin' better to do, and I'm bored."

    - Guns N Roses "It's So Easy"

    LOVE the song, I am a woman, and this is totally demeaning to women!

  27. @JT0130

    Not sure I understand your argument, you are stating that white kids push the popularity but you didn't refute the fact that it is trash talking nonsense on a violent and misogynist scale unlike any rock music. I am Gen X also BTW.

  28. @parissucksliterally I'm a rock bird ( my chick days are long gone ! Lol), but I'd rather be called a "bitch" - I can own that lol But no man gets to call me a Ho, and walk away in a straight line !! 🤣

  29. @HalfDomerHomer -- ???-- have you not read a single thing I said? I have totally refuted it. the gangsta rap you are referencing is not all rap or hip hop. Racist music executives are only signing acts that push that agenda because it is popular among white upper and middle class kids that will buy the overpriced tickets to those concerts. Unlike any rock music you say???? Are you kidding? @parissucksliterally gave you a sample lyric from GNR who were huge when we were teens. Not just GNR either and I think you know that if you are Gen X like me. Stop trying to whitewash rock as if it is pure and above any criticism. Who understands death metal or speed metal?? They mumble and scream. That shit sounds like a constantly running garbage disposal.

  30. @Alleykat - you must live in the south or dakotas, or someplace where their are only white people. Gen Xers in major cities use that term all the time.

    1. I'm actually black and live in London does that help?

  31. Huckleberry - they made money off of her.

    parissucksliterally - my favourite GnR song is I Used To Love Her.

  32. I think this pretty well expresses it:

    Most Gen Xers I know either gleefully stayed out of it or sided with Millennials and Gen Zers. All those years of Boomers calling them slackers must have left a mark.

  33. @Alleykat - no it doesn't. its pathetic since you live in one of the major cities of the world that is populated by so many cultures and you yourself are a person of color on top of that. My cousins in London use the term all the time when we chat on Whatsapp and they are two years older than me. Don't try to regulate language or say who can use what expression. Who are you? You are obviously out of touch, might as well call you Cynthia Erivo.

    1. So youre black shaming me and regulating my speech. That's not white priviledge right there.

  34. I had no idea that French officials coined the term "Londonistan" because they kept tracking attackers and suspects back to London.

    1. Hey Bray. We all call it londonistan. ..then theres the Islamic Republic of Tower hamlets/luton/Rochdale etc. Wonderful melting pot of diversity.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @ZZZ, You know that stuff is going to get erased, just like every time you use racial slurs.

  37. If it's over for Billie Eilish, you should tell that to many, many people, who still believe in her. She's writing and singing the theme tune to the new James Bond film, and the song should be released early next month, giving her another hit. And, judging from what happened to Adele and Sam Smith, she will have a nearly automatic nomination for best original song at next year's Oscars.

    Given the coverage on her that I've seen, she's definitely not the most overhyped artist in the last few years. Compared to Greta Von Fleet and many other recent acts, I don't see anything shocking, any manipulation by the industry to pick her out of obscurity just to serve a quick purpose. Her fan base is real, her next 25 shows are sold out, she seems to have a couple more songs in her, this is obvious that the industry can make much more money from her in the next few months or years.

    Besides, this whole series of blind items about Eilish in the last few weeks doesn't sound very documented or convincing at all. It's as if Enty was writing reluctantly on a matter he's clearly not interested in, just to accommodate some kind of request (by a generous sponsor to the blog or the podcast) who prefers Lana Del Rey. That would explain a lot of the clumsiness.

  38. @Angela, There's probably a lot of people in the industry who resent Billie because she didn't have to suck a lot of old man c*ck or otherwise demean herself to become successful. Do you think Lana Del Rey got with Weinstein pre-op or post-op? It's difficult to tell from the love song she wrote about him.

    "I got sweet taste for men who're older/ It's always been so it's no surprise/ Harvey's in the sky with diamonds/ And it's making me crazy/ All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby" and "I know your wife and she wouldn't mind,"

  39. JT0130 said...
    @Alleykat - you must live in the south or dakotas, or someplace where their are only white people. Gen Xers in major cities use that term all the time.

    Uh, no. Gen Xer also in a large city here, and nobody over 27 says that shit. And even the 27-year-olds have the decency to look embarrassed about it.

    1. Thank you OKay. I agree we're all bored to death with that shit.

  40. @Angela +1 to all you said. I've got a 14-year-old Billie stan in this house and she's not going anywhere.

  41. @Okay -- get over yourself. You can't speak for a whole generation. Some Gen Xers in Chicago use it alot sarcastically. They may not use it in the same way as Millennials meant for it to be used but it is still used. Context matters people. Stop putting yourself in box and limiting your speech. Turn a phrase, make it your own. Jesus!!

    1. Admitting your wrong is an honourable thing to do.

  42. @Alleykat - I am not white. Mixed race but black. Are you ashamed of being black? How could I black shame you? I pointed out your ignorance as many have had to do with Cynthia Erivo. The Cynthia reference should have clued you in that I was black. First gen american. Half my father's siblings came to the states and the others went to England. Telling you how you shouldn't speak for an entire generation on what words they use is the opposite of regulating speech. But go off.

  43. @AlleyKat, Do you think that contributed to Brexit?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @Unknown -- *eye roll* I mean seriously.....As I said context matters. If some dismisses me based on phrase I used sarcastically in casual conversation, who gives a fuck.... Do you think I am dropping Ok Boomer in work correspondence or something or in meetings with my financial planner????

  45. @OKay, I've heard people of all ages in many places say OK boomer, even boomers, because it's hilarious. It's the same kind of sh!t that hippies said to older generations. It's FU to the man, don't trust anybody over whatever, etc. It's almost a measure of your sense of humor as much as anything else.

  46. Sorry Bray this is a long one. Yes it was a contributer.
    London voted to remain....apart from me!. I speak as someone who came to england to work (a migrant). The UK is probably one of the least racist places on earth.

    Its complicated... The non-metropolitan majority didnt feel listened to and disenfranchied by the patronising metro elites. People don't like to be constantly told they're racist and stupid because they dont vote the "right" way.

    The EU is a federal superstate which is a gravy train for the elite and is un-democratic. Its fiscal accounts have never been signed off. Also the concept was first mooted by the Nazis during WW2. Subsume nation states then mobilise a federal army to ensure order (see catalonia) The UK is distrustful of the eu Marxist agendas
    The eu have rerun several votes till they got the right one.
    We wanted to retain our own national sovreignity and laws.

    This is a very small country, the migration of millions of people over 10-15 years concerned people also. Communities have become ghetto-ised It causes tensions over scarce resources from those already suffering and in need. We don't have endless pots of cash to support continuing migration at this rate whether in the eu or not.

  47. Thanks AlleyKat, I always like to hear local perspectives. Usually on the news all we see is extremists from different sides shouting their opinions at each other. That all makes perfect sense to me. Personally I never understood why the UK would want to get in bed with France, Belgium and Germany. Especially as a successful island country. Way more to lose than to gain.

    1. You're welcome Brayson. The eu is on very shaky ground niw. Hopefully it will collapse and free the southern Mediterranean countries from the fiscal, social and political jackboot.

  48. Speaking of teenagers, wtf is wrong with millie Bobby brown?? She looks like a 40 year old, she's ready to hang out with Kris jenner

  49. @monkwyweather - can you read you halfwit ? Criticizing Billies comments about certain rappers and their lyrics was not an endorsement for those rappers or their music. I don’t listen to trap music or gangster music but Billies comments were ignorant and made her a hypocrite. Why don’t you go back to grade school and brush up on the fundamentals of reading.

  50. Some of us Gen X'ers just sitting here quietly in the middle, facing forward ... *eyes pan left, eyes pan right, eyes pan left, eyes pan right"

  51. I can see Billie becoming a go to song writer for people that buy their music. She can write, make art, and maybe produce music for others while staying out of the spotlight. She's young and has her whole life ahead of her. I really wish her the best. I hate to see young people get chewed up and spit out especially as their parents watch.

  52. ...and the chewing up on Billie Eilish begins. In another year or so that sound you'll hear will be the Music Industry spitting her out, like gum that lost its flavor.



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