Monday, February 10, 2020

Blind Item #28 - Oscars

I don't think it came as a shock to anyone who witnessed it, that this foreign born former A- list reality star who is third or fourth in the family as far as the list goes, was rude to a waitress. What was shocking was just the level of cruelness directed toward the waitress. The celebrity offspring loves power, but uses it in all the wrong ways.


  1. Folks have got to stop being sh!tty to waitresses.

  2. Do people not realize that wait staff has total control over your food? Carry on being rude. I'm sure you will love your sneeze filled dinner.

  3. I have gotten up and left tables where people were mistreating staff. It’s such a mark of low/no character

  4. @Thia Yes, that is how stupid she is ! I'm always very nice to waiting staff, and tip well.

  5. Why is bullying in fashion?
    When you invalidate others, it only shows how little of a person to you truly are!

  6. Wasn't this blind posted a few weeks ago?

  7. I used to work in a country club, you can imagine the level of smugness and entitlement from these people. You have no idea how many Cobb Salads had a extra layer of spit in proportion to how they were treated that day by the club members.

    And Enty they are called servers not waitresses. Welcome to 2020.

    1. Wealthy country clubs are the epitimbe of entitlement & disgusting behavior. Lots of upscale hoes, too. In the 70s, one of my parents was employed at a FLA golf club. Goldie Hawn was allegedly gettn' her bagel plugged by the old, rich, Jewish male members in her low days. Maybe lil girl Kate Hudson needed new shoes? Who knows?

  8. kelly osborne needs to take her loud entitled fat ass away from the rest of us peasants.

  9. What could this person (taking care of dozens of issues simultaneously) have possibly done to warrant cruelty? Chances are, absolutely nothing.
    Kelly needs to learn to hold that tongue

  10. Ok I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say if I was a waitress, it wouldn’t matter how crappy people treated me, I would NEVER EVER mess with someone’s food. That is disgusting.

  11. Most servers I've spoken to say it isn't worth the effort to get revenge on rude customers and crummy tippers, it can just cause more problems in the future. However, every now and then, they might give in to temptation.

  12. I've never been a server but why doesn't management step in when people are rude and have crossed the line?

  13. It goes both ways.
    If you're pleasent and grateful to serving staff, you will be looked after.
    I don't care who you are, we are all humans.
    Treat everyone how you wished to be treated.

  14. Kelly Osbourne has always been just way too snarky - especially for her looks - and no amount of plastic surgery or 'cool' hair color is ever going to fix that. It's so funny... years ago, both Kelly and Sharon would gang up on whomever was selected that day or week and publicly go after their prey in the press. They even went after an opening band on one of Ozzy's tours (Ozzfest) by standing in between security and the stage and throwing things at the band and yelling obscenities and firing them from the tour because Kelly felt 'shunned' by one of the band members backstage. Now, 10 years later, Sharon is all angelic and spewing anti-bullying rants on The Talk. Like Mother, like daughter.....

  15. Since when is a reality star > a server? Not in my world.

  16. My guess is kelly Osborne

  17. Good story Jeweled Skye. Kelly is a carbon copy of the horrible harridan Sharon. They behave however they want because their $$ has always shielded them. Elton John and Sharon have admitted to having a fling at some point. Look at Jack's face, esp. his nose. He is the spitting image of Elton. Ozzy must know, and, still raises him as his own. Probably figured it was easier.

  18. The worst thing I ever witnessed was a guy take a hundred dollar bill, rip into tiny pieces and then leave it as a tip.

  19. oZZY bankrolls all his kids. That's why with Parkinson's he'll be dragging himself to tour.

  20. It's Kelly Osbourne, and she was in another blind a few months ago for doing the same thing.

    I think much more is going on with her than just being an entitled, spoiled brat. Some substance abuse (again) coupled with mental illness. She's been a rager since she was on TV, for no reason.

  21. she never stopped being the moody teenager she was when she became famous, despite a few attempts to change her image.

    on the few occasions i've dined with someone who was rude the wait staff i have told them they were being out of line and usually they apologise to the person in question and even leave a more generous tip. but i worked in the kitchen of a restaurant when i was a teenager and too many times i saw staff come by in tears because of how they'd been treated by a rude, entitled jerk, so i definitely won't stand for it from someone i'm with

  22. Do I need to be rich and from UAE to shit on Kelly Osborne? Or her parents?
