Monday, February 10, 2020

Blind Item #21 - Oscars

For the past couple of months during award season, this A list mostly movie actor from an acting family has been holding things together. He didn't want to come off as a wasted wreck so had a lot of people helping him to make sure he looked great every night. Last night though, he finally let go. I'm guessing it will be a multiple day bender.


  1. He won right?!
    Let him celebrate!

  2. Uh oh the toy is broken again, time to put him back together and wind him back up.

    Not feeling Phoenix for this though, his antics seem almost normal in the current climate.

  3. Joaquin was a sweet mess last night, though I did like his speech.

  4. Oh well if Joaquin was on a bender it would explain Blind 16 and Scarjo ! Lol 🤣

  5. What a blatant phony prepared meaningless speech delivered by a talented elitist over privileged drug addict. Where's Ricky when you need him.

  6. This would disappoint me if it was Joaquin cause he did acknowledge being a jerk and hard to work with in the past in his speech. I was hoping he was getting a maturity level.

  7. Here's to multiple day benders!

  8. Looked lit to me already. Glad he apologized for being a jerk though

  9. Joaquin et al proved Ricky Gervais right.

  10. Ricky Gervais would have had so much fun hosting that sh!t show last night.

  11. Dude is such a mess so of course PETA swooped in and took advantage of the crazy.

  12. Honestly, Rooney Mara seems to...have softened him a bit!? And her too?!

    It’s funny, cuz they really do seem to adore a fare in love, & they both seem to maker each other better ppl? I don’t know but I’ve sensed some shift it attitude in both of them. That’s nice, they’re both eccentric & it works. Love looks good on them, so far

  13. The photo of them sitting on a step with his Oscar eating veggie burgers was adorable, I won't lie.

  14. "we're not perfect , we make mistakes , forgive each other"

    it seems to me Joaquin was getting media and fans ready for an upcoming sex scandal
