Thursday, February 06, 2020

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A- list actor is an Oscar nominee/winner with a famous last name but isn't related had a blind item written about him in the past ten days or so. It wasn't really flattering. Since then, his PR team has flooded the tabloids with how he is such a family man and the best parent. Uh huh.


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  2. Has Tom Hardy ever been nominated for an Oscar? Can see the point about his name.

  3. I'd say Michael Sheen (no- not THOSE Sheens) but he's not been singularly Oscar nominated. However, he was in The Queen, which was nominated for a fartload of awards, including a bunch of Oscars.

    Does that count in Enty-speak as being Oscar nominated?

  4. norstwr-Best Supporting Actor-The Revenant.
    Thomas Hardy was a famous Englis Poet/Author of the 17(I think) century

  5. 1800’s/19th Century

  6. @Tricia13 Good point, I'd forgotten about The Revenant.

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  8. Hmmm thought of him
    But no Oscar nominations... maybe Enty oversight.

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  11. Tom Hardy, same name as famous C19th poet/novelist. Polanski made a movie of one of this novels.

  12. It is Michael Sheen. The Fluffington Post has a fluff piece on him right now.

  13. The Huffington Post still exists? Haven't heard anyone mention anything from that site in a long time.

  14. He's got one in DM too.
    Did Enty always hate Michael Sheen? Blames him for Kate Beckinsale being such a...teetering, drug addict?

  15. a fartload lol good one zebra

  16. MeliticusBee - TWO in the Daily Mail. Both crap.

    squirrelmistress - I am to please.

  17. By the ways, is it because of the string of blind items about her that Jennifer Lopez did share the Super Bowl stage with Shakira (while she was supposed to be in bad terms with her, didn't want to be upstaged, and had her folks criticize her, etc.) and used the stripper pole (while Enty would claim that she used a body double for Hustlers)?

    Because, in the realm of epic fails, Enty really screwed this one up spectacularly...

    1. Angela - did you see JLo's performance on the pole??? I did. What she tried to do in comparison to what was done in the movie made me LOL. She looked like a total amateur and it confirmed to me that Enty was correct in his body double blind. And I love me some JLo.

  18. @Angela, Did you see her on the pole during Bowl? That was not pretty or what was in the movie.

  19. @Angela - J Lo was being HELD UP by all the men when she was on the pole.

    I don't know what show you were watching.......but I totally believe she used a body double for the close-ups. She wears THICK tights to cover the cellulite on her legs (which is NORMAL for any woman to have), and if she was stripping, legs are obviously bare in the movie.

    Body double for sure.

  20. You always hear strippers talking about their kids, but you never hear people talking about their stripper moms. There's got to be tens or hundreds of thousands of people whose moms were strippers but mum's the word.

  21. @Angela - but look at JLo's face and nbody language when she had to hug Shakira at the end. She definitely read the bad press and the blinds.

  22. Just heard something yesterday that JLo and Shakira were to open the halftime together, as well as end together, but JLo refused.

  23. The truth is that Shakira is what JLo tries to pretend to be, and it's never more obvious than when they're together.

  24. Well, you just heard stuff that isn't in line with what you saw from your own eyes, and you decide to believe the rumors instead... Sure... Enty was adamant the two performers would NEVER share the stage. He stated that repeatedly, as if it were a done deal. Yet, they shared the stage, big time. And this wasn't a last minute decision. This kind of things is decided weeks in advance, so they can start conceiving a choreography for the backup dancers and rehearse. I have no idea if Lopez was enthusiastic with sharing the spotlight, but her performance got rather positive reviews, and she definitely wasn't upstaged big time by Shakira. And she actually took risks by making some kind of political statement, which means that she must have been comfortable with the rest of the ideas.

    As far as I know, the strip pole scene from Hustlers often shows Lopez' face in the frame. Face replacement technology does exist in postproduction for film, it's already very common for stunts, but it wouldn't work with quick moves and turns. So, no body double.
    It isn't very surprising actually. She must train several hours a day with the help of some personal trainers, the director and the crew will do anything to put her in the best light and keep the best take, etc. She's still in very good shape for someone who's turned 50, so it's funny to see incredulity quickly turning into jealousy and callousness here, "It's not possible, there must be a trick, she's a liar, she's a fraud, etc."
    Of course, for a live performance, where she can only do one take, she will perform something much less complex.
    Sometimes, I wonder if any of you has ever been curious about the way the entertainment industry operates or shows are being produced. Then I'm reminded that the answer is a resolute no.

    1. Wow so your a mind reader too? If you feel so strongly about your superiority over us peon readers why bother coming here and commenting on a regular basis. How lame and pathetic your life must be.

  25. @Angela, You lost the argument when you said that JLo's performance got rather positive reviews. Those were not the headlines the next day. They were mostly either that her performance was sleazy or that it was lackluster.
    And everyone sang Shakira's praises.

    1. maybe on breitbart

    2. I... wut? Am I missing something important? WTF would Breitbart have to do with Jho?

      The media I saw mostly kissed her ass, people online were not.

  26. Angela is the Hillary Clinton of CDaN.

  27. JFC can we get back on topic? Is this blind about Michael Sheen and his fetus girlfriend or not?

  28. +1 for Zebra Seasoning. xo, your like-minded friend Astronema from the DM comments section of this festering dumpster fire surrounding Sheen.

  29. Welcome to the funhouse

  30. It's Sheen if the blind was supposed to be Emmy instead of Oscar. Michael Sheen gets a lot of azz, everyone knows that. And his girlfriend that he knocked up was 25, that's out of college, not that young.

  31. --This foreign born A- list actor (Michael Sheen was born in Wales)
    --is an Oscar nominee/winner (He was in an Oscar-nominated movie)(this is weak, but Enty might be drunk or something)
    --with a famous last name but isn't related (Sheen- Martin/Charlie)
    --had a blind item written about him in the past ten days or so. It wasn't really flattering. (misbehaving behind the scenes online, which Enty confirmed was about MS in the podcast)
    --Since then, his PR team has flooded the tabloids with how he is such a family man and the best parent. Uh huh. (2 DM, 1 Huffpo)

    Sounds like Sheen to me.

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  35. Aileen+1
    -1 everything Angela always, because they ascribe and are in the business of attempting to deligitimize this site,it’s favored commentators,it’s author and community due to lack of respect and tolerance for anyone’s opinion /experience which is not their own(and theirs seems bleak).The obsession from said trolls continued disillusionment with being scoffed off here(under a myriad of different screen names), and by their also being a pedo apologizing freak,says it all. They will
    No doubt post a self righteous Manifesto about how superior they are; and and I,like many here-will feel a combination of incredulity and-embarrassment for them


  37. Gotta admit, Angela this was rather an uninspired post.

  38. I discounted Michael Sheen the moment he hooked up with Sarah Silverman.
