Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Blind Item #1

The alliterate talk show host has been drinking on the job again and it shows.


  1. Something is wrong with Wendy, I don't know if it is drinking.

  2. Flirting with some DJ on her show. Somebody give the rich lady some d quick.

  3. Is she a better host when she is drinking? I don't blame her after all that crap with her man.

  4. What person with a disfigurement was Canklecucked mocking now?

  5. As long as she isn't operating heavy machinery...

  6. Lack of self-restraint is why she's popular.

    1. We learn this is ok from the very top (POTUS)

  7. Wendy has been a babbling, incoherent mess lately. And when she tries to act all girly and flirty it's just plain embarrasing.

  8. She is so untrustworthy. She a train wreck on steroids. You’d have to be an idiot or suicidal to go on her show. I watched her rake a person over the coals because they didn’t paint their fingernails. DaFuck?

  9. @Rosie, What do you think will happen first, that we'll get the Iowa results back or the State of the Union address tonight at 9pm ET?

  10. Has to be Wndy Williams. The other day she was doing her "most of show hot topics" and really didnt say anything She rambled about nothing for about 20-25 minutes. She spilled her drink all over herself.....ON AIR!! Last week she was doing something out in audience then turned n said she wanted to go back to hot topics and send someone to get "Norman". Show just quietly ended that day with no new "Hot Topics". WTF?

  11. Good. I hop]e WW vomits up her diseased liver live on camera.

  12. Ew. I don't really get paid enough to talk politics. All's i can assume is IOWA didn't earn it's *I Otta Went Around* acronym for nothing.
