Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Blind Item #12

This former A list host turned celebrity turned actress turned host turned sleeps with boyfriend of best friend turned meh, was actually sober today at lunch. Shocker.


IndieRaga said...

Either way,I hope she stays sober longer and shocks the hell out of you!

Croissandwich said...

Chelsea Handler

STORM! said...

@Indie no way Giuliana is considered a-list

IndieRaga said...

Hey Summer Walker is an A list !
& Even Tricia didn't know her!

Anonymous said...

I agree Storm. There is no way Giuliana is A list, but Enty does have messed up ratings LOL!

Brayson87 said...
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Jon said...

Sounds like Chelsea. She was brilliant when she had her own show. I'm waiting for a major comeback.

Monkeyweather said...

Ch. ild Handler?

gauloise said...

Chelsea, didn't she sleep with Jenn A's man?

Freebird said...

I used to love Chelsea. Now she’s just...weird. She started taking off her clothes & posting nearly naked photos of herself all the time, after she lost her show. She’s no longer friends with most of the people from her show. She just seems sad & desperate lately.

Brayson87 said...

@gauloise, At first I thought maybe Justin had hit it, but I think the rumors were that Chelsea was spilling all kinds of info that she got from Jen A, loose lips, and that's what caused the feud. I could be wrong though, Justin's a good boy, but he's got to git it git it and every woman looks like a tennis ball to him.

HushHush said...

Chelsea Handler, frequent dinner guest of Jeffery Epstein.

Simon Jenkin said...

would've thought chelsea handler would've had "comedian" as a descriptive (cue thirty comments about how she isn't funny so not a comedian hahahahahaha)

re: epstein - it's important to not immediately write off everyone he was friends with and socialised with or even gave plane rides to. one of the ways powerful people like him get away with such despicable things is by ingratiating themselves with as many other powerful people as possible of all types, guilty and innocent alike.

detown359 said...

Yep this is Chelsea. She slept with Jen Aniston man Justin

Isighalot said...

I feel somehow it's my duty to remind everyone of the video that has someone pissing on her. She's trash. (I'm talking about Handler.)

Wallis Simpson said...

I don't care what anyone says - I like Handler and think she's hilarious.

Jon said...

Really? Well, piss play is fun af and it tastes delicious...it's also AMAZING for your skin and overall health.

Paler than Gold said...

Who cares if she was consensually peed on? She's hilarious and a bad bitch. I love her.

BardiC said...

After that story about Chelsea trying to sleep with Justin came out I kept an eye on the photos.
Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea are still friends and have been snapped together quite a lot since then, so those rumours are definitely false. Chelsea doesn't do married men and she's always flashed her bits around. Nothing new here.

DADA said...

Justin has a type in women who look like men.

Tricia13 said...
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Unknown said...

Definitely Chelsea Handler

Tricia13 said...

Totally agree Unknown - Another crazy lib 🥜 nutcase. She must not have been lunching with Fancy Nancy Pelosi, because she mos def would’ve been wasted with her 😅

squirrelmistress said...

chelsea "unfunny" handler. ugh she makes me want to vomit.

Karma said...

Brilliant and Chelsea Handler dont go in the same sentence. She crested the wave of "in your face," toilet bowl mouthed female comedians, like Sara Silverman. Or maybe she just "rode" that older ex boyfriend producer for her 15 min of fame. Her monotone voice and mean spirited jokes are as stale as her old man penis breath.

Zeroh Tollrants said...

This site is always full of perverts and degenerates. Jesus Fucking Christ.
Chelsea Handler is a gross dirty old bag who fucked her way onto tv.


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