Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blind Item #11

This A+ list mostly movie actor who sometime directs is expressing shock and dismay about one of his biggest sponsors. He doesn't care enough though to walk away from the contract or to donate any of the money to help the people the sponsor is exploiting. 


  1. Replies
    1. Excuse Me.....he's SADDENED by child labor accusations ok?!
      What a noble soul!

  2. And Nespresso? How is that even still a thing?

  3. Like Clooney didn't know...

  4. definitely Clooney...

  5. that "high minded " Clooney and all the child laborers that pick the coffee grounds. Nothing hypocritical or sleazy there, nope. What more can one expect from him,though

    1. What Tricia said. Also, we mustn't forget about his penchant for chasing young men off cliffs..not exactly a principled man.


  7. He doesn’t give a damn it’s all about that mighty $$$$$

  8. i would love to see his human rights lawyer Skeletor of a wife sue him. Unless she's too busy getting her ass pumped by her shady secret Lover

    1. Isn't she a Trans?

    2. lol... that's the reason for all the anal

  9. Oh please he’s always known. Nespresso has done the same with child Labour on the coffee fields in South Sudan. Casamigos exploits labour with the agave in Mexico. He’s the biggest humanitarian fraud....besides his wife

  10. Clooney is in the club. You can tell because they are all filthy rich. Emphasis on the filthy.

  11. A multinational corporation exploiting offshored workers and hiring children? I never would imagine such a thing!

    Seriously, they all do it. Especially fashion. Anytime you buy something fast fashion with sequins, it's child labour, they have small hands and can do the work.

  12. Clooney who talked down to everyone saying we have to welcome immigrants into our neighborhoods and then fled back to the US and his gated community when they started showing up around his European villa?

  13. immigrants = refugees

  14. Impossible not to know. Most imported food products are using child labor,and unless they are labeled fair trade,assume they do. You would think his internationally known human rights lawyer wife would tell him that.

  15. Ugh, Amal is not Trans anymore than SJP is.

  16. some women just get more equine blood than others

    Priyanka? Koala blood.

  17. Such an incredible phony. He would not hesitate to lecture and scold and make demands that the people be reimbursed for this oppressive exploitation but except this time it's him oppressively exploiting. Feh.

  18. I would assume that any product, food or otherwise, made in S. America, Africa or Asia...uses child labor unless you go and verify on your own that it doesn't.

    As far as the tequila - oddly, this probably doesn't use actual children as agave farming, roasting and fermentation is a very physical process which requires a lot of strength and mostly kids are out. It could be used for other kinds of abuse - but kids aren't doing the picking and farming in this case.

  19. Clooney like dicrapio is such a two faced joke... sometimes i appreciate the fact that people like the jenners and kardashians and hiltons are completely honest about the money whores that they are

  20. @hunter Koala? That is hilarious.

  21. Hmmm, wasn't it suggested on here that Clooney may have been responsible for the death of a 16 year old? Interesting.

  22. Ben Affleck. Because of who he is. If he just laid low women would be chasing him. Now he seems desperate.

  23. Clooney & Nespresso child labor claims

    Honestly, we know Clooney has done worse.

    The cliff & the (attempted?) rape (is the victim still alive? Didn’t he run for help while totally naked?) The 14yr old rider on the OTHER bike during the motorcycle crash (if you look at the footage you can see the second bike). With Capri PD besties & in awe of him, dunno if justice awaits.

  24. If you don't like the idea of slaves, then don't buy plastic or "silk" flowers to decorate your surroundings; don't go to buffets with tiny shrimp. These are two things in which slaves perform never ending labor. Child slave labor is used in the tiny shrimp market.

  25. Cooney and Nespresso.

  26. Clooney- why are we acting like him exploiting kids is something new?

  27. Clooney and his tranny wife are part of the problem. they directly and indirectly prey on those less fortunate. the are true hypocrites.



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