Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Blind Item #11

This former A list teen actor turned conman doesn't have 24 hour security. It is all just hype to make people want to buy his movie.


  1. There's going to be a special play in hell for Feldman...

  2. Totally! I keep seeing people online taking the bait from this snake oil salesman. I spent most of last night explaining to people what Feldman's really like.

  3. @MyDogSmiles you were probably right the first time ! Lol

  4. good for you@Dog. Spread the word

  5. He will name some dead folks so he doesn't get sued

  6. Thanks Tricia! I'm trying my best.

  7. i read this morning hes doing a 1 hour internet only session to name the child predators in hollywood, 20 dollars per person. i found the link on drudge

  8. Corey F. Is one fake ass liar and thief.
    I can’t see how anyone will give him a penny, he’s not going to name NO ONE

  9. Let's see if he names anyone that isn't dead or already behind bars.

  10. The Open Secret movie couldn't get distributed, what makes him think his will?

  11. When Isaac Kappy was doing his periscope vids outing hollywood pedophiles, he named steven Spielberg and said, "See Corey, I didnt need $10 million dollars to say it"

    Corey has been trying to cash in on his and Corey Haim's abuse for years.

  12. Pathetic. Extra security. Please. Most people don't even know who he is.

  13. Will Dancing Boy make a special guest appearance and tell a story that goes on for an hour. Tells nothing but hey, buy my script!

  14. Aussie - I'm still in shock that they actually killed Isaac Kappy for speaking out. That's really scary.

  15. Unknown........Ubiquitous "they" are so accustomed to killing, they don't realize the noose is drawing tighter.

  16. So what happened to Isaac Kappy? Corey Feldman has every right to safeguard his life. There is a special place in hell for a bunch of loser keyboard typers for attacking someone who is risking his life to shine light on truth.

  17. When Feldman actually does shine a light on truth he will deserve a medal and an award. Until then he just seems like an opportunist.

  18. So Enty is pro-pedophile or at least on their payroll? Feldman doesn’t stand to profit from this film, Corey Haim was a victim of pedophile predators. Everything Feldman has said about the predators has been shown to be true.

  19. Hey AJ Benza on your FIAB podcast, Feldman is wearing pants in that trailer....some sort of light coral colored pants...seems to me anyways.... :) Just not sure who is doing his corpse/funeral parlor make up these days.....
