Monday, February 03, 2020

Blind Item #11

This A-/B+ list actress who is seemingly on the television every ten minutes, just had a breast enlargement/lift to land a new role.


  1. Kristen Bell? Her show just ended

  2. Well, that would be disappointing if it were Garner. I thought (perhaps naively) that she was one of the good ones in Hollywood and wouldn't engage in such crap.

    1. These people are mocked (by the public and ESPECIALLY other denizens of HWood) for every physical flaw, so it shouldn't surprise us that they get them all "fixed"

  3. Both great guesses...I'll toss in Sofia Vergara bc I see her all of the time, but on second thought, I dont think this is a procedure anyone thinks she needs!😕

    1. Ironically, @Vita, she just popped up on an ad and I remember thinking she looked very youthful and real perky.

  4. Cheer up. Almost everyone in Hollywood is sincere and decent.

  5. Remember when boob jobs were a big deal before everyone started getting them? 🤔😅

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    If she wants to act with her tits pointing out she should take notes from Helen Mirren

  7. I really wish they'd replace Liz with Helen Mirren.

  8. You mean, she had *another one. She was nearly flat-chested when she first came on the scene.

  9. Now breast implants are scandalous?!

  10. Jennifer Garner is seemingly on the television every ten minutes now?

  11. Angela--if it's her, it might be referencing commercials...she is on several

  12. What a terrible thing to do to your body.

  13. Not Jen Garner, she hasn't been on television for like what 10 years? Maybe she's done small obscure roles but definitely does NOT fit the bill of 'on TV every 10 minutes'

  14. Jennifer and her capital one credit card commercial

  15. @ booooo Jen Garner is doing a lot of commercials but I DO agree this is probably Kristen Bell who is Lazy Boy spokesperson and had her show etc. Plus she is constantly on Jimmy Kimmel doing skits etc.

  16. I cannot stand the commercial Jennifer Garner does about reading to kids (it's a commercial in NY with a bunch of famous Moms - I recognize Amanda Peet and her and that's about it). She starts to sing Old MacDonald with one hand to her ear, looking like she's about to bust into We Are The World.

  17. Kristen Bell is a huge movie star and very much in demand. I don't know that she'd need to get huge breasts to score a role.

  18. +1 Jon, plus I think she'd rank higher than A-/B+ list.

  19. FWIW the fb page of CDaN posted a bit ago they saw Kristin Bell yesterday at the Farmer's Market with her kids.

  20. Jennifer Gardner does Capital one,Neutrogena,and the famous Moms commercial that has three different versions shakey refered to. That commercial is on like every five minutes in one form or another.

  21. bigger boobs didn't do any favors for Hayden P

    I don't exactly see Jennifer Gardner as a raging sex symbol these days but same for Kristen Bell. Maybe that's the problem so they think boobs will help.

    Charlize Theron can be sexy AF and she has a very modest boob situation.

  22. Jen has had three kids. She probably needed a lift, which you can get without implants.

  23. I wouldn't put this past garner, she cheated on her first husband with Ben. She's a B list TV actress at best.

  24. Flo, the Progressive Auto Insurance Gal?

  25. Sheila from the State Farm commercial. Her husband burned her shed now he is in jail for fraud. Lol

  26. Kristen Bell is so tiny she'd fall over. Not her.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Patricia Heaton?

    1. She is everywhere right now between reruns of Raymond and The Middle for at least like like 6 hours a day on multiple channels on tv, and that new show that looked so shitty in the commercials, I couldn't bring myself to try it out. However, she did the rounds back when Raymond had about 2 seasons, maybe 3, left b/c she did a full on Mommy Makeover and dished all about it. She had a tummy tuck and lipo and I think maybe an eye lift and botox....but she was totally honest about it. She landed "Everybody..." and was pregnant that first season with twins, I think, and I'm pretty sure she had another one during that show, too. So after they were done breastfeeding and were a little older, she went all in on the Nip/Tuck.

  29. I think "every ten minutes" is definitely alluding to it being someone in a commercial.

  30. There has already been a post regarding Jennifer Garners breast enhancement claiming she did it for her new boyfriend. Are we now saying it was for a part?

  31. I, for one, will bravely stand up and support her new bigger boobs.

  32. Bell with some tasteful and well done implants may be worth some jail time.

  33. Why all the filters on Garners face in the capitol one commercials. Her face is so blurred it looks smeared

  34. Didn't we already get a blind where Jennifer Garner got implants for her new man?? I don't think Kristen Bell would get them. It would be really noticeable and she doesn't need that "boost" to land any roles...



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