Friday, February 07, 2020

Blind Item #10

This B+ list actress with A list name recognition every single one of you knows has nothing booked for the rest of the year. It wasn't like the past year had anything all that awe inspiring. Her fame is such though that you think she is this huge movie star. The only money she earns is through promotional photos or showing up at an event. She had to pay a magazine to give her a spread in a recent issue.


  1. She gets residuals from Dawson's Creek, she got shut up money to take care of Suri from $cio, she's made the occasional movie and some tv commercials. I doubt she's hurting Entern.

  2. Katie...
    Suri looks great,just like a regular kid,not stylized Hollywood babies!
    Good Job mommy! Her face does look like Mr.Cruise.

  3. Well she does have a horror movie coming out whose trailer I saw last night during BoP.

  4. She may have A name recognition, but how the hell is she B+ on the merits.

  5. Which magazine? Loved her in Disturbing Behavior.

  6. B+???? Seems a bit generous based on merit. Name reco, ok then.

  7. Nobody said she was hurting for money just that she isn't actually working much anymore. She has the luxury at this point to probably only work on the occasion she gets an offer but I suspect folks aren't knocking down her door. She should seek out a good indie project that might prove a decent vehicle. That being said she was cardboard on DAWSON'S CREEK.

  8. She literally JUST had a movie come out that she's headlining with Patrick Stewart ("Coda", which he's promoting on all his social media), so I'm guessing she doesn't have to pay any magazines to put her in them. Is she doing blockbusters? No. But she's still working consistently.

  9. She has to let producers/directors use her as a jizz receptacle to get work. Her acting is more wooden than ScarJo, and she's not as hot.

  10. I've never seen her in anything.

  11. Holmes has three B movies coming out over the next few months, but no new work booked. She does, however, have those daily paid photos of her walking the streets, promoting clothing and accessories. Even that will burn out soon. It is too obvious, and way ovedone...On a positive note: She is a good mother; and she has recently had a few well-done procedures that make her look much better.

  12. I’m so sick of seeing those daily photos of her.

  13. Yeah I wouldn't notice her at a bar but I am looking forward to her acting:

  14. I still like her more than michelle williams. She’s really annoying and played the greiving widow card for years and can’t even act!

  15. So, she's wealthy, takes care of herself and her child (that she saved from a cult), and occasionally acts - just not as much as a gossip blog thinks she should.

    I don't see a problem. Katie is doing just fine.

  16. I'm not a stan by any means but there have been two movies in the last few years I've really enjoyed, Touched by Fire and Miss Meadows. Both were decent performances.

  17. Angelina- no invite to SAG- over the hill

  18. Maybe Kate Beckinsale. She's turning into a mess.

  19. I wld say sharon stone. I mean this woman never works yet leads a fancy lifestyle!

  20. Katie Holmes was excellent on Ray Donovan, wish there had been more episodes with her. And she's incredibly beautiful.

  21. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Although I was never a huge fan of Katie Holmes.

    I still do feel bad for Her right now.

    But you know what although things are bad right now I'm sure she will bounce back in no time.

    In fact I wouldn't be surprised if She was too sometime in Spring or Late Spring book a Role on either a Disney+ Series or Streaming Movie or an Apple TV Series.

  22. Surely Tom Cruise's child support cheques are enough to sustain her.

  23. Are we sure that isn't by choice?

  24. If it's Katie Holmes she's filthy rich and probably isn't working by choice, as mastik8 refers to. All she needs now is to develop a better taste in men. If I were her I'd be chilling with my girlfriends and a non-celebrity nice new boyfriend, spending my time doing charity work, reading and parenting Suri.
