Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Blind Item #10

This A- list mostly movie actress is having an affair with the wife of a school principal. 


  1. Hahahaha f*cking the principal's wife.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Scissor sisters. Nice.
    These are women you can get behind.

  3. Awesome. Just awesome. I look forward to the cinemax version of this story.

  4. "I think of all the education that I've missed
    But then my homework was never quite like this!

    Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad
    I'm hot for principal's wife."

  5. Some kids gonna get A++!

  6. @Indie, Yeah but only because the mom is getting A$$!

  7. @Bray, slight edit to your comment- Mom is GETTING and GIVING A$$!

    1. Great minds...same times !!!

  8. I'm assuming the mom is the top not the principal's wife in this situation. That'll teach him for not improving the drop off lane.

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Jennifer Garner or Julia Roberts.

  10. Lori Loughlin- n/m too late for her...

  11. Back in elementary school, oh 1969-ish or so,our principal was having an affair with the music teacher. (She used to wear the shortest minis dresses.) Our class would be ushered down to the auditorium and most days they would be right in front, canoodling at the piano. He would jump up and scurry up one aisle as we walked down the other. Nobody's parents believed us, until the wife found it. Quite a scandal.

    Those were the days.

  12. I'm betting Angelina too. This sounds like the kind of thing she'd secretly 'get off on' with rumors of all sorts of BDSM play with former hubbies/lovers. Although I don't think her kids are in one school which throws a wrench in my theory.

  13. @Nibbles, You mean the days when teachers banged principals instead of the students?

  14. @Brayson87,several teachers in my high school were known to book up with students. It wasn't even much of a secret. Both male and female,usually male students. In the seventies.

    1. It was still happening in the mid 80s. Usually the sports teachers. Dumbest teachers around.

  15. If only they would have booked up instead like they were paid to do! 😂

  16. Charlize Theron would fit but the rating, A-? seems she would be solid A, dunno

  17. Yes,@Brayson87. Autocorrect covering up for them. I should add,20+ years later,a teacher was arrested for assaulting a student, male teacher,female student, same MO he used back in the day. (According to some friends, for passing drivers ed.) He just kept trying to get away with more.

  18. I wish it was angelina eating p*ssy again but her kids don’t even go to regular school

  19. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The teacher/student thing, was quite common in my high school also. circa 78,79.

    There were two 'hot guy' teachers. They didn't even attempt to hide what was going on.
    I walked into a very popular night spot in 11th grade (No, I wasn't supposed to be there but it was the 70's. )

    There was "Mr.G", with another junior, like me. Very cozy together.

    One of those teachers got fired a few years later. Lost all his tenure.

  20. Think of the ONE actress you would never consider to be the blind and it is her! She is probably a C+ actress and not an A+++ one like Angelina or Charlize. I think their kids are homeschooled. I know Angie's are. Their first language was French.

  21. Ah. Ain't love grand?

  22. Sandy... correct on barrymore

  23. im certain Angie has never stopped eating Pu$$ie

    1. Jeez where would she find the time?!

  24. I’m going to say... Jamie lee Curtis or Sandy Bullock. Just because I know that they have a low key fan base amongst the hot lezzi professional 30-40 something set.

  25. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Yep. Get a lowly principal caught in your "venus flytrap". Get him caught up in your world. Blackmail him. Then he gives you access to what? Who are school principals responsible for? Our children.

  26. I can't venture a guess, but I think this is one of the funniest blind items I've read in ages. The only thing funnier would be 'This A list actor is having an affair with the husband of a high school principal.' I can picture Bradley Cooper sneaking into the principal's house to rendevous with her house-husband .
