Thursday, January 09, 2020

Your Turn

Who decided to resign from the royal family?

50/50 decision?


  1. 50/50 They see what's coming with Andrew.

  2. dont drive thru any tunnels.

  3. 50/50 and they decided this months ago.

  4. Harry. He will NEVER be king. So why not go out and live a better life rather than sitting around as the "spare"?

  5. Harry isn't thinking for himself. And there is a hilarious report out that said they think they are going to make new millions for themselves through endorsements. BAHAHAHA.

  6. Throwing a curveball..... the Queen. She dedicated how it would be done as a distraction away from the Epstein situation. This is all anyone will talk about now. Every time more Andrew news pops up...they will buy a house somewhere....or have a book deal.

  7. 50/50. They are just trying to control the demands, and blew it big time by defying the queen.

  8. Anonymous10:12 AM

    @filmfanb GREAT theory

  9. Zilla-- I don't know about endorsements, per se, but I agree with the theory that dollar signs got in their heads via a development deal/project offer, etc.

    I think the idea of leaving was initiated by Meghan, bc the delusional "best of both worlds" angle of their statement hints at Harry not completely willing to bag the family.

  10. Filmfanb--Amazing theory!😍

  11. lol @ Half-Prince Harry letting Fat Markle make his choices for him. Nice Eunuchery.

    However, also lol because Fat Markle is indeed smarter than the red-haired step-royal.

    Everyone is.

    1. She's not at all fat. But speaking of eunuchs, I doubt you can see your own dick to begin with, ket alone beyond the mountain of fat over it.

      People like you are disgusting. You insult women trying to make them as neurotic as you are but no matter how you try, you can't and that makes you try that much harder to mean something. Anything. But you lost that cause long ago.

  12. Both wanted to run like hell from the s. storm that’s about to hit .

  13. @filmfanb,taking one for the crown! But of course, this proves her loyalty to Andrew, and that I am not pleased with.

  14. I think Harry's always been a bit of a rebel as far as TRF is concerned, but I think he was pushed in his decision to make the split by Meghan. "We don't have to live like that. Look at your uncle! We don't want our precious Archie to be exposed to that, do we? Your grandmother hates me, I hate them, so let's leave!"

  15. I think the decision has been made by the Royal family, frankly..perhaps H and M wanted to,thought about it, and the family" agevolated" them, showing them the door

  16. Meghan sees the money on the table and can't get to it. She doesn't want approval from the royal family for accepting jobs. Harry loves her and will follow her lead.

    They get the benefit of staying royal and making a 100 mil a year with business ventures and her return to acting. You know she wants those A list roles.

    Shittiest part they made the announcement on Kate's bday. Thunder stealers.

  17. I doubt the are looking for endorsements per se

    I see them doing more new media stuff, like a youtube channel, insta and FB, getting money through sponsorships, ads and merch. I am sure now what they post is heavily controlled and Markle is such a narcissist she wants her entire life up there.

    I m sure she also wants to get back into acting nd thinks she will be given big leading roles in major films now

  18. 50/50. Lainey Gossip has some insight on the timing of it all, too. They were forced to ruin Kate's bday.
    I fully support them.
    They won't be living in Canada, though, eh?
    They are LA-bound.

  19. I am sure Meghan is playing the victim so beta Harry will play the role of saviour, this also continues her isolation of him from friends and family so she gets to be in complete control of the relationship, these are all textbook stages of emotional abuse.

  20. This has Meghan written all over it. She schemed and plotted to hire the former Clinton advisor, set up the foundation in the likeness of the Clinton Foundation, copyrighted all their photos, trademarked a load of schlock, hired the same firm that created her Tig website to create their new SussexRoyal website, etc. She has $$$$$$$ in her eyes and there is no stopping her. Harry is stupid and weak. The perfect target for someone like Meghan. If she was running for the most hated woman in the UK--maybe the world (tough call with Hillary Clinton still in the mix)--she won. She is odious.

  21. harry! He been hinting at hating royal life for a while now. I don't think it is a coincidence he picked a black american wife. He is knows he is the more marketable royal between Wills and his dad. He can make millions as a private citizen and Meghan can work too.

  22. But the first perk she gives up is the RF covering up her past, the videos, etc.
    All bets are off

  23. i think they were asked to leave.

  24. Without a doubt, Meghan is behind this all. She has isolated Harry from the Family and is manipulating him. By some reports, the Queen did not know this is coming.

    If Meghan is still around when Charles becomes king, she will have a fatal "accident" when Harry is on another continent.

  25. I think they were asked to leave. Meghan never wanted to be part of the BRF. She just wanted money and fame. She refused to follow protocol, despite all the help available to her, and always showed up looking disheveled. Their South Africa video was the icing on the cake (‘Nobody asks if I’m okay....’) They are an embarrassment. HM has been sending out signals...all the new pics of her with Charles, William, and George show her vision of the future of the BRF.

    Kate's birthday is not ruined. This is the best gift she’s ever received.

  26. Neither, Elizabeth decided for them.

  27. Meghan. She is out of her mind.

    The phrasing of their announcement was decidedly American, using "while" instead of "whilst" and referring to themselves as senior royals though they aren't.

    1. Exactly!!!! She dumped her hick family, then she dumped her friends-she them went to work on Harry- no family, no friends.....and he is not really a bright boy, so it was pretty easy. She wants to be famous and live large- no restrictions- lots of money- she hated being told she could not fly private. She has plans and dumb Harry is the broom she rides on.
      She is really stupid....has she forgotten the lesson of Diana....maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....but some day soon. The Firm will not put up with this witch!

  28. Everyone asks why we still have a monarchy, and I am British and I have questioned it too. So: There is the history, and that is part of our heritage and culture. But I think the most important role they play now is as senior ambassadors for our country. Political parties will come and go. And you can get some right idiots to be President or Prime Minister, but they come and go.

  29. Well let's hope they don't use the American school system. We can send them some comment threads to scare them off.

  30. I'm sure Liz "encouraged" him to resign.

  31. 50/50 and this was decided a while ago. They are co-dependent and not too bright. She feeds his insecurities and paranoia and he brings $. The only problem is the only reason for their relevance is that they're "royals" so "stepping away" is not exactly a genius award winning move.

  32. I would tend to agree with filmfanb, but for the timeline.

    It is very obvious that the Markles have been planning this for a long time. At least 6 months. Way before the entire pedo Andy thing.
    I think that while they were secretly planning their 'escape', the BRF found out and shit hit the fan. They were given ultimati which they ignored. They continued doing their own thing. Eventually the Queen must have said 'enough' but wanting to beat her to the punch they did not allow her to make any announcements, so they quickly released this (it seems hasty, everything about it seems rushed) to appear they're the ones making this decision.

    I do not see a bright future for them at all. They have shot themselves in the foot.

  33. Lainey is INSANE. A total throne sniffer.

  34. Meghan...she's getting bored and the royal life isn't making her enough money. she wants the spotlight and everyone is hating on her.

  35. I also want to add that I don't think the Queen would have made any grand announcements at all. That was a mist-thought on my part.

    I think she would have preferred to keep everything quiet and handled in privacy, and them making this big instagram statement scattered all of that and basically humiliated her.

  36. Me-me-meghan. The greedy plan will backfire and they'll be "exiled" and forgotten about in another country just like Wallis Simpson & Edward

  37. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Markle was terminated.
    Markle never was a UK citizen.
    --Why did the UK support Markle with your tax dollars?
    --Why did the UK watch her thirty million pound wedding.... when Markle said the US elected President was "worse than syphilis"???

    We are entering a political climate where the US President is at the UN, requesting support in Iran.
    ---> We need to know who our Allies are.
    Think about it.
    Or, you can continue staring at some UK tabloid fluff, paid by Markle.

  38. 50/50. Harry has wanted a way out and Meghan has shown him the way.

  39. Maybe Harry wants to be closer to Nazi-sympathizer communities in Montana.

  40. Meghan made the decision ( regarding the timing) but I think they were asked to leave the Senior role. There has been talk of exile for the couple at least over the past year.

  41. Markle has twisted Harry into leaving. Probably threatened to leave him- total NPD behaviour, she's destroyed her family, now his. Divide and conquer, then move on.
    I had this debate here off and on the past year here on Harry becoming Canada's Governor General (hi Mishi). I think our PM Trudeau would like the high profile part of it, but not to over shadow him. Well I was wrong about him, he's now our "part-time" PM. So I think the idea of Harry being GG is now on the table. Makes me wonder who is paying for a survey of Canadians opinion of Harry being GG. The National Post is the other national paper (Globe & Mail), and leans more to the right, and was previously owned by Conrad Black, who became an English Lord when he owned it.

  42. breaking news...35 year old leaves parents house with no allowance.

  43. Meghan Markle in her new role as Lady Macbeth....

  44. 50/50, but I would bet Harry has wanted to pave his own way for a while. Good for them. I hope they find peace. The British media has been absolutely brutal.

  45. i think it's great. fresh and modern. he's never going to be king. all that dull shit they do, and to have no real meaning or purpose in life when you have that kind of profile? ridiculous!
    there are a lot of people who bitch about the royal family freeloading on taxpayer money. now there will be 2 fewer. why is anyone pissy about that?

    1. Yes! Win/win for everyone!

    2. @Nancer: People are ‘pissy’ because they still want their security to be paid for by the UK, and they want to keep Frogmore for when they’re actually in the UK. If you decide to walk away, do it. I’m all in favor of that. But having your cake & eating it too is just unacceptable.

  46. I just read they left the baby in Canada with her "best friend"?! My god,I had two children and I never even left them overnight with relatives until they were out of diapers? How weird it that?

    Relative to future income yeah. It's gonna be foundation related. You know, one for the children. It's always for the children...

  47. Which "best friend?"

    Anna Wintour? Serena Williams? Beyonce?


  48. Something must happened we dont know and i think they have to go as far as they could, because MM&H surely Done something terrible wrong against Other two.

  49. @nancer

    They are still on the royal and he taxpayer time. They are only giving up the Sovereign Grant which is a mere 5% of their income ... the other 95% comes from the Duchy of Cornwall ie. Charles which in turn comes from the Crown ie the Queen. They are also keeping Frogmore which was gifted by the Queen and then refurbished to the tune of 2.4 million by the taxpayer.

    They will continue to use royal protection squad security. They are basically declaring their intention to be utter parasites at this point. They want all of the perks and none of the responsibilities (which as minor royals are't even that arduous) or resstricitions that comes with being in the royal family.

    Markle can flounce off and take that unstable mess Harry with her although she will dump him when she's extracted all social and monetary advanatge from him. But what most of us object to is the fact they are absolutely intent on being supported in the same old way while pretending to be independent.

    This is just the final phase of narc markle seperating her husband from first his old friends, and now his own family, and eventually his entire circle. It won't last and they will divorce with a couple of years after which Markle will end up sat on the usual producers' cocks or try to exploit her old connections to royalty for US media attention. She's a dreadful cunt and I object to anyone in this nation having to support her fat ego and arse in any way, shape or form.

    1. 🙌🙌🙌 👌🇬🇧👑 God Save The Queen! #Megxit #SussexRoyalTraitors

  50. He did. Sick of the press and blames them for his mothers death. He should hate prince phillip the hit man but then again the guy is not six feet under.

    1. Utter nonsense. Prince Philip had nothing to do with Diana's death, nor any other Royal's.

      If, & I mean if, anyone WAS responsible it would've been one of the security service's MI5/MI6 the Royal's do not have that kind of power 🙄

    2. Sorry but yeah i believe so and his supposed grandkid can't stand him and he offed Epstein too!.😁

  51. Harry could write a book and make millions. Speak the real truth especially about Pervy uncle Andrew. I'd buy it

  52. It's simple, once the queen passes they'd have to kiss a$$ to get money from Charles then William. On their own they can accumulate their own fortune as long as they're not completely incompetent. Reality stars can make big bucks selling crap, and you don't get more reality family than the BRF. Sh!t, Megan is going to be a bigger name than Kate. Can't shame Megan, she's only doing to the BRF what the Brits did to the rest of the world for centuries.

    But don't worry, they'll probably bring tons of tourist money to Canada, that's the only justification for serfs I mean citizens paying for the BRF right?

  53. I think it's hilarious that anybody thinks Harry makes any decisions for himself at all. I'm sure Meghan has told him he wants this, but she's definitely driving it. I do believe that the Queen told them to either get it together or get out, and Meg decided to be a complete bitch about it by not even bothering to communicate directly with the RF.

  54. @SD: Harry cannot even string two sentences together. Heck with writing a book.

    1. Ghostwriters Aquagirl!! They would love to just be in his presence to get the dirt firsthand.

    2. @SD: but he can’t give up the dirt, even w. a ghostwriter. He wants the UK to pay for his security, his place in Windsor, etc. If he gave up the dirt, his life would be over. Now if he really wanted to, he’d let MM publish a book, pretend that he had no idea what she was doing, divorce her, and crawl back to his family, begging for forgiveness. But him publishing a book would lead to his eventual demise (financially, socially, and perhaps even physically.) But I guess that’s why they call him Dimwit.

  55. I’m with @Rinky in what funding they will continue to get. It is a substantial amount and makes my blood boil. As well as Royal Protection Officers paid by the UK taxpayer they will probably expect the Canadian (or US/wherever they settle) taxpayer to pick up their security costs which are millions a year.They have also stated that they will only have their preferred reporters at any of their future announcements, which is MM’s obsession with controlling their public persona and promoting her as a paragon of all that is good with no negative press. The whole public visit farce to the Canadian Hugh Commission thanking them for their stay, was more likely ingratiating themselves to get approval to stay in Canada long term.

    Harry knows he is not Charles biological son because he had his own surreptitious DNA test done, but Charles is his father in every other respect. He told a couple of people to whom he was very close at the time, that he is not related to Charles. Harry has always been plagued with insecurities, and probably told MM about his parentage who has exploited that. I feel sad for Harry with MM’s need to alienate from the only family and support network which includes friends, army comrades and Royal aides)that he has ever known. It’s coercive behaviour but he can’t see that. They preempted Charles and the Queen announcement if a slimmed down monarchy. I think they initially wanted Harry and Meghan to pick up some of the slack by Andrew’s withdrawal from royal duties but they refused point blank. I am sure it was intentional to announce it on Kate’s birthday as their major announcements are always timed to overshadow a planned announcement by another royal. Kate and William will have a heavier workload but I don’t think Kate be too upset having to babysit Meghan at events to show a united front,

  56. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The Queen booted them before Christmas. Harry/Meghan (feeling petulant) sped up the timetable yesterday which was a disastrous decision. Combined these two don't have a triple digit IQ. As someone pointed out the first thing that goes is the BRF protection on Meghan's dirty past. The yachting stories and the porn tape should hit soon. Buckingham Palace has unleashed the British press.

    UK news is reporting that Harry, Charles, William and HM are meeting via telephone to decide the Sussex's future. Their fantasy wishlist (reported on the Sussex website) was comical.

  57. @gauloise and @ PurplePuffin +1000. Harry's not smart enough to pull this off.. bless his heart. Also, Although being a royal is undoubtedly a PITA and HW certainly did rebel again the smothering rules, protocol, a sense of duty was instilled in him since birth. I don't see him breaking that bond lightly. Also, he adores his gran HRH QEII . He has to know this is A. breaking her heart and B. causing he a bunch of grief. Much like Edward III before him I believe this is all about the woman. Hopefully it turns out better for him- apparently WS was in love with someone else the whole time and wasn't even there at Edward's death bed

  58. Megs. If prince Harry had an ounce of common sense...DO NOT DO THIS TO YOUR BROTHER. Only two of you know what it was like to be the children of Diana and how that informs your decisions and outlook as adults. William is going to need you Harry if he is to be an effective monarch. LONG game.

  59. Sd, I would so do it. I offered to ghost write for two disgraced politicians I was once acquainted with professionally. I wsan't kidding. One did his own book from fed. prison and it was just awful. He could have at least sent me a late draft for editing.

    Yeah. Harry would be a dream book. Except for the need for additional security. I am too old for Meghan to be jealous, too, so there's that/

    1. Hope you get picked Momo. Your quite eloquent!

  60. The Pork Panther herself, Miss Megan. She fancies herself as America’s Princess and wants to be the star. That could never happen in England with too many other royals stealing the show.

  61. Anonymous3:08 PM

    My hot take is that she was pushing Buckingham Palace to do a reality show, and they pushed back hard - especially with the dumptruck of manure Andrew had delivered to the front gates. So she put her manicured foot down, and viola. I expect the announcement of her reality show to come around easter.
    She didn't marry that schnook to sit around eating watercress sandwiches at snooty society teas - unless there were cameras there. She wants the fame she demands, and if she can't haul camera crews into the royal circles, then she'll be the biggest princess in Hollywood.

    1. @Unknown: What manicured foot? Her feet are disgusting! Take a look at her pics from Cirque du Soleil. Chipped toe nail polish (not to mention the bunions and the bunion scars). Disgusting. Why spends ten-thousand or more on a gown when you can’t even be bothered with personal grooming??

      BTW, that’s the first official time when she and H (as she calls him) got publicly booed.

  62. Woke Wallis and her host are going to regret this just like original Wallis did. These two have no relevance outside their title and the responsibility that comes with it. Once they "step back" from that they'll still have a few sycophants but the public will no longer have any reason to respect them and will justifiably resent funding their security and housing.

  63. I hope she keeps saving the planet like when she flew transatlantic just to ruin her "best friend" Serena's chances at that tennis match.

  64. lol @ Brits who are still gonna be on the hook for these welfare parasites.

  65. Seems like a sensationalist article from the National Post.

    I think Meghan was a very large motivator for Harry to leave. And I think he will come to regret it. Like I said before, it would have been better to wait until Charles becomes King. Isn't Harry Elizabeth's favourite grandchild? She must be gutted.

    Will Meghan do the casting couch to get the roles she wants? Will Steve Mnuchin help her?

    I picture Harry living beachside in Costa Rica once Meghan fleeces him in the divorce.

  66. Mnuchin's gonna adapt that line from Jaws...

    "We're gonna need a bigger couch!"

  67. This was Meghan. She filed for that entity Sussex Royal six months ago. Two Christmases age, they were lauding his family as they one she never had. They were embracing all of it. Now? They blow off Christmas, leave their 8m old baby in a foreign country to drop a bomb on the monarchy, their Queen, his family and the U.K. people, while proclaiming they will still enjoy more than 95% of the favors derived from his family and the British taxpayer. Meghan has seen to it her only child now has no surrounding family. Why would anyone do that?! No family is perfect, but I don’t see they couldn’t have enjoyed pleasant relationships instead of this divisive hatefest she seems to favor. This is a move of greed and entitlement, and I don’t believe they should keep their titles or privileges at all.

  68. Her Majesty the Queen banished the Sussex Royals from Britain to make it Great again...

  69. Prince Andrew, throw them under the bus, good distraction for him.

  70. I think Harry wanted to go. Which is why he picked Meghan as his wife. She'd be the right partner to have a fresh and different start to life. I think his mother's death shaped his desire to leave the monarchy.

  71. @Em and 'im (or whatever), you're full of shit. You've come here before claiming to know the inside story ... but as I recall during one such post you couldn't even accurately record how many children Kate and William have. There is absolutely no doubt to many people that Harry is Charles' son. Go and look at historical photos of Prince Philip in uniform and you will see easily drawn comparisons between his look at the time, and that of Harry now. Furthermore, the red in Harry's hair comes from the Spencer side - go and look up photos of Diana's brother for evidence of that. Stop trying to make people believe that you have the inside scoop because it is very obvious that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

    Enty, I believe Meghan made the decision for both of them and told Harry what they were doing. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of the talks he is currently in.

  72. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I honestly believe they went to Charles with the idea of a coup to either replace William & Kate as the future rulers or share equally.
    Charles probably went to the Queen. It's also possible that Harry was finally officially informed that his DNA did not qualify him to be King of anything.
    This is more than just moving on and becoming officially secondary. Even their wax statues have been removed from Madame Tussauds.

  73. Anonymous4:52 PM

    She was fired. She was never a UK citizen. She never wanted to be.

    Markle is already back in Canada.
    Henry is still 'in talks' with the Windsors.
    He's trying to save his three million annual allowance. (While doing no royal duties whatsoever.)
    The UK gave Markle a two day visit back to UK, to do a couple of fake appearances.
    Then, they put her back on a plane, out of the country.
    Note that she is NOT using the "HRH Duchess" anymore.
    By tonight, her literary agent will be shopping book offers.
    Nice deal Lucille. She planned it all along...

  74. @CJ - exactly.

    Harry is like Diana... he doesn't want his life to mirror his mother's. I fucking love that H/M gave the middle finger to the royal family. Why not? Cut the toxic people and situations that no longer suit you. Regular people do it everyday - why can't Harry? He married a woman he knew had balls enough to stand by him and not be a lap dog like Kate.

    1. @Runner: Why can’t Harry? He’s giving them the finger, but wants to keep his title, his security team, and Frogmore Cottage. That’s ‘why not’. If you give someone ‘the finger,’ you need to be prepared to totally walk away. And he clearly wants to have his cake and eat it too.

  75. I wonder if they have maybe split up after the hub bub of the past 24 hours.
    She apparently got on a plane late today without Harry and headed back to Canada....where she had left the baby with the nanny!!!!

  76. Meghan ruined my chance to live vicariously through her as an American Princess. I'd eat the hell out of those watercress sandwiches, adorably/humbly stumble my way through protocol. (All while being drunk)
    I hope they did get booted and they lose their titles.

    1. @Gentle: ‘eat the hell out of those watercress sandwiches’ 🤣

      Agree that I hope they get booted & lose their titles.

  77. Neither. They were fired.

  78. That's funny. Given Enty's privileged access to the Royal Family, the kind that allows him to see any pimple on Meghan's royal ass before she notices it, he should be able to give you the word on the situation rather than polling you.

    If I were cynical, I would suppose that he's trying to get your opinion first in order to allow him to write new blind items based on what you want to hear. But there must be some perfectly valid reason for asking you.

  79. I think Harry wanted out and Meghan was happy to help in the exit plan. The only thing that makes me sad about this whole thing is that the brothers, who used to be best friends, are at odds. The rest I just find entertaining.

  80. Sparkles has brainwashed PH. She wants to make $$$ using the Royal title but does not want the duty it requires. She is a commoner or worse, trailer trash. He is a fool denying his children of their extended family. So very sad.

  81. I think it is interesting that the IRS never "officially" answered the question of whether Harry's "grant" is taxable as family money between a foreigner (Harry) and an American citizen (Meghan).

    That puts them right in Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders cross-hairs.

    Won't this be fun.

  82. Plot Twist...More s--- comes out against the royal family. Harry is asked to be king because his mother had more royal blood than the German Windsors and William was just too awkward to be a king. It turns out he is severely autistic and has to hold his finger in public.Kate ,after the death of the queen, was ratted out by those who know her. Turn out she is boring.

  83. @J and @Squirrelmistress: Killing it!!!

    @Lola: Markle doesn't have much of a brain, and Harry has even less, thus known as the Half Wit.

  84. I really hope the penny drops for Harry sometime soon, who used to seem happy hanging out with William and Kate, and that he dumps MM and moves to Africa to do charity work with his boyfriend, and reconciles with his family.
    MM can move into the Mulroney's garage or something and fade from view.

  85. The RF, H & M have handled this union very poorly. The Queen was not equipped to handle a Diana let alone a Meghan. I think she saw the writing on the wall and gave way them a way to exit.

    Henry has been very angry about his mother for decades, his father's contribution to her demise, and now his wife taking quite the abuse from the press. It bugs Henry that the family was not coming out to support her.

    I do wonder about how this could have turned out differently. If she had quality people in her family, if the RF had been more embracing of her. I’m surprised Sam hasn’t chimed in. I think M should have been featured doing things with Kate and Wills, etc. in supportive roles of the future monarch. But alas, did not happen. She became an oddity in the family mainly because of all the baggage she brought (she's no angel, I know).

    MM was the catalyst but this was all Harry with an underlying support from the Queen. The timing was orchestrated by all of them, imo. Best to have the RF appear aggrieved by their decision, than to be seen pushing the couple out, the biracial duchess out.

    The current monarchy thing has Henry relying on his grandmother, then father, and finally William as financial providers for his family while being unable to make money on his own. I don’t think this settle well with Henry or M.

    They will be in a state of flux until they develop that financial independence they wish. When #1 and #2 pass away he will inherit a mint.

  86. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in that family either, talk a out toxic. This latest shut with Andrew was probably the last straw.

  87. @Milk no sugar, You are entitled to your opinion.However my sources are very good as a close male relative of mine has spent a lot of time with both boys,particularly William, growing up and he is still friends with William today. Harry did tell his William and some friends that he had done a DNA test. This was at least years ago. Whether Harry was bluffing or not I don’t know, but I do know William was endeavouring to find out who Harry had told.

    Of course I know how many children William and Kate have. I have only personally seen the older two in person at a couple of children’s birthday parties put on my my relative for his child to which my children were invited.

  88. Whether or not Harry and Meghan choose to leave their duties makes no difference at all to me or to my life. I think the sad thing is that a wedge in Harry's family has been hammered. Again, it does not affect me.

    When Harry and Meghan eventually split, and I believe they will, I am praying for Harry's sake that he will be able to make amends because he will need his family. Sad too that Harry's grandparents do not have long to live and they will likely die before the rift is mended.

    No matter which side people choose, everyone would have to admit that before Meghan entered the scene, Harry and William were close.

  89. I hope that the firm engineered it.
    @Aquagirl the bunions were supposedly fixed, more botox and new porcelain veneers added during "holidays with the family".

  90. Now Oprah enters. I smelled her yesterday. The book, mental health foundation, Oprah's couch. Harry has a vid out promoting awareness about depression with that guy Ed Sheeran is it? Never heard a song.

    heavy sigh! SSRIs and book deals for everyone!!!

  91. @AbbyRock +1. Also agree that H/M can't have their cake and eat it too. Harry is an idiot IMO. He has zero idea of what life on the "outside" is.. he thinks what they've been doing- playing at being out of the firm- is the same as the reality will be. He should read the story of Edward and Walis- particularly her letters concerning her "true love" (spoiler alert- not Edward, who ended up being a cuckold who died in the arms of his nurse, whispering the absent Wallis' name to the end). It's amazing to me that neither Harry nor Meghan understand that a big part of their cache is their connection to the RF, when that connection is broken they will probably fade off into semi-obscurity like Edward and Wallis. The lesson learned from Fergie's troubles is that the ability to grant access to the RF is a big commodity- losing that is a huge deal. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall when the RF is involved in a big pomp and circumstance event (Beatrice's wedding??)that is international news and H&M are at home watching it. I'm sure they'll try some other spoiler to garner attention, but if you're a retired royal will anyone really care what you're doing? Chances are you'll get a blip if anything

  92. Harry isn’t even Charles’. Here’s a photo of Harry, Charles, and James Hewitt:

    Harry could have cruised on that sweet royal money for the rest of his life. I think he was talked into it by the wifey after finding out the truth.

  93. As we Americans speculate on a family we're not part of, and a country we fought to separate ourselves from, the truth is out there but we will never learn of it. It took Diana's death (murder) to open the floodgates so authors who knew her and knew the truth could print it for us.

    Harry is very effeminate. Weak, too. Like a Shark that smells blood in the water, Ms. Markle dove headfirst into the choppy sea of the monarchy. The damage she has done will reverberate for decades. A people (UK) who are tired of all the dramatics and chaos, she is holding the mirror in front of their faces to show them they don't really NEED the family nor the expense in their modern-day lives. This story will not have a happy ending.

    To be continued.

  94. It's obvious that Markle is calling the shots in the whole thing.



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