Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Your Turn

Do you think vitamins work or, are they a waste of money?


  1. Pills are a waste. I’ve been on liquid vitamins and even though I am around the public I haven’t had a cold or flu for two years. I’m convinced.

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Miracle 2000 lowered my blood pressure. It was invented by a born again biochemist. All the vitamins are in perfect synergistic balance. You can get it off amazon.

  3. some supplements work better than others for different things

  4. it depends on what form of the vitamin you are taking - for example, there are different forms of vitamin B6 some of which are more bioavailable than others.

    Secondly, vitamins may work in concert, so you need vitamin D3, A and K2 to get that calcium to the bones. A lot of people just take vitamin D3. You also need some minerals with that, like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and boron.

    You might be taking too much or not enough to get a beneficial effect. Some vitamins are just excreted if you take too much. Better to take the same dose broken down over several hours.

    And minerals are important as well.

  5. Depends on the vitamin

  6. Finally, some vitamins are actually dangerous if you take too much - vitamin E, and betacarotonoids, for example, encourage cancer cells to grow.

    Do some research.

  7. I know mineral supplements do work if you are not getting them through diet. I do not know about vitamins but I cannot eat a lot of things so I take vitamins hoping they work.

  8. Those Bausch and Lomb Areds2 eye vitamins have helped my mom's macular degeneration. Not cured it of course, but kept it from getting markedly worse. So in this case yes

  9. Anonymous10:27 AM

    It depends. Taking junk brand vitamins (like One a Day brand) daily just to take them is pointless. Work on your diet and push for a wider more balanced dietary intake. If you have a medical deficiency of course take your medicine. I don't take any vitamins on a regular basis. I do try to eat more Vitamin C in the wintertime but that's as far as I go.

  10. I don't eat fish so Vitamin D supplements are a lifesaver

  11. They help a lot if you take them individually. Linus Pauling didn't waste his life studying vitamin C for nothing. I haven't had a cold in at least 15 years due to daily C.

  12. I did a report on Linus Pauling in sixth grade! Amazing guy!

    I believe vitamin and mineral supplements can work. Mischi sounds like she's got it down!

  13. First of all, the proper diet and exercise is a crucial step. Without that, no vitamins will help.

    Vitamins work if they are tailor-made to your specific needs and metabolic type. If you are taking a "Recommended Daily Allowance," type that is standardized, then you probably have too much intake on some vitamins and too little on others. There are only one or two vitamin companies that design them for the individual. The rest of them aren't helping and could probably be hurting.

  14. The question is incorrectly stated. Not only do vitamins work, they are essential for many bodily functions.
    The question should be: Are supplemental vitamins needed. Not if you have a healthy diet which is how we get our vitamins. If you don't eat healthy, you could use a multivitamin daily. I would spend money on some but not others so each person has to know where they are deficient. If you put extra in your system, you will just pee it away.

  15. They do work....just don't get dependent on them !

  16. Vitamins can work but aren't helpful if you're a healthy person and already meet your nutritional needs through diet. Some nutrients, like iron and iodine, aren't ideal for an already healthy person to overdo with vitamins, but someone with anemia, malnutrition, malabsorption, etc. can benefit greatly.

    For example, I have celiac disease. Took years to get an accurate dx. Vitamins, probiotics, and whey protein are needed to fill in for malabsorption due to small intestine damage. It might take years to get things back to normal. For now, I'm just happy there are things that work alongside diet to help me live a somewhat normal life.

  17. It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks - but what the science says. Pharmaceutical companies have about 72% of their research retracted because of outright fraud - but they still use the window of time to push their fake results until called out on it.

    Some vitamins are made with crap products (including GMO's) that have detrimental effects.

    However - tens of thousands of studies show that many pure vitamins - taken in proper dosages and with proper delivery systems - far outstrip most pharms.

    60 minutes published a story of a dairy farmer who was in a coma from the H1N1 virus and completely recovered from Vitamin C when medical science had given up hope:

    Dr. Chong has published numerous studies (Natural Medicine Journal), showing a far higher efficacy for things like atherosclerosis and a myriad of other conditions. Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Medicine) published a study where 8 of 13 subjects saw all cancer traces evaporate.

    Link 1:

    Link 2:

  18. I've long suspected that really high doses of folate supplements are contributing to kids with severe allergies. But I don't know that so take it with a grain of salt.

  19. Depends on the vitamin, depends on the person.

  20. If what you want for your money is bright yellow pee, they may be worth the expense. Otherwise, no.

  21. Take B12 for memory and recall.
    Take magnesium to curb cravings for sweets. As you crave sweets, your body actually needs magnesium-My Dr told me that.

  22. I use them, depends on what kind, brand and dosage. B12, the methylcobalamin, works wonders. I also use tinctures as well, eg., valerian root and lemon balm are fantastic for anxiety.

  23. Mischi.....Thank you for the tip. Writing it down and am going to order. It is so sad that regular doctors can't advise us on vitamins and minerals. Have known 2 people cured of cancer with turmeric and oil poultices. or medicine stuck on the outside of the body, covered by a dressing. The first one cured had non hodgkins lymphoma , multiple myloma and then a brain tumor.She had a tumor like a little marble at the base of her skull. poultices changed twice a day every 12 hours for 30 days .....then cured. Over 8 years ago and no cancer has come back. The second one had a tumor in the brain...pineal gland. Same thing ..30 days.Turmeric dehydrates so drink extra water if you take it internally or externally.Powerful. no side effects that I know of but the dehydration. Mix up like thick pancake batter. Very staining ...

  24. @Roxanne: Thanks!

    Now, what vitamin curbs the desire for kettle cooked potato chips?

    1. Or potato chips of any kind. Can't have them in the house. Like heroin in an easily delivered form.

  25. depends on the individual's diet. If the closest ye get to a vegetable is the lettuce and tomato on yer Whopper, yeah, Vitamins help. Eat a reasonable diet, and they just darken yer pee.

  26. Flinstones vitamins work.
