Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Your Turn

If the technology was available, would you cryogenically freeze yourself, to come back at a later time?


  1. Are we trying to stock the freezer in case of a food shortage?

  2. It would be fun though to live one year for every decade.

  3. If time travel tech is ever developed, then I would like to go back in the past! So yes, I would like to be FROZEN!

  4. @yepthatsme Do you mean Project Looking Glass? :)

  5. No. Death is a part of life. We must all accept it. Only egomaniacs and narcissists would do this.

  6. Well, I'm neither of those....but I think it might be interesting to come back in about 20 years. See what my children are doing, what's happening in the world.

  7. @Cocktailhour, but that logic can be applied to diseases too! During 17th century life expectancy was 40 years and now its almost 75 years and thats because of medicines. People routinely live in their 80s and 90s nowadays! I mean mortality from only smallpox has been estimated from 300 to 500 million, and now its completely eradicated due to modern medicine! If that is acceptable, then why not this?
    P.S- I am just saying this coz you wrote WE must all accept it, rather than I wont do it!

  8. No way. I am not that old but the young people now drive me insane. I can't imagine what it would be like further down the road. I always felt I had a front row seat to the best of times, the worst of times, and it sure seems to be the case.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hellll no. It was bad enough the first time around.

  11. No! But I would be willing to go back to the 1800's. I'd do just fine in that lifestyle.

  12. Are you kidding me? This world gets worse every fucking year and each year I am even more grateful that I was born in 1970 and don't have any children.

  13. Heck no when I die I die until the end of time, when Our father will come back

  14. Heck no. One time on planet crazy is enough.

  15. No. When my time comes I'm looking forward to meeting my Maker. @Mrs Libnish, agree with you on the 1800's, I think that would have suited me just fine :)

  16. Hell no! Unless you were like a god or a super good doctor, why would you do this?
    When I'm dying, my thoughts will be "Finally, the sweet release of death"

  17. Theres a place here in Scottsdale that does it.

  18. Yes, thaw me out when whores are legal

  19. Yeah, I think I just might. It would be interesting, at the very least.

  20. I hate being cold. ;)

  21. majority of people in the world believe in it. Come back anyway with a new body.

  22. I bet the future will be terrible for anybody who is not part of the 1%. It will either be like The Road Warrior, or Judge Dredd, or maybe parts of Cloud, I say no.

  23. Anonymous4:40 PM

    absolutely no.
    We turn around and come back here again, in a new vessel

  24. No. I had a dream. The sidewalks are going to be very crowded with people and with aliens out in the open everywhere. They are not the attractive looking aliens or the ones disguised as people that we have now. They will be in their true form.

  25. What Sandybrook said, +1000

  26. Even if the technology was available I would not trust the people in charge to properly maintain my body, so no.

  27. Anonymous2:49 AM


    Sounds about right. I had a couple of alien clients, two nights ago. The woman was particularly obvious. They never get the hair or eyes right.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @DarylsBigFan, Oh you've got to tell that story, how are they obvious? And how are the hair and eyes not right?

  30. Nope. No Way. No How. No No. Never. Not On Your Life.

  31. Anonymous6:33 PM

    No as a believer in reincarnation there's better ways to get there than cryogenics.

  32. Fuck no I’ve seen Terminator

  33. Fuck, no, you have to be smoking crack to think the world's going to be better at a later time.
