Thursday, January 16, 2020

Your Turn

If every time you snapped your fingers, you would instantly be transported to a random point in humanity’s timeline, would you snap your fingers?


  1. Fortunately I never snap my fingers.

  2. Only during staff meetings.

  3. Nope....happy where I am!

  4. How do I get back?

    Maybe not. I don't wanna get sent to Hiroshima, the day the dinosaurs died, or when FDR & Elanor consummated their marriage.

  5. My weed's kicking in, I'll bite, do we get to pick where we go, and, can we come back???

  6. Well considering most of human history didn't have modern plumbing or electricity, added to the fact that the future looks dark, no.

  7. @Nacho, Look up the definition of "random" ;)

  8. No thank you. Honestly we complain and we should but the Crusades, Slavery, earlier wars, public tortures and condemnations, women being property.... none of it bodes well for me. As flawed as we are there is still not 'better time to be a girl' than now!

  9. No way. It'd be impossible to return.

  10. Thia-- LOL!😂

    Really fun question that excited my sense of curiosity at first, but then practicality kicked in and said, "No way!" I need some guarantee of a flawless default button that could return me to home base at anytime. Too many eras of human history just aren't cute when you get down to the day to day realities of the average mortal (anyone ever "read" those scratch & sniff history books?!). Then there's the unknowns of the future...morlocks, lol! Also, the terrifying element of if your interactions could alter, especially negatively, the course of history...scary stuff!
    Did I mention I'd be a no?☺

  11. Only if I can snap my fingers and come back immediately.

  12. Only if my companion is Sam Beckett.

  13. Only if I were invisible and invincible and could snap my fingers to return to my normal life.

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    +1 only if i can come back anytime I want

  15. I would. I figure I could keep snapping my fingers until I found the perfect place for me to be. I wonder if I could take someone for a ride by grabbing them when I snapped ;)

  16. Only if when I arrived I would be invisible. I want to observe, not participate.

  17. imtrash - the playwright or the Quantum Leap guy? lol.

    It would be interesting if one would be in the exact same spot at different times in history. I'd be too tempted not to.

  18. I'd be snapping like Thanos

  19. I don't want to get burned at the stake, get the Black Plague or Inquisitioned, or even just scurvy. I would love to be able to observe history if I could be "cloaked" or invisible.

  20. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Do we have knowledge of the future or not? If so the 90s-00s to buy Apple and Microsoft stock.
    We live in the best time on this planet right now. We have the best standard of living ever even dreamed of.
    People are so crazy to believe that any point in the past was better.

  21. Anonymous11:48 AM

    In a heartbeat. I'm always up for an adventure.

  22. No way I take it as it comes

  23. I would go back to save Stevie Ray Vaughan in a heartbeat

  24. Call me a sap...I’d go back to 2003 when my babes were little and I still had living parents and grandparents and a beach house. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  25. Are you all kidding? I'd be snapping all over the place. You'll get home eventually - Scott Bakula did!

  26. Not a chance, I love the technology and creature comforts that we have now too much to chance going back and not having them.

  27. I'd snap back to high school. I am assuming the Mischief Girl from that era also exists, so I wouldn't be able to move in with my parents. But I had a friend who's mom was cool, and she'd let me stay with them. She'd also totally believe that I was from the future.

    Then, I'd bet on sport events, political events, you name it, to build up some cash. Just like what's-his-name did in Back to the Future II.

    I'd get to see my dad again, I'd get to avoid some crap mistakes I made. I'd do much better in school! And I'd figure out a way to meet my husband 20 years before I did meet him, so I could snap him up that much sooner.

  28. Also, I'd figure out some way to ensure my dad went to the doctor a year before he did. Maybe they could have found the cancer then and saved him, or at least bought him some more time.

  29. I'd go back to the early 70s when new construction on a 4 bedroom 2.5K sq ft house was around $50K in Huntington Beach CA. I'd buy the house I grew up in and then come back, tear it down, build a new house of about 5 beds 5 baths about 4k sq ft (it's a HUGE lot), sell it and live on the proceeds in a nice but modest new home near by. Then I'd go back to the lowest IPO or two that are gangbusters now, and come back as a major shareholder in a couple of major companies. Set up my family and retire, travel and do the awesome shit in life (including charity).

  30. That is an interesting question! How very Outlanderish of you. My answer would have to be.... Maybe.

  31. Better deal, and it's real: you can teleport to the time and place you choose, and come back whenever you like.

    Just pull MY finger.

  32. A random point? No, I'd like to choose the time and locale in order to have some questions answered.

  33. J--😂! Something tells me fart jokes are timeless!

  34. Not giving up flush toilets and hot showers.

  35. To observe a certain time would be interesting. But to live within it, no thanks. Hollywood can glamorize Tudor England, the roaring 20s, etc.....but what makes me want to come back to reality? Modern dentistry, lol

  36. Well, I'm black, female & disabled so I'm gonna have to take a hard pass.



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