Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Your Turn

Have you gone to any school reunions?


  1. Grosse Pointe Blank was the greatest reunion of all time.

  2. twice and never again

  3. No thanks. FYI I loved high school :)

  4. Will likely go to my college one next year- high school, though? Never. Most of my classmates stayed put in the same city and county we went to school, which is in no way appealing to me

  5. Yes. 10th and 20th. No more. Only a couple dozen people show up and it's never anyone that I am interested in seeing.

  6. No. the group that plans them always wants to rent something huge out and keep it private. and no one shows up. We've asked for a bar (so we can escape easily if need be lol) and they don't like that idea. So keep begging on fb every 5 years.

  7. none for me. i wish them all well but i dont have any need to compare notes.

  8. @Brayson, great movie, but Romy and Michelle trumps it. If only for Post-Its.

  9. I went to one about 5 years ago.

  10. The ones I went to are ones I helped plan and put together. After my 20 year high school reunion, I was done. No more. I have Facebook, that's enough.

  11. No,first off hated H S. Second, the renting out a place for $100 per person is a great way to keep people from going. One of the reunions for my sister's class though was at the place that used to let everyone in with fake ID. That was at least a good idea. A lot fancier now, but everyone knew where to go!

  12. I was a band geek so I skipped my first 2. I went to an all class reunion last September with my younger sister , best friend from school . It was at a bar so yes it was an easy escape if it was lame . We gave ourselves 2 hours max then we would go out to the 24 hour restaurant after . Well it was an interesting evening . We were one of the few that stayed until late . I learned that the cliques were alive and well , one of my sisters friends was clinically insane , A boy I swooned over well he is into Jesus a little too much , and the best conversations I had that night was with a man from another high school . But that’s my last one I’ll never do it again .😊

  13. La Morena, I agree! like Guesser said earlier, it was 150 a couple for mine too which irritated me - a bar is so much better, distractions welcome if need be, and stay late if its fun!

  14. lol, Sandy beat me to saying exactly the same thing. Went to two and had a crap time at each.

  15. i went to the 10 year thats it

  16. no, I was stalked by a guy in my program but couldn't prove it because we had all the same classes. He would follow me to the library, student pub, coffee shop, etc between classes. He told everyone i was his girlfriend but cheated on him when people saw me with another guy. I didn't make many friends in my class.

  17. I went to 10 (sucked) and 30 (so much fun).

  18. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Only my five year reunion and never again.

  19. Nope. I have zero interest in ever seeing any of my high school classmates ever again.

  20. Once, the first one (10 year). Never again.

  21. No,thanks.....
    I was a valedictorian of my batch, read what was handed to me and that was enough for everyone to hate me !

  22. Yes, and everyone looked like crap. Now my 25th is approaching and you couldn't pay me enough to pretend to like any of them. And they're even more obese and heinous now than ever before!

  23. Went to a 40-year Catholic grade school reunion. Was with the same 40/50 people from K to 8th. I was surprised how filled with emotion I was seeing all those people again. It was like seeing brothers and sisters. We all keep in touch on FB now and may meet up again for dinner in the spring.

  24. I'd rather get a blumpkin by Donald Trump.

  25. Unfortunately, yes. 20th and 25th. Have lived out of the area since college.
    Moved back to the area upon retirement. Was paying respects to family on the loss of the father. Classmate was speaking with fellow classmate. Fellow class mate knows me and has seen me at past reunions. They finished speaking, class mate turned, never acknowledged my presence, and left. My friend was shocked and horrified. "She said nothing to you" she exclaimed. I replied, it's high school. She never spoke to me then. Why now?

  26. Nope..i'm over 20 years out...doubt any of my high school friends back in the day would ever go either. High school in the early/mid 90s was pretty fun, but those days are long gone...:(

  27. Hell now it was too many and my life was too busy.

  28. Went to my 10th, 20th is this year (OMG) but I live many states away now and it isn’t worth it. High school was ok, had some fun times but it was 20 years ago and I’m over it.

  29. My tenth. I don't even think we had one after that. *L* It was cathartic and eye-opening, but I never wanted to do it again.

  30. I hated HS so much. there is no way I want to revisit those people ever again. Although, it WOULD be fun to see who peaked way too early, or got fat.....

  31. Yes, boring and pointless.

  32. Twice. Boring and pointless. No one seemed to have grown as a person.

  33. Two. Organized by the Cheerleaders, attended by the Jocks. Same old crap as HS. Never going to another.

  34. Had the 45th recently and would've love to have attended, but have a fear of flying.
    Think I'll craft a success story, and stay with one of my sibs for next year.
    Though I do have a friend with a shared history, and with whom I've kept in touch, she's one year behind...

  35. 5th and it was really sad. About 20% of the class showed up
    and it was the 20% who had no ambition. So I never went again.

  36. good god, no! i hated those people back then why would i want to see them now?

  37. Hell no. I was bullied and picked on so badly, why would I want to see any of those people ever again.

  38. Nope, all my HS and college friends stay connected through FB and see each other whenever we can get to our tiny hometown. Loved HS ( Cheer capt and al that, honor society, etc) so it was fun and college was exciting but we’ve all got families and talk to each other anyway. Maybe I’ll go to the official picnic if I’m home on the Fourth next time, but I stay connected to the ones I care about already so no real need.
