Thursday, January 02, 2020

Your Turn

How long do you leave holiday decorations up?


  1. Tree is already down (1/1). Creche stays up till January 6

  2. I get post-Christmas depression, so I leave the tree up until Jan 23.

  3. Down by New Year's

  4. silent film super star harold llyod kept a christmas tree in his house all year long. from all accounts a super nice man and he did his own death defying stunts in the name of comedy.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I don't decorate. I don't believe in "Christmas" .
    It is shallow, materialistic, fake and a lie. It brings out the worst in my clients.
    I do wish everyone a pleasant winter solstice, as the ancient Celts intended.

  6. Should have come down yesterday, but they didn't. Will do it today.

  7. Until the day after RussianOrthodox Christmas is celebrated... usually around Jan 7.

  8. Usually about a week into January.

  9. Usually, we leave up the tree for three weeks but I'm going to try to take it down on the 5th this year after hearing some tradition about the 12 days of Christmas ending on the 6th.

  10. Until New Year's Eve. Leaving them up later is just depressing.

  11. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Until mid January. We used to take it down sooner but my elderly mother (who lives with us now) insists we keep it up. After we go to bed she sits and does her strolls down memory lane. She cries a little and remembers the past. I don't have the heart to take it down until she's ready for it to be put away.

  12. I have stuff from Christmas, Resurrection Sunday, Valentines, & Thanksgiving up all year. If people don’t like it they don’t have to look.

  13. I don't decorate for Christmas. Only for Halloween.

  14. Not a real tree.
    Around the 15th of January, we take the decorations off, and leave the red, white and pink ribbons and bows.
    March, green and white bows
    April is spring with flower garlands and pastel ribbons, maybe little stuffed animals.
    Usually it all comes down after tax season, when I get a chance to breathe.

  15. I tossed the xmas tree out the door the night of the 25th...

    1. ...You will be visited by three spirits tonight....


    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      We are all visited ...all the time

  16. Down by NYE. New Years starts fresh and clean.

  17. I think it's cool to leave stuff up until Three Kings Day. Personally I love the lights and would leave stuff up year round but that can give people the wrong impression.

  18. Until the weekend after New Years.

  19. Came down yesterday

  20. leave them up? I haven't even got them up yet.

  21. My New Year's Day ritual is to "de-Christmas". It's all over but vacuuming up the last of the glitter and stray (fake) tree needles.

  22. I live in a town with lots of military, some houses and apartments display their Christmas lights even in summer, at least for a few days, I assume this is happening before a deployment of the soldier in the family, who will not be home for Christmas.

    That being said, as for me, no soldiers in my family but me, and I am long retired. My decorations come down January 6 although I will leave the outdoor lights up until Candlemas, and sometimes turn them on, but not every night, and only for a little while.

    As Scrooge said in the unpublished unwritten sequel to a Christmas Carol, "if it is not Christmas in our heart every day, we risk missing the true meaning of Christmas."

  23. Any day now. Live tree, fur babies..

  24. Jan.6th. The epiphany.

  25. Anytime I F@#%ing want to

  26. Tree and indoor decorations usually go away the first weekend after New Year's. Lights stay up and on until the end of January. It's dark by 4:30 right now, and the lights make me happy. :)

  27. Add another one to the list that takes them down on January 1st, it's our little tradition lol

  28. Until 12th night (6 January). We get the tree just before Christmas and decorate it Christmas Eve. No exterior decorations.

  29. Until January 6th Epiphany

  30. They come down when I feel like taking them down. Usually always January. Right now I've been sick bad, so it may be a few more days.

  31. Epiphany, ideally. but actually whenever the spirit moves me and I'm ready to rearrange my decor!

  32. My parents always left the decorations up until the day after Three Kings’ Day, but I personally don’t do Xmas decorations or a tree.

  33. I don’t putting them down, for years...



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