Today's Blind Items - Tripping
Most of the materials of a long time retired professor are at his archive here in Los Angeles. However, that is not the only place he taught. Last summer at a Southwestern university, a treasure trove of documents were discovered. Many of those had also previously been seen. What had not been seen were several letters between the professor and his handler at the CIA. Even though the professor had long denied working for the CIA, other letters have been found over time, proving that to be a lie. The CIA also funded one of his most famous studies.
In this series of letters, the CIA is asking for his help. They wanted him to take a sabbatical from school for a year and offered to pay his salary plus expenses. The reason they wanted him to go on sabbatical? Several months earlier they had contracted out some work in San Francisco to a group who were conducting tests on people taking LSD that were designed to look like parties. Their experiment had two groups that were essentially divided in the room. One half was involved in more of a hands on kind of listening experience/spoken word performances and the other half would listen to a band. More often than not, the band was this permanent A list band that had been formed specifically for these experiments.
Apparently the groups listening to the bands had the kinds of results that made the CIA want more like that, so they sent this professor out there for a year to take charge of the experiments and look for further applications. Meanwhile, the CIA would continue passing out free LSD to concert goers to not only the permanent A list band but dozens of others at that time.
Unlike his previous big experiment, it is unknown if there is a report he wrote to the CIA after the year. He definitely went and definitely lied to his contemporaries and even to his bosses at the university about what he was doing there. Those lies were discovered many years later, but no one knew exactly what he was doing there or this band's involvement until the letters were found this past summer.
In this series of letters, the CIA is asking for his help. They wanted him to take a sabbatical from school for a year and offered to pay his salary plus expenses. The reason they wanted him to go on sabbatical? Several months earlier they had contracted out some work in San Francisco to a group who were conducting tests on people taking LSD that were designed to look like parties. Their experiment had two groups that were essentially divided in the room. One half was involved in more of a hands on kind of listening experience/spoken word performances and the other half would listen to a band. More often than not, the band was this permanent A list band that had been formed specifically for these experiments.
Apparently the groups listening to the bands had the kinds of results that made the CIA want more like that, so they sent this professor out there for a year to take charge of the experiments and look for further applications. Meanwhile, the CIA would continue passing out free LSD to concert goers to not only the permanent A list band but dozens of others at that time.
Unlike his previous big experiment, it is unknown if there is a report he wrote to the CIA after the year. He definitely went and definitely lied to his contemporaries and even to his bosses at the university about what he was doing there. Those lies were discovered many years later, but no one knew exactly what he was doing there or this band's involvement until the letters were found this past summer.
The Grateful Dead?
ReplyDeleteJefferson Airplane or Grateful Dead?
ReplyDelete+1 & 2
ReplyDeleteTimothy Leary
ReplyDelete+1 for the speaker
Delete+1 Rob, That was my first guess but I'm not 100% that he fits:
I also thought Leary but his archives are in New York.
ReplyDeleteTeachers drugging students, times really don't change do they.
ReplyDeleteDo they drug students where you're from?
DeleteJames Ketchum for the doctor?
ReplyDeleteTimothy Leary,the Greatful Dead,and the locations being red herrings.
ReplyDelete"Apparently the groups listening to the bands had the kinds of results that made the CIA want more like that"
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of results did they want?
Oscar Janiger? Did LSD experiments and was a professor at UC Irvine.
ReplyDeleteHe's the guy who gave LSD to Carey Grant
Owsley acid was the best acid, was he a professor?
ReplyDeleteHow bout left field and it was Unabomber.
Janiger was mostly interested in how LSD effected creativity, so maybe fits with the band music angle?
ReplyDeleteLouis Jolyon "Jolly" West. Look him up. It's an eye opener
ReplyDeleteI would have loved to be in a CIA brothel, banging hot hippie broads while tripping face. I have never banged on acid. Must be fun.
ReplyDeleteCome on count, never too late for a magic carpet ride 🤣🤣
DeleteI would dose up and strip down with a hippie bimbo tomorrow. She would need experience tripping though. Had a bad time w/ a broad who lied to me about tripping before.
Delete+1 Someone Said. James Ketchum was an army doctor who studied at Stanford (N. California) and died in May 2019 in Arizona. Did psych experiments with drugs.
ReplyDeleteAny chance it is Larry Brilliant?
ReplyDeleteBrilliant can be tied to the CIA directly through his smallpox studies (the "other experiment" referred to in the blind). And he was a big part of the San Francisco hippie scene that spawned the Dead, Airplane,...
ReplyDeleteTimothy Leary.
ReplyDeleteThe Doors.
The entire "Hippie" youth movement was created to stop the youth of the time from really becoming educated and revolting. A good percentage were lost to drugs and faux philosophical baloney.
They then ended the hippie movement with Charles Manson, making that into a hippie cult randomly killing people they didn't know when it was really just a series of botched cover ups for cover ups done by a bunch of stoned out of their minds losers.
Someone should talk to old Guru Ram Da Ass while he's still living. He knows all about it.
Didn’t ram dass just die? Too late.
DeleteDave McGowan wrote an excellent book on this, 'Weird scenes at the canyon'
DeleteYes. Dave McGowan was an angel doing The Goddess' work. RIP Dave.
DeleteSorry not Leary since he's long gone but he was one of the participants. Who is still living?
ReplyDeleteI'm 0 for 2. I didn't even hear that old Baba Ram Dass kicked the bucket in December. I hope the old phony got some kind of rude awakening in the afterlife. The beans that old Queen could have spilled.
ReplyDelete@MissDavie, Ram Dass, Larry Brilliant and Wavy Gravy co-founded the Seva Foundation in the early 70s. That's one of the reasons I liked Brilliant for this, because he is tied in to all these characters.
ReplyDeleteKen Kesey...OSU.
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DeleteJames Ketchum died in May...which would give credence to files being found last summer. He had likely been retired for a while since he was 87.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to his military stuff and post doc work at Stanford - he "treated drug addicts" at Haight Ashbury. Taught medicine at UCLA and at the University of Texas...which would likely be in Dallas or Houston as UT-Austin did not have a medical school.
or...could be an Arizona university I guess.
Leary's so retired, he's been dead 24 years. The Dead/CIA rumor is almost as old.
ReplyDeleteCIA Grateful Dead lsd experiments. Mind blowing when you have been a concert goer and whiteness to the dead thing first hand. Jerry is a god and the remaining members held in very high regard. Once I learned about this stuff it broke me free of many ideas.
ReplyDelete@Alf Landon Sidney Gottlieb was Jolly West's handler
ReplyDelete"Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream" by David McGowan is required reading for anyone who wants to shatter that illusion of and nostalgia for the glorious days of the hippies. That myth ruined so many lives and it's still ruining lives to this very day.
ReplyDeleteI'm a later Boomer so came of age in the 70s instead of the 60s but it still ruined so many of my generation.
The 80s kids escaped a lot of it but the 90s kids really got fucked over with the resurgence. The 00s got fucked up with something else but the 10s are really being used and abused by the old hippie relics.
It's time to end it once and for all.
It was all the Government. It was all a lie.
@Count It's really not. It's hard to concentrate, and you start laughing, and basically it just takes waaaaay too much effort to have sex on acid.
ReplyDeleteI am used to broads laughing when i pull my pants down, so it aint gonna kill my wood, i just dont know if i could get wood while tripping.
Delete+++ miss davie. It cannot simply be coincidence that an abnormally large percentage of
ReplyDeleteProminent members of the 60s hippie bands had A direct familial connection to the US military/intelligence establishment.
Half the men in the country served in WW2, so most kids in the 60s had ties to the military
DeleteMorrison’s parents were referred to as dead. Instead, His dad was alive and well and a friggin admiral for Chrissakes.
ReplyDeleteI studied at a church for psychics in Berkeley and we had a clinic where really hard cases would come in. One was a someone with a really blown out brain from all the acid at concerts. What I saw was that the acid just basically blew the mind open for anything to come on through. It was very disturbing. Since then I have been really angry at Gerry Garcia and that band. I hate them to this day for what they did (and I followed them back then)
ReplyDelete"Thew Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test"
ReplyDeleteThe band is the Grateful Dead
ReplyDeleteDisheartening that there are so many choices. On the other hand, I am glad that so much of the evil deeds got leaked.
ReplyDeleteRock and Roll wasn't an accident. From the shock of the JFK assassination to the Beatles to lift you up again, and BAM! A new political order slipped right by under your nose while you were high and worlds away..
ReplyDeleteThere was a reason that Bob Weir and Mickey Hart spent the summer of 2008 at the Bohemian Grove hobnobbing with globalist scumbags. While there, they stayed at the same small camp as George H.W.(CIA) Bush. Sad for me, the GD was one of my favorite bands till I woke the f*uck up.
ReplyDeleteThe Dead were the house band for the acid tests, it’s definitely them. Leary fits, his papers are archived in California.
ReplyDeleteRon Turner, the eminence grise of the underground comix movement, announced recently that Jerry Garcia's extensive comic book collection was going up for auction. As the rock and roll deaths were all faked, this clearly indicates that Garcia only recently really croaked.
ReplyDeleteRead "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon" by Dave McGowan if you want to know how far the military-connected-to-rock rabbit hole goes. Not only were these famous rockers related to military, but they were all connected to each other through military. Also look up the "Lookout Mountain Laboratory" in the heart of Laurel Canyon (on Wonderland Ave) that was constructed as a secret Air-Force movie studio base.
ReplyDeleteLike i said it was painful, but I woke the f*ck up.
Count comes through with the logic. The musicians ' dads had all been officers during WW2. It wouldn't do for a prominent scion to sit out a world war. My grandfather was a muckety muck in nukes for the Navy, no big whoop.
ReplyDeleteOKay's experience with sex on LSD mimics my own. I couldn't tell what was real and kept forgetting what i was supposed to be doing.
Not sure if this blind is supposed to outrage or amuse. Its so vague
How about shrooms? I have had good sex on shrooms. Definitely think lsd is worth a try.
DeleteI second the recommendation of Dave McGowan's fascinating research on Laurel Canyon, the hippie movement and the intelligence agencies. You can read it for free at
ReplyDeleteWhen I had an orgasm on acid I saw fireworks and eletrical sparks all around me. It was awesome.
ReplyDeleteHas there been any confirmation about Laurel Canyon? Or just the book?
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ReplyDeleteThe Laurel Canyon book is probably the most mind blowing book I ever read. Seems like most of the musicians who lived there had fathers who were high ranking officers in Navy intelligence. Bill Cosby was also in navy intelligence when he was young.Dave McGowan, the author, was struck with stage IV cancer and died soon after. He wrote another book that is also mind blowing, Programmed to Kill.
ReplyDelete@molly same here. Everyone who has ever read the book says the same thing...mind blown.
ReplyDelete@bollybiy Thanks for the free link. Everyone should read McGowan's book.
Mind Blowing.
Count Jerkula said...
ReplyDeleteHalf the men in the country served in WW2, so most kids in the 60s had ties to the military
2:41 PM
Very true, but most of the parents in Dave McGowans's book were attached to intel,civilian contractors, or very high ranking military. That seems like a pretty high percentage of families with those kinds of connections. There are also quite a few famous musicians in the Laurel Canyon community who were raised together, and some cases attended military schools or academies.
I don't agree with all of Dave McGowans claims but the connections he found in one tiny musical community are a little creepy even for me
The parents were probably children of privilege also and thats how they got into intelligence. So their kids didnt have to get real jobs.
DeleteYou wanna tell me there were certain people embedded, no argument. You wanna tell me the entire thing was orchestrated and they were all in on it? Nah. What has our government or intelligence agency ever done to show they are that competent?
I'm going to pick The Grateful Dead as the band.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with Leary for the professor, but my gut feeling is that most professors were ans probably still are on the payroll of some agency.
Google Ken Casey and LSD. Definitely the Dead.
ReplyDeleteI think Timothy Leary was a paid informant for the FBI, so working for the CIA wouldn't be a stretch.
ReplyDeleteThe University of Texas medical school in Dallas is called "UT Southwestern"
ReplyDeleteJames Ketchum
E has it. Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West. Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, by Tom O'Neill. Goes very deep into this. Probably where this blind came from
ReplyDeleteI would also like to recommend dave mcgowan's book weird scenes inside the canyon. You won't look at the those bands the same again. Something was going on a bit fishy. I thought tim Leary and the grateful dead when I read this. I've heard this about them for over 20 years now.
ReplyDeleteYay! AlhakdonSolo is back!
ReplyDelete@Monkey I read the book last year; I highly recommend it for anyone interested in the subject of Manson and that whole SF scene that appears to have been something quite different than the party line legend
ReplyDeleteBut outside of McGowan's book, is there any other confirmation about what he wrote? Does anyone know?
ReplyDeleteRalph Metzner, spooks one and all. Handler Valerie Plame
Bonus vid creating 'magic'
Ralph Metzner, spooks one and al!l (handler Valerie Plame?)
Bonus vid
Do NOT have sex on acid. I looked up and saw a skull in place of the face. It all ended right there. And I was prewarned.
ReplyDeletePink Floyd for a different answer. Watching The Wall was a big thing back in the day.
ReplyDeleteTalking about hunter
ReplyDeleteJim Morrison's father was the officer who orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkien hoax that kicked off the Vietnam war. Problem was, Jim wasn't Capt. Morrison's son. No one knew of this alleged connection until spook writer Danny Sugarman wrote No One Here Gets Out Alive, in 1980, long after the Jim Morrison persona was retired.
ReplyDeleteThe photos that surface of young Jim and his family are all doctored. Many images of famous Jim indicate more than one actor played that role. His death is unconfirmable and the last anyone had heard of the most recognizable actor to play Jim, he was living at a horse ranch in Oregon. Manzarek even said so.
The Laurel Canyon op was part of the larger Operation Chaos and Cointelpro, both operations confirmed by congress, the FBI and the CIA. Is that enough verification?
Ken Kesey