Thursday, January 30, 2020

Today's Blind Items - The Excuse

With the upcoming nuptials, there has been a lot of back and forth with friends on this side of the Atlantic. That leads to golden gossip. It can also lead to some shocking revelations. Several months back, this royal pedophile used an outlandish excuse as an alibi. The excuse seemingly was pulled out of nowhere and no one believed a word he said. It was interesting he chose that particular establishment because a friend of his offspring was going to be in the offspring's wedding until it was mentioned. The reason for pulling out? Well, at one point in time, he did take the kids there and also some of the kids friends. This would have been about the time he was allowing his way underage daughter to spend time with the billionaire pedophile. A female friend of the offspring was along for one of the dinners to the establishment mentioned and said the royal cornered her in the female restroom and groped her and penetrated her with his fingers while trying to kiss her and telling her that he knew what she needed. While this was going on, someone started banging on the door because they needed to use the restroom and she managed to get away. Several times after that night, whenever she would see him, he would always try and kiss her, but he never got close enough to do what he had that night.

When she heard the name of the restaurant, that was it for her. Apparently there was a huge argument about her going to the police all these years later and this is what has led to her departure from the wedding party.


  1. Damn they really do keep it in the family over there.

  2. was the Establishment Tavern On The Green?

  3. Comet Ping Pong Pizza?

  4. The blind is the restaurant name,is this a clue about someone else? Who backed out of the wedding?

  5. Pizza Express

    Why can't they leave pizza places alone? 😥

  6. @dougal, that entered my mind but I just couldn't go there.

  7. Yes - WHO backed out of the wedding party??

  8. Prince Andrew Pizza Express Woking reviews suspended

  9. Ok I get it, from the interview where he said he didn't rape that girl because he took his daughters and their friends for pizza during that time. Got it.

  10. Yes, Andrew and Pizza Express that he mentioned in that disastrous interview. Now it makes sense that he remembers going there.😤

  11. Good for that girl. Now if only she would go to the police.

  12. It won't go very far if she just takes it to the police. She needs to find press that will publish first, then go to the police. I don't know if British press could/would do it.

  13. British police tend to protect rich pedos more than arrest them. And the press there isn't much better.

  14. She'll be lucky if she gets out of it alive. Wait till Liz is dead, honey, then go to the press. Charlie won't off Andrew's victims before he Fredos him.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      I love your comment lol

  15. I remember one thing before the interview: Enty had full details about the way the interview had been handled and wasn't sure it would include anything remotely interesting.

    "Considering he was allowed to say whatever he wanted unchallenged, and got final approval over the final result, I'm not sure what we can expect with the royal pedophile's interview airing tomorrow."

    Of course, Enty totally missed the actual spot, which was that it was an unmitigated disaster for Andrew. And if he had final approval, any advisor would have told him to veto the footage and to start again from scratch, after a few coaching sessions on what he was supposed to say.

  16. whoa. and this is why the big confab at sandringham about andrew today?

  17. The only way she could get UK cops to arrest him is by accusing him of misgendering someone...

  18. Is this referencing PA pulling out of her Beatrice's bridal party at some restaurant? Sadly enough, when he goes down and the news gets out that Bea was someone involved in this mess, and kept silent to protect dad, the stench will be on her too. I wonder what the distractions will be. Maybe Kate will get preggos again or Samantha and Thomas will team up for a circus show.

  19. White Fiat Uno's revving their engines as we read this...

  20. Weird thing is I've also eaten there, it's not exactly a big restaurant, but it is around the corner from my old gym.

  21. So Randy Andy sexually assaulted one of his daughters friends !

  22. I knew deep down there was a reason he mentioned the Pizza Express restaurant.
    Pizzagate anyone?
    It was code to his elite, pedo friends to say, "I'm part of the club, help me".
    I thought the wedding was off now anyway?

  23. OMG, and it gets WORSE if possible. How depraved to go after your kid's friends. You'd think this a-hole elite rapists and pedophiles would keep it all separate like in secret places with strangers, odd locations, cover ups. But this scenario just takes the cake. Truly shows how UNTOUCHABLE he thinks he is. Shameless, disgusting. I guess he got off on the power of thinking he'd see her here and there again and it would be their dirty little secret. I hope Charles throws him to the wolves once Liz and Phillip are gone.

  24. Kiki- well said! It really is depraved. Then you start thinking about the twisted mental pressure his daughters have been raised with...not knowing which of dad's friends are safe, or if friends are going to be safe around dad. A genuine WT blood-boilingly gross F!

  25. Andrew is culpable for what he did, but the Queen is culpable for her lack of oversight. Her son became a monster on her watch.

    I would rather that she had been labeled "work-shy" and kept tabs on her kids, than the foulness that she has allowed to flourish.

  26. was wondering how many comments before one of you qanon weirdos mentioned pizzagate

  27. I about died when that blatant ass-wipe threw out that Pizzer Express line, lol
