Thursday, January 23, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Busted

This writer/executive producer was at the top of the heap for multiple hit shows. Hopefully this week, his career will come to an end.

From the words of his victims.

Last Friday, because of the amazing connective power of social media including within this group, I discovered a man I had a really scary encounter with recently is a serial rapist and pedophile. His name is ___________, and he was one of the main writers and producers for a hit network show and hit cable show. He targets young women with promises of a professional modeling photo shoot. He lies about his age and is 59 but often tells women he’s in his 40s. He not only uses dating websites to target women, but modeling sites, photography sites and even approaches random women on the street, including underage girls. We have an account of him approaching a 12 year old and telling her she needed to be comfortable being naked if he was going to photograph her. That was 13 years ago, and more stories keep coming forward. It can’t be confirmed yet, but it sounds like he has drugged at least one woman. He has assaulted women in both professional settings and casual ones. He is a master of coercion and manipulation, and he convinces most women that they welcomed what happened to them, or pressures them so much that they give in and feel like they said yes (note: coercion is still rape). It sounds like from multiple accounts he has a woman assistant who calls women and vouches for him as legit. He has had 4 separate police reports filed against him and has been arrested twice for sexual battery and battery in 2014 and 2018, yet his background check only shows up with 2 traffic tickets. He has used his money and influence for years to get away with this, and its time for him to answer for it. 

I went in on Saturday and filed my own police report. 3 women came with me.  Part of what made me and many others nervous about reporting was that it can be re-traumatizing to report. However, I have to say that the cop that took my report was amazing. He said “these Hollywood assholes can’t get away with this casting couch bullshit anymore these days”. This made me feel safe, and at the end he thanked me for coming forward and made me feel empowered and heard. The woman who originally filed a report and rape kit against him in 2014 has also re-opened her case, and they’ve finally connected the dots and have called me back in for additional interviewing.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Not to minimize the victims here but Joss deserves to burn for his justice league reshoots. Holy shit what a travesty. And he only got the job because of the suicide.

  2. Joss is slightly too young. I think he's just now 56. Carlton is closer to the age in the blind. And whoever it is...EWWWW.

  3. Kurt Sutter?
    The Shield -network
    Sons of Anarchy -cable

    1. He is disgusting. You might be onto something.

  4. It could be Lee Daniels too and he doesn't look his age and this doesn't specify a race.

  5. Lee Daniels wouldn't be after females

  6. He says he sleeps with women even though he's gay, he classified himself as "fluid"

  7. Kenya Barris?

  8. Whoever this is, I hope this blind has the same well-timed result/arrest as the one about the perv SoCal doctor.

  9. Kenya is 45 so don’t think it’s him.

  10. I like Kurt Sutter guess. Given Sons of Anarchy had nudes scenes since they were in the porn business for awhile. I think the show runner would have done shows with nudity in them?

    Anyways. Thanks for the actual screenshots and proof for once. Thumbs up!

  11. Is it really happening tho?

  12. Ryan Murphy - gay.
    Aaron Sorkin - wouldn't need to lie about his age, famous enough to get women without the photo shoot charade
    Carlton Cuse - already 60, famous enough...
    Joss Whedon - famous enough...
    Lee Daniels - gay

    Are you really trying or are you just shouting names of people you'd like to be perps? How long before someone writes Judd Apatow in?

    It's also obvious that the guy isn't a showrunner or very famous (as he can lie on his age, which is more difficult when your credits are spread over four decades or when you have a Wikipedia entry). He's however been a senior writer (enough to get him an exec producer title) for at least two different hit shows. There would be dozens of possibilities on IMDb with the age criteria, and it could even be that the guy is not famous enough to get a birth date there. Notice that the narrator has been careful enough not to spread specific details on the guy for people to guess the identity (she's not there to play games). Just wait for an eventual arrest and you'll have your name.

  13. All Kurt Sutter shows have been produced for cable television. He has never worked for a network.

  14. Kurt Sutter hasn't had a show on network and cable, so not him. This really doesn't seem like Aaron Sorkin's style. I don't have a good guess, just trying to eliminate some.

  15. The number of photographers who do this is way more than this guy.

  16. The Shield was on F/X, not network tv.

    Oh, how I miss that show!

  17. Was thinking basic cable was considered network as opposed to ones you have to subscribe to.

  18. The Shield and Sons of Anarchy in its early seasons were great. It was pulpy material delivered by a great cast.

    When Shawn Ryan (showrunner on The Shield, and he's definitely not 59) hired Kurt Sutter, they knew that he would have over the top ideas, but the rest of the writing team knew how to sort between keepers and junk. I remember one over the top episode, where dealers were selling heroin in elementary school. Even if he isn't credited for that episode, I'd bet that it was based on an idea by Sutter that they weren't careful enough to discard.

    As he got Sons of Anarchy on his own, he would still be quite restrained and plan an entire season with some great twists. Then, it became a huge hit, FX asked him to do many more seasons, and it became awful. A premiere that involved some school shooting just for the sake of shocking the audience, the many cuckolding fantasies involving Gemma and Clay, Jax becoming some kind of Mary Sue, etc.

    It was even worse on his next show, The Bastard Executioner, the historical show that took place in Wales (they would tell you that every five minutes). The lead was terribly miscast (the main baddie, Stephen Moyer, had actually much more charisma), and his character was even more of a Mary Sue than Jax or Poochie (if you know what I mean). Every other character would gush over him and tell him how cool and badass he was.

  19. Network is free TV only. ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CW...and PBS. Only.
    FX and USA are on basic cable making them "almost-network"
    HBO is premium
    Netflix is streaming

  20. I modeled/acted professionally for 7 years, when I was young. I had a photographer try to get me to take off my clothes. She’s right. You never forget their face.

  21. Kurt sutter he fired because of his behavior recently

  22. Could this be the guy with the YouTuber a couple weeks back? We're people saying he was about 60 or so? This is not going to be some big name guy that everyone knows. Gotta love CDAN though where the top of the top people are all guessed first while all the know-nothings nod in agreement like they know something lol

  23. All nice guesses. To be different, I'm going with Bill Prady.

  24. It's Eric Weinberg from Scrubs. I've been following this post from a closed fb group and saw it all go down in real time. Those are excerpts taken from her post.

  25. Network is CBS, NBC, ABC Fox
    Almost Network is CW
    There is cable and there is pay cable and
    Almost tv is streamers

  26. @Apricot, No, not Scrubs! :(

    His wikipedia page is pretty clean until you get to the last sentence:

    "Eric Weinberg was arrested in 2014 for multiple accounts of sexual assault."

    WTF? I can't find anything else about it though, so who knows if it's legit or not.

  27. This dude? Eric Weinberg from Scrubs?

  28. Weinberg doesn't seem to fit the profile for this type of behaviour.

  29. Yes I think he fits perfectly.

  30. I’m going to go on a limb and say Tyler Bensiger (Masters of Sex and This is Us). Almost all of his pages online are scrubbed of all personal and age data (which would fit if he lies about his age), but if you do a LA county search for him it looks like he is around 56, which could fit if the writer was off a bit on the age. But the oddest thing is whenever I looked for pictures of him I found many when he was at functions/events and he was carrying around a professional camera on his neck...

  31. Correction Tyler is 57

  32. Oh dang Tyler is also an award inning photographer based out of LA,

  33. this is 100% Weinberg. The group this was first posted in has his pic, info. corroborating evidence from other women who also had experiences with this guy...its' all laid out in the post. These are literal posts from her post that I read. this guy is vile.

  34. Good on that cop. There should be more like him.

  35. Thought I was into something but Yeah I did a little digging on Twitter and word on the street this is def Weinberg

  36. I wonder what the one thing all these pedophiles have in common? It's almost like they all belong to the same club or religion or something...

  37. @Angela Could not disagree more with your assessment of Bastard Executioner. I was very disappointed when it was cancelled.

  38. Chuck Lorre is 67.

  39. JusticeFor- There you go noticing! Can’t do that!

  40. Thanks for letting us know, Apricot!


  42. Bill Prady is a mean jerk, but he’s not a monster. Not him.

  43. Anonymous3:41 AM

    i know who it is. His best buddy is the biggest producer in television. Between them, they are worth about three quarters of a billion.
    He will pay off anyone who complains about him. This is how power works.

  44. Anonymous3:49 AM

    And let's be honest ...
    Most of these women want cash.
    Moral indignation doesn't buy you a condo on Maui.

  45. KUDOS to this woman for coming forward!!!!!

  46. It so is not Kurt Sutter. Have a look at Katey Sagal's Instagram. Besides, while Katey Sagal has had bad marriages, I just can't fathom she would be married to a perv/pedophile.

  47. Anonymous12:27 AM

    @Max Power
    Yes.... It is quite profitable, to suddenly remember what some guy did to us twenty years ago.

  48. Another poorly-written "blind." You don't need to tell a reader that "note: coercion is rape." The language, composition - I know who wrote this. *yawn*

  49. Coercion is not rape. This is so insulting to real rape victims. It’s disgusting. If you choose to have sex with a man because he promised you something you value in return and he reneges that is NOT rape and you are a prostitute.

  50. Within the past three days someone just scrubbed the Eric Weinberg Wikipedia page of any mention of sexual assault arrests in 2014. Hmm.
