Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 22, 2020

Good luck winning that lawsuit. The alliterate former actress wanted press outlets to have to pay her for photos, not the agency that took them. Notice they are not being mean to the outlet that took the pictures, only the ones using it. If you leave the bubble, this is what happens. I'm also not sure how you can compare someone in the woods you invited to being pursued in a high speed night time car chase, but, you love pulling that comparison.

Meghan Markle


  1. These people are stupid...

  2. Markle, the human click bait. Did that baby really look fake?

    1. Brayson, zoom in and you will see she forgot to put a diaper on the doll when she dressed it. LOL

    2. That baby was huge and she wasn't carrying him properly. If it was a real baby it would have been really uncomfortable and her posture would've been different.

  3. She was smiling at the camera! We're supposed to believe it was someone hiding in the bushes??

  4. dont look at adrew look at meagain and the red headed step child.

  5. It was a remarkable feat of strength to carry an eight month old baby on one shoulder strap - my back would have killed me ! But of course she does do lots of yoga. Lol

  6. she only had to be slightly smarter than Harry, who has a single digit IQ, so I'd put her IQ towards the low double digits

    Real reason of Megxit revealed, it was to draw our attention from the love child of Prince Cahrles and Camilla Bowles. Thank me later!

    1. This story is soo old. It was in the news a few years ago and nothing came of it.

  8. Diana was vapid and useless, but even she vastly outclassed B!imp Markle.

  9. @herbert Arnold EXACTLY!

  10. yes yepthatsme, thank you!

    thank you for proving once again what sort of mental midgets still defend the indefensible and detestable MM. flowers are on the way

  11. Markle was registering the SussexRoyal site and brand before the Andrew story broke. This was a long game by MM

  12. @Unknown, thanks for the flowers! Roses are my favorite! Although if you can send PIZZA instead of flowers it would be AWESOME, coz you know PIZZA IS LIFE!

  13. The next series of Channel 4's 'The Windsors' is going to be a hoot!

  14. @gauloise, not sure MM is smart enough to have come up with that idea herself.

  15. That's how they're going to make their money -- pose for pictures and then sue the outlets that use them. Why work when one can whine?

    1. Yep. Their personal ATM. LOL

  16. Abandoning royal obligations will give Harry more time in the lab, inventing stuff.

  17. anyone that did not see MM as a HARLOT and USER were BLIND

  18. If that baby were real wouldn't it be crying? It was all sorts of distorted in that baby carrier, esp in the crouch area

  19. Meghan smiled throughout the whole video,never makes eye contact with Archie.

  20. Girl has to make money somehow.

  21. I wonder how she will handle getting her own groceries and people recognizing her. If they take her picture, will she sue them too?


  23. Meghan can be cunning but not a whole lot of intellect or common sense. Like, she was too stupid to put a diaper on her plastic dolly. What a dumb shit.

  24. She also had the carrier on completely wrong. His legs were hanging from straps with no crotch support.
    I guess she really does want to make him gender fluid
    Worked with his supposed dad
    PS Meghan- the idea of the carrier is they can see moms face and interact.
    She never looked at that baby or doll ONCE while posing for the paps she INVITED

  25. The baby thing hugely puzzles me. While the baby did not look real in the latest pics, she looked even more odd ... like she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. But how could the baby actually be fake without the BRF knowing? (or if a surrogate, how the F does the BRF not know that?) That is what I just don't get. Although her unseemly haste to get the F out of there indicates there might be some secret she's guarding. If she's playing the long game to get what she really wants (fame + money + power) why do something so crass as ditching the RF at Christmas? If she truly wants the world to love her, wouldn't she's have taken a little more time? So my TLDR conclusion is the haste was necessary for some undisclosed reason OR she's too impatient to play the long game and therefore won't succeed. She thinks she is, though, you can see it the shit eating grin.
