Sunday, January 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 17, 2020

Quite the sight to see this foreign born permanent A list model have to crawl under her table at lunch to retrieve a vial of coke which fell out of her purse when she opened it to pay for her meal.

Kate Moss


  1. It’s like riding a bike once you learn how you never forget how to do it.

  2. Remember how she squirmed her way out of drug charges by claiming that "you can't prove it was coke I was snorting on that video?"

    How is it that her nostrils don't look like the Lincoln and Holland tunnels?

  3. Ah, come on. As the jingle goes, everything goes better with Coke.

  4. I'm more shocked that allegedly she ate an entire meal.

  5. She paid for her meal, didn't say she ate it. More likely that she sipped a vodka spritzer while she pushed a salad around on her plate.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It's call Monday in Kate's world

  8. Still shocked that she had her own coke and paid for her own meal. Maybe she really has matured. Perhaps no longer being able to f*ck her way out of situations has taught her life skills.

  9. Back in the day I blew out the blood vessels in my nose. How do these people do coke for half of their lives and still have an intact proboscis?
