Saturday, January 18, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 22, 2019

This alliterate rapper is loved by this very successful very rich businessman who most of you know. He is loved until he wants to date a female relative of the businessman and then is told he is not allowed.

Meek Mill/Robert Kraft


  1. There's nothing wrong with that, he's just being honest

  2. To be honest who over here would like rappers dating anyone in their family after reading all the crap about them !

  3. I wish there were rappers in my family.

    Like Tom Hanks and his accomplished son Chet.

  4. When did Tom Hanks claim to be a rapper "J"? The hate for the man on this site is such bs and a waste of energy that could go into disliking Trump some more.

  5. Hmmm...I wonder who the relative is? Must be one of his granddaughters

  6. Slim, he's very obviously talking about Tom's son.
    Anyways, nothing wrong with this.

  7. Hi SlimKeith!

    Impressive research skills.


  8. Oh but Robbo can go get hand jobs from Asian workers. But God forbid he has a biracial grandchild.

    The hypocrisy.

  9. 1)Regardless of his recent railroading and being freed Meek still has another conviction with jail time on his record (which is the probation he violated that sent him back in)
    2)nobody in Boston wants anything to do with anybody in Philadelphia and vice versa.

  10. Damn, I wasn't paying attention to this site for few days and missed out on all the hate on Tom Hanks. I was busy at other places discussing about Creepy Gump, which I shall be doing no more because my account got block. Same treatment for talking about Oprah.

  11. How many b*stards does Meek have? That would be good enough reason.
