Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 9, 2020

Hopefully the one named north of the border singer can stay clean and sober while pregnant. It is probably a long shot.



  1. Oh it's another "Hate On Musk" day, of course.

  2. she hasn't officially announced she's knocked up she said she thinks she's knocked up...but yeah Tesla's stock has doubled in the last three months

  3. I hope she's not hooked on drugs. Some people shouldn't breed. Poor kid.

  4. I went off a drug habit where I was taking 4 or 5 different substances at a time, on top of my love for booze, as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Nobody ever thought I'd get clean for any reason (they even had a death pool going). Been clean for 12 years now. So, it's not impossible for someone with a severe addiction problem to do it. But it's surely not easy. Going through withdrawals while pregnant is awful, but can be a good wake-up call. Let's hope that if she is pregnant, she has a healthy pregnancy. A few of my friends had to detox as soon as they were born, and that can have lasting problems through adulthood. No child deserves that.

    1. Congratulations on your soberity !

    2. Well done you 👏👏👏

    3. Thank you, IndieRaga and Droopy Orchid!!!

    4. Congratulations! That’s not an easy thing to do. I don’t know you but I’m very proud of you for putting your child first.💕

  5. I was a massive alcoholic bartender and heavy smoker, and the smell of liquor and cigarettes made me sick as hell right away. I didn't drink for another 23 years... menopause sent me back to beer. One Day at a Time.

    I was young when I had my children, relatively. If your liver isn't damaged by alcohol, the baby will be fine if you drank or whatever first trimester. Or so I was told by my doctor who was 80 years old... People could still smoke in doctor's offices and hospitals then!!! Ultimately my children were healthy and huge and brilliant and beautiful.I wish all women well where babies are concerned. Mine certainly changed my life. It's ugly to speculate on this. I even felt sorry for Courtney Love when this was done to her. JFC what isn't off limits anymore??

    1. One day at a time, indeed. You've come a long way, so don't let that discourage you. Keep rockin'!

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Are we sure she's pregnant?

  7. Is anyone else thinking about the screed Tony Montana said about Elvira in 'Scarface'?

  8. Good Job Ash01e!! Don't even know you but I'm proud of ya!
    Pregnancy is absolutely the most crucial time to be selfless and you did it!! 12 years clean! ooowee! keep on kickin ass girl!!

    you too momo!! :)

    1. Thank you so much! It's not easy, but worth it. That's why I never count anyone out when it comes to something like that, because there are people who truly turn their lives around- even the biggest messes are capable of it. If she is pregnant, I wish her the best. Getting clean whilst pregnant can be difficult, but rewarding.

  9. The mutant offspring of Musk/Grimes will be certainly be interesting to see.

  10. Well done Ash01e. I hope Grimes is equally successful, both for her health and the baby’s.

    1. Thank you! I hope so, too. I tend to root for the underdogs in situations like this, because I've been there. I hope she has a good support that will keep her and the baby healthy if she is, indeed, pregnant.

  11. Great story, Ash01e. It takes what it takes ... I shudder to think what my life would have been like if I hadn't gotten sober when I was 24 (not to make it about me - just identifying with you).

    1. Thank you, and congratulations to you! You are not making it about you,and I love hearing about the success of others, so I'm glad you responded. I hope you are having a wonderful, productive life that brings you a wealth of happiness for surviving!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. she looks weird so she's on drugs all the time, right?

    this sad blog is for fent-addled grandmas

  14. momo i have lots of friends who are winners in life but I also have lots of friends who are losers in life, the one thing they (the ones with the most difficult lives) almost all have in common is their parents enjoyed life and did not care all that much about their kids, back in the day.

    the bottom ten percent of parents are pretty awful.

  15. hey kerry I read this blog and I am the opposite of a fent-addled grandma.

    nice of you to stick up for a friend, though, I will give you that.

  16. Right Stephen, you're part of the other group of people that read this blog; deeply closeted mentally ill gay guys

  17. nah i am an honest faith healer. If I were a gay dude I would be out and proud about that .....

    seriously, people like to touch me wherever I go.

    I do pray a lot, but I really love women, and no I am not mentally ill.

    Thanks for reading I am praying for you right now, my friend ....

    I admire your passion.

  18. For the record I am a real faith healer - not in the sense that I am successful at healing people, which is not ALL THAT IMPORTANT in the faith healer line of work (what is important is the answer to this question - is God successful ??? ---- and the answer to that question is, yes, God always is)
    but in the sense that -
    I do not like to be touched by people who do not know me well but I don't really care because if they see in me what they think they see ...
    and whatever they see in me, I can guarantee you that (a) I spend a lot of time praying for people who want me to pray for them and (b) - I am adding (b) here because I know you are a little embarrassed at yelling at somebody and telling them HEY HEY HEY YOU ARE A CLOSETED GAY when the person you were yelling at was, well, me ......(b) if I were gay there is no way I would be a closeted gay....

    look i will never get a single benefit in this world from being the sort of person who people look at and sometimes think "if only I touch this person, or get this person to pray for me, I will feel less pain from my illness, I may even be healed of something that after all should not be too hard to heal...."
    Like I said, I admire your passion, and thanks for chiming in.
    someday you too my friend will understand the power of prayer

  19. Proverbs 8 is where you wanna start



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