Sunday, January 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 17, 2020

This week, one of the largest media companies in the world laid off nearly 1,000 people who are being replaced by computers. Did the A list face of this company talk about it or mention it or even care how many people in his exact position were also replaced by computers? Nope. He doesn't care. The DJ/host/producer only cares about himself and his hair.

 iHeartRadio/Ryan Seacrest


  1. I’m sure part of the layoff was to pay for Ryan’s salary

  2. Two things that will never happen: 1. Trump admits his guilt 2. Ryan opens the closet door

    1. Answer for #1: President Trump won't admit his guilt because he's guilty of nothing...I have never read of one specific thing that states what President Trump is guilty of that compromises The United States...And of course Hillary Clinton did sell 20% of America's uranium to Russia...and no one knew about that...But I guess, sikkofant, that's not "guilt" in your playbook...

    2. Now THAT'S what TDS looks like, boys and girls.

  3. "The DJ/host/producer only cares about himself and his hair."...and his bank account. Seacrest is driven by greed.

  4. You think presidents should be able to blackmail foreign governments with OUR tax dollars to investigate their rivals by withholding military aid? That's what he did, and it's proven (and he practically admitted it). Wake up, Trumpcult, wake up.

  5. Lin you spelled Biden wrong.

  6. Lin. Ambassador Sondland was the only material witness and he had nothing that aided the prosecution.
    He said “assumed” and “presumed” ,etc. 22 times. Testimony isn’t about what you THINK happened.
    Military and monetary aid to Ukraine was delivered, the president put a short hold on aid to several
    countries so the process could be reviewed / revamped. The Ukrainian President said “We had no idea
    it was delayed at all. We were never asked for anything in return.”

    Yet...we have the Biden’s up to their backsides in genuine corruption. We have Joe Biden
    bragging on video about getting the prosecutor fired within 6 hours by threatening to withhold
    aid. ON VIDEO. The same prosecutor who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden.

    Yet,in your fantasy Donald Trump is guilty? He was not my candidate, I don’t love the man.
    But .... I do believe in the rule of law. I do believe in justice and our republic.
    This impeachment and trial is and was a joke.

  7. Obomba looked great in his clothes, made great speeches, smiled at his wife and held his daughter's hand. MSM loved him. He bombed innocent people the entire 8 years of his administration. Trump is plump and rumpled looking in his clothes. Can't make a speech. Ignores his family in public......bringing troops home ....outing pedophiles and rapists. Over 30 congressmen are quietly retiring. Not on "state" MSM. Research opposites / satanism and freemasonry for details of this wild story.I think our times are unprecedented in human history.

  8. Let's be honest, you probably shouldn't expect a ton of morality from former rent boys, especially when it comes to money.

  9. Is Ryan's hair real? It looks to be and always looks good.

  10. how does seacrest manage holding power? typically is is a behind-the-scene partner or manager that drives this type of success. anyone know of who that could be? it is definitely not seacrest himself. he is a dolt.

  11. Seacrest is a soulless fake, and the crappy outfits he wears on that
    morning show look like tacky European menswear mixed w Edwardian trash.

  12. @BMDS you sure triggered the TDS-ers! Fucking hilarious! What was the question?
