Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #34

October 28, 2019

As Halloween approaches, there will be thousands of people who wear the costume of this famous female character from literature who has had cartoons and live action movies made about her. Th thing is, she is based off a real person. A person the author knew very well. This person was about 10 at the time. Our author was a grown man. He was allowed to get close to this little girl because the girl's father shared the same profession as our author. Apparently the two families were very close, until they weren't. The author was obsessed with this little girl and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. It got to the point where the girl's parents feared for the safety of the girl and broke off contact with the author, and it was sudden. One event, and the next day, no contact ever. No one to this day is entirely sure what happened, but the author wrote his book about her.

Lewis Carroll/"Alice in Wonderland"/Alice Liddell


  1. Nothing will ever change my love for Lewis Carroll's works. He was a mad genius.

  2. And this is why pedophiles flourish.

  3. He was a paedophile. There's a documentary that says that the LC heiresses inherited his diaries and some pages were cut out of them. Theb documentary also shows that he had naked pictures of onethe of the Liddle girls.

  4. "What" is why pedophiles flourish?

  5. You mean my attitude towards his *works*, which are brilliant. Learn to differentiate, hon, I am not condoning pedophilia. To imply or say outright that I am ios not only delusional, it is an hysterical overreaction.

  6. well "hon" you're supporting a pedophile.

  7. Well, "sweetie," I'm sorry you can't tell the difference between loving great literature and brilliant creativity and actually supporting the author's behavior.

  8. In the pic linked in the blind, she is posed like a whore. flashing nipple and has her hand cupped to drop a piece of candy or a coin in for payment.

  9. The Jabbereocky makes so much sense now (Monster).

    I loved his works...but I’m not attached to him, per say.

  10. I can't believe this is a blind item. This has been speculated about for 100+ years—there are entire books about his relationship with children.

  11. Anonymous8:48 AM

    This is why paedos have an official day called Alice's Day

  12. Google his photography. All little girls and very creepy. He was a pedo & Alice wasn't the only victim.

  13. @Do tell, you can't separate the artist of their works. You are supporting a book about the obsession of an adult for a girl. If you say that you love the work but not the author, you just justify everything.
