Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 8, 2020

Back to back bombs where this A- list mostly movie actress was the one used for marketing is really going to bring the career to a crashing halt as a lead actress.

Kristen Stewart/Charlie's Angels/Underwater (which did end up being a huge bomb too)


  1. You can't blame her for sh!tty movies, nobody could have saved those.

  2. If it really took them this long to realize that she is a box office bust then I've got a bridge to sell them.

    1. Right? She's made out of wood, and her several dozen mostly teenage fans can't change the opinion of the vast ocean of moviegoers who don't like her because she's a mouth breather that can't act.

  3. They really need to find another Mary Sue role where she doesn't need to do anything or even act to be special. Of course ScarJo gets most of those but there have to be some left.

  4. Next film she is in will have gratuitous nude scenes to get buzz.

  5. If we lose her and Emma Watson, film as an art form is done for.

    1. You made me laugh out loud!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  6. Whoever cast Charlie's Angels should never, ever get another job in Hollywood.

  7. Good. She's been a nothing burger since the git go...

  8. I seriously doubt it.

  9. She’ll always be the go to girl for any role that needs a completely unlikable, surly, grimy looking, Hollywood style butch chick!

    1. You left out "mouthbreather".

      Does she have sinus trouble, I wonder? Girl hasn't closed her mouth in ten years

  10. Her next film is the Jean Seberg biopic.

    Remember Seberg? She was the target of an intensive smearing campaign orchestrated by J. Edgar Hoover, who couldn't stand her and targeted her during the COINTELPRO project. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood, at the FBI request. Gossip columnists would plant fake stories just to make her break down, because she supported radicals like the Black Panthers. It was most likely a cause for her 1970 miscarriage, then for her suicide. This isn't hearsay, the FBI released her whole file a week after her death, to take distances from the practices in the Hoover days.

    Good times, would say a few people here.


  12. She has a singular facial expression. She should definitives go to acting school; Lee Strassberg, Tisch, anything. There is no shame here considering she can't act for shit. Other than that, every one of these remakes are doomed to fail. People are onto Hollywood.

  13. @Count Jerkula, even that wouldn't work. Nobody wants to see this chick naked. No one at all!

    Never understood why or how she ever got lead roles in big budget movies. She's not beautiful, she has zero sex appeal, her figure looks like the body of a teenage boy, and she can't act. Back when she was doing the Twilight movies they were SERIOUSLY trying to push her as the next big thing. Nothing that they did for her worked. Still, as bad as she is I wouldn't blame her for Charlie's Angels bombing badly at the box office. That movie was just a very bad idea. First of all, it was a remake of a remake of a remake. Second, they made an already bad script a whole lot worse with the man-hating feminist stuff. It also didn't help that they starred it with these unattractive women. You'd think that they learned after doing this very same thing with Ghostbusters, but no. I'm expecting that Kristen will next be starring as a WOKE lesbian in Freddy Vs Jason---The Re-match.

    1. Of course you don't like her, it wasn't made for your Boomer generation.
      Women have come on up out of the kitchen John Doe. We are equal now so plz fetch me a drink

    2. Boomer generation? What is that? The woke generation where regardless of skill everyone gets the same equitable outcome? Bahahahaha

    3. I am glad women are equal now. Does that mean you broads will stop bitchin and moanin all the time?

  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Anna Kendrick does the BEST impression of Kristen Stewart. Totally awkward.

  15. Except 99% of Kristen movies are small indies. It seems to be what she prefers and she can still get those movies greenlit. I loved Underwater. It was such a claustrophobic horror movie.

  16. Kristen Stewart I am convinced only got Twilight based on her parent's connections in the business. As you guys have mentioned she has one facial expression and really is a mouth breather. She got lucky with Twilight based on her lack of acting skills so chalk it up as a win, KStew. She should just stick to Indies or start doing behind the scenes work.

    I have a feeling this was her team (pr/agent/ manager) last ditch effort to make the big bucks off of her with wide releases. They probably now know after back to back bombs that the ride is over when it comes to starring in the big films and her bringing in the big bucks for them.

  17. She got Twi-crap bc the actress they wanted wouldn't Emily sign a multi pic deal & the director was buddies with Kskanks bf at the time, and had directed him in Lords of Dogtown.

    her acting has gotten worse since she was a teen. She was actually pretty good in "in the land of women".

    Enty's had other reveals about her. Her mom pushed her into acting & lives vicarously through her & has used her & her hubs connections to get KSkank work. Mom has also trained KSkank about the how - to's of sex & the casting couch since she was a tween.

  18. @ Angela...that upcoming movie sounds like another bomb to me.

  19. I only liked her in the Panic Room movie...

  20. Why did my comment stating that the pompous know it all that posts their long winded screeds about how everyone here is stupid and wrong, get deleted? Was it because I mentioned their datalounge “fame”? Lord, this site is getting lame. It was better before all of the heavy handed moderation.

  21. She was good in that Runaways biopic, maybe?

  22. She's not a good actress anyway, why is anybody still trying to make her happen? (And no, she was NOT good in Runaways. She made Joan Jett boring AF. She just made me want to punch her in the face so hard.)

  23. @Diana You clearly don't know which generation Boomers are...because no, you haven't described them at all.

  24. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Bottom Line: Kristen needs to drop this whole LGBTQ and Woke Narrative that is present in all of Her Films recently.

    Lizzie, JT Leroy, Charlie's Angels, Underwater and now She is doing a Gay Rom Com called The Happiest Season for Sony and Tristar. Which will no doubt go nowhere. She is also trying to Direct a Film called The Chronology of Water, which surprise, surprise is about a Bisexual Swimmer.

    The good news is She is now with WME and I definitely do think they want big things out of Her. And I think it is possible that could She land in the not so distant future a Role in a Big Film ( Probably not as the lead but definitely a Role in there ) But in order for that to happen She needs to start listening to Her Agents and they need to start getting more aggressive with Her.

  25. underwater's failure can't exactly be blamed entirely on her. movies that don't come out until three years after they're shot tend to be complete garbage

  26. saying that, she *is* one of the worst actresses i've ever seen in anything. i think early on in her non-twilight roles you could almost mistake her awkward mouth-breathy schtick for talent but 15 years later and that's literally all she can do? pass

  27. @Astra I got bounced replying to you, if that's any consolation. Maybe to keep the mental hornets nest from exploding??

  28. E- maybe it’s for the best. But it’s a shame, we have a bona fide Internet superstaaaaaah in our midst!

  29. KS is remarkably beautiful; however, she acts exactly the same in every single role.

  30. A family member worked on Underwater. He was brought in after disastrous screenings. They had to completely remake the monster, try and find the story and her story, and figure out how this thing was going to end. Another reason they were holding off on the release was because of TJ Miller.

  31. She was a no talent couch surfer when she was straight and she's exactly the same when she's gay. Cannot STAND her!

  32. Back in 2004 I believe, I worked on a movie called Cold Creek Manor starring Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone. Horrible experience and the movie bombed. One Saturday afternoon I was sick on the couch and the damn thing came on tv. Who played the daughter? Kristen in what must of been one of her first movies. Never met her, was too busy being abused by the ppl in charge, but 6 degrees of sep.

  33. She is dogshit at promoting herself and for this reason alone I do not appreciate her.

  34. @rednoir

    No kiddin'? I actually like that movie, lol. Then again I like all thrillers/horror good and bad. Some are fun to watch with my horror buddy just to laugh at.

  35. She is highly unlikeable and nobody wants to see anything with her in it. Why do they keep casting her or is it her casting manager mom?

  36. She can't act. Why people still cast her..



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