Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 8, 2020

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who doesn't act any longer, is unable to do so because he can't remember lines any longer. He spends most of his days trying to get his housekeepers to have sex with him.

Jack Nicholson


MyDogSmiles said...

At least he isn't having Polanski rape teenagers in his pool house any longer...

sandybrook said...

He is 82 and he did quite a bit of indulging throughout his life, shit happens.

longtimereader said...

Wasn't he seen at a Bernie Sanders benefit not that long ago?

Brayson87 said...

+1 MyDog

sandybrook said...

He went to a Lakers game last week when they played the Knicks. First time in a long time he showed up. And he had season tickets right next to the bench for years and years.

Gummboote said...

He can't remember lines? Is that just an affectation (i.e. he can't be bothered to work any more)? Or is he actually suffering from some kind of senility?

Doug T. said...

Any of Brando's old housekeepers still around? They used to work next door to Jack's place...

cece said...

It seems like I read somewhere that it is some type dementia.

Sarton Bander said...

The rest of his time he just wastes

Jon said...

Does he really need to resort to housekeepers? He could literally have any woman he wanted.

SimSim said...

I heard a couple of years ago that Nicholson was rumoured to have dementia.

momo said...

SIM like it made any difference. All of his best thinking brought him here where ever that is.

Brayson87 said...

He's 82. Sure some people have great genes and are healthy until they're 100, but most people start falling apart either physically or mentally after 80, if not before.

Half Domer Homer said...

I just picture him walking around his house, following housekeepers with that goofy look on his face from The Shining when he was frozen in snow.

Angela said...

This wouldn't be the reason. A lot of actors, especially in their older age have their lines directly fed to them using hearing aids, with an assistant providing the lines through radio, just in case they'd forget a line in their scene. Mae West did an entire film this way.
Gérard Depardieu is so sloppy and careless with most of his present performances that he doesn't even try to learn the lines or just read the script. He has assistants carrying some cardboard with the lines, SNL way.

Astra Worthington said...

No, no Meester Neeecholson, I no wanna have sex witchoo. I do need more Lemon Pledge!

That’s all I can think of, Jack hitting on Consuela from Family Guy.

notthisagain said...

pretty sure he has dementia nicholson hes getting worse tho

SlimKeith said...

Every time I see it on, I re-watch All about Schmidt. I just freaken love that move. Nicholson's character writes intensely personal, angry and inappropriate letters to a little African boy-Ndugo. Lol. Genius

Fifi LaRue said...

Parkinson's medications will also bring out addictive issues in people.

idiotslayer said...

Wonder why J or my dog smiles (no, actually, it doesn't) isn't calling Nicholson fat, as he actually IS and has been fat for decades. Gee, could it be -- moronic misogyny?

Astra Worthington said...

Did J even comment in here? And seems like MyDogSmiles is calling him out for being an accessory to a rapist pedophile, which is probably worse than being fat, wouldn’t you say? Oh but I guess you’re trying to say that since they didn’t discuss his weight they’re “misogynists”, right? 🙄🙄🙄

Simon Jenkin said...

is this why they called off the english toni erdmann remake? or is it because that was a terrible idea for a film and just because a foreign language movie is successful it doesn't mean you need to immediately redo the thing for hollywood?

AngelSleuth said...

The photo of him at the Lakers game with his son ... he looks like someone who eats glue. Poor Jack

sam said...

That’s really sad, leave the poor man alone.


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