Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #27

October 11, 2019

So, that disgraced director who is forced to live overseas even though he should be in jail was at an event two weeks ago. Someone asked him about his legal troubles and then he started rambling on about how nothing ever happened to this former A+ list mostly movie actor turned worst Hollywood dad of all time. Apparently the two of them used a very young and underage celebrity offspring of, an at that time A- lister to pick up other underage girls. The offspring would often join them in bed with the other girl or girls. The director said that he didn't know how old they were, but considering who was doing the picking up, they were probably in their tweens or teens. He said that no one cared back then and why was he suffering and no one else is.

Roman Polanski/Ryan O’Neal/Melanie Griffith/Tippi Hedren


sandybrook said...

I dont give a fuck about him but he makes a very good point about that other POS and what he did to his kids especially. And melanie was 15 when she was living with Don Johnson

Sd Auntie said...

Nobody likes Ryan because he is a shitty father and yeah they should be called out on this.

MontanaMarriott said...

Which would explain her career longetivity because a great actress she is not.

L B said...

I bet Melanie is shitting herself now, because she really thinks she has everyone fooled she was never a victim of it herself.

Angela said...

Why on earth would Polanski ADMIT that he's done other stuff with minors while trying to throw Ryan O'Neal under the proverbial bus? That's basically 99% of his defense: outside of the "incident" with Samantha Geimer, he's never done anything illegal.

E said...

And you know this how??? Your contacts at DataLounge???

Count Jerkula said...

My comment about Melanie's furburger in Night Moves was deleted :(

Alma's Daughter said...

Polanski is a POS and has some nerve trying to take the spotlight off himself and put it on others.

MattDaddy said...

"I'm not the only bad guy" won't turn a child rapist into a nice person. Nothing done or not done by Ryan O'Neal or anyone else changes anthhing. Polanski remains Polanski and he needs to answer for his crime.

The good news is, he could maybe get immunity in exchange for testimony.

Nishka said...

These people are sick


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