Thursday, January 30, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 23, 2020

Not only did the A- list singer/crap actor make sure the paps were front and center for some staged photos with his wife, he also used it as a marketing opportunity by telling the pap the names of the companies that made certain items of the clothing being worn.

Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel


  1. Seems pretty obvious it's mostly a business arrangement, either an open or lavender marriage.

  2. Forgot to mention how he forced her to do this or that.

  3. The label plugs just really puts this over-the-top in ridiculousness! The eyeballs can't roll far enough.

  4. Anonymous8:46 AM

    He should market his own brand of douche. TimberDouche.

  5. So he is reduced to a reality tv star level of grift then?

  6. 😂😂😂😂

  7. Anyone hear Jessica Simpson talk about him missing her,and texting Ryan Gossling immediately , in front of her to say he won the bet? A real tool,through and through.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Kissing,not missing.

  10. The press tour for the upcoming Trolls World Tour promises to be interesting.

    When the first film came out, Timberfake was all about the "happily married family man" and how it was all for his son. I can't wait to see what blowback he is going to get when he tries to pull that shite again.

    I feel sorry for the other cast members who have to do press with him, as I don't think any interviewers are going to concentrate on much else than the recent drama with his private life.

  11. They're on the 2020 breakup list for sure. If she's gay, who cares, she can get alimony/child support from Timberfake and live happily with her gf!

  12. Anonymous7:56 PM

    If you don't have the character to stay with a woman, then don't produce children with her.
    And ladies, Examine your reasons for getting pregnant, before doing so. Make sure your motives are good and thoughtful and caring and compassionate.... Not selfish.
    Kids carry the burden of your divorce.
