Monday, January 27, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 18, 2020

It figures that the massive online tabloid who isn't a friend to victims of sexual assault sold massive amounts of ad space promoting the foreign born serial rapist's return to the ring.

TMZ/Conor McGregor


  1. They're in the money, they're in the money.

  2. Conor is a serial rapist? lol since when?

  3. There have been two accusations of sexual assault in Ireland.

  4. As long as he's making money all is forgiven....wait for the hint of failure & hell will break loose!
    Show bizz is filled with such examples!

  5. Well to be fair, even the paying public did not seem to mind his return! The event did around 2 million ppv buys!

  6. @yepthatsme Perhaps that says a lot about the mentality of people who enjoy boxing

  7. You are letting your buddies at ESPN off the hook Entern? They ran the PPV that paid him and plugged and plugged and had interviews every day, one all day.

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Harvey Levin will always sell out to the highest bidder...or the biggest dick.

  9. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Dublin is tiny. A friend of a friend dated him when they were teenagers. Used to kick the shit out of her but never the face. Everyone knows whats happened with the rapes here too.

  10. @MissD, Are you insinuating that he works for cock or just that he likes assholes?

  11. ireland welcomed the pope , leader of the worlds largest pedo ring

    ireland elect sinn fein after they covered up rape / pedophilia

    ireland don't care if McGregor raped someone

  12. Jason Bermas has been talking about this for a year now. It is very shocking, he has a lot of vids on it. Glad to see it on this blog, i can't believe its been covered up so long.

    Link with Jasons vids
