Sunday, January 12, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 4, 2020

The barely able to drive influencer/rapper/loser of public fighting matches doesn't care if a guy is twice her age. That is usually the age she dates. She just didn't like the athlete who was hitting on her so put him on blast.

Danielle Bregoli/aka Bhad Bhabie/Adrien Broner


  1. I’m not sure but I don’t think she likes black people all that much.

  2. Geez, is baghdad barbie still around?
    Those 15 minutes were used up a long long time ago.

  3. did he expect her for free?

    Past reveal was Iggy was fighting with her over Jons.

  4. Replies
    1. Easy, hillbilly.
      Jon's mixed. so prob coming@this with a little different spin than yours
      Lolzzz I mean kkk

  5. Bhald Bhobbie is a junior hooker, pimped by her greedy goofy mama.

  6. Baghdad Barbie, rofl. I'm laughing a little too much at this.

    Baghdad put out some cheap ass makeup and Jeffree Star reviewed it and in the nicest way said it was all a POS. The way she carried it around in a back pack and dropped it off at his house basically tossing it to him was hilarious. The look on his face was priceless.

    As for the blind, sick, sad, and please go away. Another Stodden just more successful.

  7. Forgot to mention this. In all seriousness, how can you not like black guys if you're a "rapper" and into rap culture? I mean, maybe sexually she isn't into it, but to put him on blast? Am I missing something here?
