Monday, January 13, 2020

Blind Item #9

With the news today, the A-/B+ list mostly movie actress can breathe a sigh of relief. No more fake relationship required. I'm sure there will be a quietly split kind of announcement in the next couple of weeks.


  1. Cory and Rosario I beat you to it Entern

    1. Bloomie may spend one billion . bye bye pretenders

  2. Rosario Dawson. Corey Booker dropped out of race

  3. Cory never went above 2% in polling. What a joke.

  4. And the nominee will be an old white man. Nice diversity :)

  5. Booker would have been horrible to beard for, he seems like he's ready to accidentally out himself at every event.

  6. @MyDog, Warren is still in it. Yeah sure the president will probably still be an old white person, but it could be a female president for a change.

    1. This is the dumbest thing I’ve read so far today. LMAO

    2. Stick around It gets even better

  7. So Cory can finally shave his beard!

  8. I love how some haters say Buttigieg is too white considering Biden, Bernie and Warren. It's pretty obvious that it's not Buttigieg's race but his sexuality that they can't handle. Turns out the biggest homophobes are under the Left's tent. ;)

    1. I'm not a fan of tiny mouth Pete because he lacks any charisma and was a terrible freaking MAYOR of a not big city.
      He's like a CIA cut out candidate someone forgot to polish. Lizzie Warren is hilarious because bitch will agree to ANYTHING she thinks will get her votes. Biden is wandering around talking to dozens of old people about children rubbing his leg hair. Lol.
      So far, I'm enjoying it immensely.

  9. I think we've seen that no matter what color the candidate, incompetence comes in all races.

  10. @Brayson I don't think Warren has a chance. Booker would have gone down with Harris for the Smollet hoax, Warren is in charge of a shady slush fund, and Biden has problems with Ukraine and China. The last man standing is Bernie which at that point it's a vote for freedom or Communism.

  11. Communism? Fire Departments and Public Schools are communism too, I suppose.

    If Freedom is defined as Blue Cross Corp's right to health care money (i.e., Obama/RomneyCare), then fuck Freedom.

    1. Another idiot who just regurgitates what they’re told and feels smart. LMAO

    2. Is Stormfront down or do you need your doctor to up your meds?

  12. @MyDog, I sort of hope it's Bernie, then Americans can get the kind of election they really wanted back in 2016.

  13. @DoTell, truth right there

  14. @Brayson That's the truth! Hillary really pulled out the rug from under him in '16.

  15. @J, I heard that after public schools dropped tracking it is kind of communist.

  16. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Cory dropped out LMAO.
    He's got to be so pissed that he didn't run as bisexual. Mayor BOOT-edge-edge stole his thunder.
    Watch for after some soul searching he will come out as some spectrum of LGBTQ+ before 2024 primary season comes up.

  17. @MyDog, She owned the DNC at that point, it was like her personal piggy bank. Got to give her props for making everyone her b!tches though.

  18. @Brayson Very True! I wouldn't be shocked if she gave it another try as well as Michelle.

  19. Mayor Pete can’t even run South Bend (It sounds like dancing,,) Indiana properly.
    How the hell you gonna run a country if you can’t handle the rigorous civic demands
    of a small city?

  20. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Trump vs. Sanders in 2016 would have been the defining election of the United States of America. Where do we go? Do we choose Capitalism or Socialism? Once and for all let's make that decision and embrace whichever one we choose.
    Hillary ruined that opportunity with her selfish need for it to be "her turn". She's a criminal psychopath who ruins everything she touches.
    It's too late for Bernie now. He's old and batshit and has had a heart attack. Even worse than having the heart attack...he LIED about having it!
    He can't even manage to pay his staff HIS suggested minimum wage without cutting their hours. He's a total phony and luckily for this country we had time to figure that out. Maybe Hillary destroying him was a good thing after all.

  21. MissDavie is nervous. lol

  22. @17Steps, What exactly do senators run, on their own? How do we measure a senator's level of success? It's definitely not their attendance record given past candidates, so what is the metric? Which way they vote?

  23. @Brayson Also cuz gay white man is supposed to be considered more oppressed than heterosexual white woman.

    It's strange how everyone is focussed on race and gender, when it is the dementia vs. just had heart attack at age 80 that people should be concerned about

    I still think Hillary is shoring herself up as the hail mary pass candidate who comes in at the last minute.

  24. awwww...I really thought those kids were going to make it.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @gauloise, When it comes to discussions regarding which groups are more oppressed versus others, I usually prefer to sit back with a cup like Baby Yoda. ;)

    1. @brayson. Don’t bring my Baby Yoda into this!

  27. Conservatives are such mean people.

  28. There is no way in hell that the DNC will allow a non-Democrat to be their nominee. They’ll fuck Bernie over again by lying, cheating and stealing or by whatever means necessary.

  29. I’m with you weekittylass, Obama has said they will stop Bernie and Hillary supporters still blame Bernie in part for Hillary’s loss and have made similar statements like Obama has. They don’t want a guy who only runs as a dem when it’s a national race

  30. Diana, Edward, more amusing stupidity please.

  31. Project Veritas is dropping a "bombshell" tomorrow that will have to do with Bernie Sanders and CNN. That is all that has been put out. That may or may not knock Bernie down or out. Who knows.

    1. If it knocks him out, then She Who Will Not Be Named is gonna swoop in and run (again). She’s been lurking...waiting...

  32. "No more fake relationship required" so this automatically triggers the exit clause in the bearding contract. But I'm still not so sure that the fake girlfriend was a good idea. He might have polled higher as a gay black dude.

    1. Never been to the South, have you? Most Southern states are at 50% non white or near that. Mayor Pete is polling at less than 1% with POC in the South.
      An older black church lady I know said some WEW things about him at our Homeowner's Christmas Party a d super pissed off these progressive white Yankees who were there. I was sitting back like, "Awwww, yeah! Give me more, baby!"
      But, it wasn't meant to be. The white proggies quickly are their party food, left a cookie recipe and we're gone.
      After that, black grandma called Mayor Pete a f*g for the next hour.
      Fun times in a ye old gated community.

  33. I wouldn’t vote for Biden but I would vote for Corn Pop! Corn Pop 2020!

  34. I'm voting for Tulsi in the primaries and writing in Rowdy Roddy Duterte in the end.

  35. @MyDogSmiles. The law states you have to be over 35 and America is still a majority white country. Should a party elect minority leader just to satisfy a small group of social justice warrior nutcases? Does this happen in other countries? Are there a bunch Chinese or Israeli folks complaining that there aren't enough Caucasians running their countries? That's the equivalent of what you and your leftards are doing. Fuck. Off.

  36. The candidates with the most minority support are Biden and Sanders. One was Obama's VP and the other has a decades long history of supporting the poor and disenfranchised.

  37. ‘country is doomed. It will all be over soon’ - Howard Stern
