Monday, January 06, 2020

Blind Item #9 - Golden Globes

This A-/B+ list actress offspring of actors told a story that she was scolded by a hotel operator this past weekend for having sex too loud when she was out of town picking up an award at a film festival.


  1. I'm going with Dakota Johnson, because she bugs me.

  2. lol,me too. So would that be Chris Martin she was in the throws with?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How can a terrible actress be A-? How about Meryl!🤣 or Noni.

  5. I was thinking Zoe Kravitz, but don't know if she's received an award recently

  6. Margot Robie or JLo?

  7. Oops, Lenny would be musician

  8. Oooh, isn't she edgy and cool?

  9. Definitely Laura Dern, she won an award at a festival recently

  10. I'm starting to prefer the terrible actors to the terrible people who can act.

    1. Oddly enough, last night even the supposedly brilliant actors couldn't make themselves appear comfortable when the pedo stuff was brought up. You'd think they could ACT carefree and laugh along

  11. Lol at the thought of Dakota getting an award. Then again,..

  12. Def laura Dern. Just won film critic award.

  13. Yeah I think the 50 Shades movies kind of showed that's not really Dakota's bailiwick, probably not her.

  14. Maybe one of these women was in the hotel room next door to ours in DC. My husband and I were killing ourselves laughing because each night the woman in the next room was so loud. We decided either she was having great sex or we had a serial killer bringing different women to the room every night.

  15. Loud women are great, the blind doesn't specify gender...

  16. lomgtimereader, it says "actress" not "actor"

  17. @Monkey, Some people have trouble acting without a script. Hanks looked guilty as hell 😅

  18. If its loud, they are faking it..

  19. It was fantastic! So utterly caught off guard and unable to get that PR face on quick enough for the cameras.

  20. They have all worked on set with kids and are complicit with what is going on by not reporting it

  21. Thanks to the cameramen for getting reactions immediately

  22. It's not Dakota as she hasn't been up for any awards recently & the thought of her having loud sex with Chris Martin is not a thing I want to think of

  23. Laura Dern at the Palm Springs Film Festival. She was the only offspring that received an award there this weekend.

  24. lol as a woman I can definitely tell you the louder a girl is, the more obvious she is faking it. If you have the lung capacity to shriek or yell or whatever loud moaning embellishments to make it seem like you’re gonna come, then the girl isjust trying to make it seem like it (actress in bed). Getting to orgasm as a woman And having one always have very specific muscle contortions, trembling, and definitely nothing allowing you to be so loud and audible. It’s sad bc it just means those guys will think they can make a woman come if these thots always pretend.

    ladies, learn your bodies & then teach your partner. He isn’t a mindreader, faking is lying essentially, and ultimately it hurts you & your sex life/pleasure more. Women have FOUR spots internally that when hit at the right angle repeatedly can trigger these orgasms. Faking is so obvious bc there are always telltale signs - most of porn is just overacting on the woman’s part, and either it flat out doesn’t show her coming or she fakes it. There are things that physiologically would be impossible and hard to do (shows rather than just feeling pleasure, they’re putting effort into pretending)

    Anyway, I shouldn’t make this sound like some rant against women, as I am one esp. I think the problem is that people are exposed to sex scenes and porn waaaaay before they learn any of the above . I guess we’ll just have to change as a society, stop the myth of penetrative orgasms for women being rare, an acknowledge sex education is TERRIBLE & needs to get better & sex-positive. Everybody deserves to feel good during sex & not have to pretend. Anyway sorry I wrote a novel as a comment

  25. @notthisagain I totally agree! Women are all about staying there in our heads. Men can easily orgasm with zero thought, women gotta keep their heads in the game and faking it takes way too much thought and effort. At least, that's how it is for me and my group of friends...when we are being honest. Cheers!

    P.S. This is my first post ever after months of lurking, so I suppose I "broke my cherry" with you! How apropos!
