Saturday, January 04, 2020

Blind Item #8

The alliterate actress who is always in the news is being cheated on by her husband.


  1. Poor, poor Aunt Becky!😂

  2. 🤧feel so bad for her🥴

    1. Didnt enty say g was cheating with his legal aide?

  3. What about MM? Just a different description of her.

    1. Nah. HarHar loves MM. That's what pisses people off.

    2. Please tell how you could possibly know how a stranger to you feels about anyone or anything.

    3. At this point I think Harjar rather hates her. Even so I second Diana’s comment.

  4. Who’s Aunt Becky?

  5. @LB - Lori Loughlin

    1. Of course. Never a fan of that show.

  6. i saw a story on her today that she has a prison coach teaching her how to survive in prison just in case things go south. also heard her lawyers are claiming she has exculpatory evidence but i havent seen it yet.

    1. I've listened to an interview of a woman, who coaches women on federal prison life.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So are $500 tickets for making a California stop. Things are about to change for the better for the peons in CA, and worse for the entitled "insiders"

  8. notsoHairy is definitely cheating on SMegma Markle, with Nacho Figueroa, his Latino polo ho, Harry is a closet queer which is why beautiful, intelligent women he tried to dupe into being his beards said no way

  9. Replies
    1. Mary is the town crier about MM. Don't believe a thing this broad says.@weekittylass

  10. I thought Mr Adam Bidwell is Harry’s true love. The chemistry is very clear. I wonder if he is the “ godfather” that was so hush hush.

  11. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Lori Loughlin than I am very confused.

    Because last time I checked Her Husband was facing charges as well.

    So why would He in the middle of all of this cheat on Her.

    I mean is really that full of Himself ?

    If that's the case than I really hope the both of them get more than 2 To 3 in Prison.

  12. We get to believe what Mary says!!! Back off Sd Auntie! Harry isn't gay, he's cheap. Notoriously cheap. He wouldn't pay for a glass of wine. Or a beer. That's why no one wanted to marry him. PH for sure was/is cheating on Markle especially since she got fat.

  13. I wonder if LL is Beyonce's "Becky with the good hair"?

    1. Aunt Becky with the bad HEIR

  14. The Feds get really pissed if you make them go to trial and will charge you with everything they have. She thought she could negotiate no jail time? Oops. Bad actress, felon, jailbird: Triple threat.

  15. @ TEEHEE yes asinine, Unjust, NO? But yes white collar type criminals and first time offenders we should find alternate ways to have said folks pay it back to society. REAL community service. Restitution. ANYTHING. Just incarcerating someone when he or she is NOT dangerous is a waste of resources.

  16. LL didn’t just “try” to bribe her kids’ into a top flight school...she DID. Is she the worst criminal ever? Obviously not. But it was a dumb thing to do. Her arrogance at rejecting the plea deal...!! Stupid,stupi,stupid.

  17. She should have just donated a new wing to the library. The kids would have got in, it would be legal and she would be a hero

  18. @ 17 Steps and in your correct regard I suppose she has tied the hands of the justice system. You can't play ego, flout things, etc, make ludicrous unfounded claims. She should have been sorry. Instead, I am sure she MAY get real jail time and while the initial offense may not have warranted it she kind of pushed prosecutors and judges into the max given her bad behavior. They will think she needs to be 'made an example of' I am sure.

  19. @ John was that meant for me? really? Jail is expensive and on the tax payer and there are better ways to 'pay reparations' to society than to put someone like her in jail. Drug possession also a waste. We have streets that need cleaning, non-profits that need volunteers. Can't we put this man power to work in a better sense and USE them v feeding them to sit in a small cell?

  20. Who keeps deleting their comments?

  21. Prince Harry most likely found a kindred soul in rehab, that's where the cheating happened. Markle's gonna be out in the cold pretty soon.



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