Monday, January 27, 2020

Blind Item #8

The foreign born A-/B+ list actress loves the red carpet for the big shows. Absolutely loves it. Even performances from the supposed love of her life though brings out yawns during and golf claps at the end.


  1. That's normal considering how loooong these shows last nowadays!
    Hey keeping up appearances is hard work!

  2. Priyanka and her outfit was atrocious! Never have understood how someone can have all the money in the world and cannot put a decent outfit together for the Grammys no less.

    1. They don't choose their outfit based on it's beauty, they wear whichever designer pays the highest!

  3. Indeed Indie..... absolutely gutting.

  4. Lavender marriage.

  5. At least now when he comes out he can say being married to her drove him to it. 😅

  6. Agree 100% @TeeHee, most of the outfits were utterly stupid. Hers was ugly! You can put sequins on a turd, but its still a f-ing turd.

  7. the camera panned to the three wives sitting side by side and she could not have a more disinterested look on her face. obviously counting down until she could bail on the event.

  8. PC needs to hit the gym and tone up. Resembling a sack of potatoes

  9. JB performance was boring as hell. I don't blame the wives for being disinterested. lol.

  10. lmao @A. Claire. so true! And, the smooshed boob look is awful.

    And, I would rather pay for my own outfit than to wear some of those eyesores haha. Also, this is a common thing with Priyanka. She needs a new stylist. Kevin's wife, Danielle, looked by far the best of the Jonas' wives last night and she is the least famous. Sophie's dress did her zero favors either. Yeez.

    1. Yes. Danielle's dress was spectacular.

  11. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I've disliked Chopra for years since the network cancelled a show that had problems but some promise to keep and promote her show. They were trying to make her the next big thing. I think it lasted one more season. I honestly don't know how she's stayed in the spotlight.

  12. During the Jonas performance last night, I was wondering if Priyanka was going to all of a sudden bust out with chameleon eyes, so that she could keep one eye on the stage, but still have one eye scanning for the camera. She had her body physically angled toward Danielle and the camera during the performance. Sophie looked like she was with another group bc she was angled the other direction and fully engrossed by the performance.

    Felt bad for Nick being noticed for spinach in his teeth (which I did not see). At least he made a joke about it.

  13. It was nice to confirm Nick is back on semi-solid foods again after the shock and despair of being married to Pryanka Chankles is starting to abate.
