Friday, January 31, 2020

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This deceased actor starred in three different successful TV series (two comedies and one adventure show with a title character from another medium).  He also starred in several series that didn’t make it past the first season.  One of the failed shows he starred in required him to do some research for the title role and he met some practitioners of the dark arts.  They gave him background information that he used on the show.  However, he offended these people by doing two things 1.) Expressing doubts whether what they did was real 2.) Not acknowledging them in the show’s credits for the help they gave.  They put a curse on him.  After this, two close family members died , a fire destroyed a lot of his personal effects, and he went through a career dry spell after the third successful series.  Finally, he went back to them and apologized.  The practitioners lifted the spell and he found new success in a behind the camera role.  However, not that long after, he got sick and died of a treatable form of this disease so maybe the curse wasn’t completely lifted.


  1. So it was a one season witchy/voodoo show?

  2. Robert Guillaume/Benson?

  3. Leonard Nimoy? He did a series "In search of" and they featured Voodoo on one. It sure sounds like voodoo to me. He died of COPD complications and that is treatable.

  4. or maybe it had nothing to do with his streak of bad luck.

    A friend's husband once made fun of me because my father died when I was just a child. He told her that that is why I was "weird".

    Without putting any type of curse on them, their daughter, father, sister, mother, and mother-in-law proceeded to die in the next 3 years.

  5. I was told about a 'curse' that was put on a famous Oscar-winning actor/director back in the 90s. Evidently, he made a film on Indian land and promised the Tribe(s) he would donate certain monies to them if the movie was a success. It was, and he didn't follow through. A Medicine Man held a ceremony and cursed him. What happened afterward was stunning. His life, both private and professional, disintegrated for years. He never regained the power he once had but things eventually got better for him. I doubt if he knows this event occurred. Don't mess with Native Americans!

  6. Huh.....?!!
    Witchcraft is real?!
    If so address of those people please Enty!
    Or anybody....

  7. Gullible Reader Blind.

  8. In Search Of wasn't a failed show,, though, it was on forever

  9. This sounds like Anton Levey stuff :) He apparently cursed Jayn Mansfield boyfriend and they died in a car crash.

  10. Alright, I am going to tell you guys the sureshot way to ward off witchcraft, so pay attention- take one lemon and two green chillies and hang them on you front door! Also put a black mark on your loved ones to ward off the evil eyes, it doesnt have to be a big mark, just a small one will do! And finally, offer mustard oil every saturday to Sun God, all no evil spirits can harm you! THANK ME LATER!

  11. When I'm afraid someone's going to curse me I go to the bathroom of that witch's house and drop an upper-decker.

  12. +1 mermaidmaenad Bill Bixby is a great guess! Starred in comedies (My Favorite Martian, Courtship of Eddie's Father) and a series based on comic books (The Hulk). Did a number of one year shows including The Magician. Spent most of his later years as a TV director and died of prostate cancer.

    1. I came here to submit Bill also. May he be RIP. Always liked watching him in anything.

  13. Everyone knows the best way to ward off evil is with a pepperoni margherita pizza, once you eat that you will feel a weight lifted. Now it's possible there may be evil later, but it will be confined to the bathroom.

  14. @Bray, so after eating the PIZZA, you have to go to the bathroom of the person you want to curse, or your own bathroom? How does that work? Asking for a friend!

  15. @yep, Don't curse people, get some delicious food and forget them instead! :)

  16. I cancel my guess for Leonard Nimoy and agree with @mermaidmaenad that it is Bill Bixby. Bill did "My favorite martian" and "Courtship of Eddie's Father" and then "Incredible Hulk" which were all successful. He also directed "Wizards and Warriors" in 1983 and it lasted one season- 8 episodes. The show was about witchcraft. He had a lot of failed series but he did direct the successful show "Blossom" but died in the midst of working on that series. Bixby had prostrate cancer and I guess that can be treatable.

  17. I'm in on Bixby -- his ex-wife Brenda Benet committed suicide after their child died.

  18. Bill Bixby for the win. Excellent.

  19. Yes...oddly it was Bixby’s birthday a week or two ago, I saw it on instagram, and then for some reason I did a search on him...the son dying on vacation with the ex wife, who committed suicide a few years later...all so tragic...

  20. Son died in 81 and ex-wife committed suicide in 82. If it's Bixby the "curse" must have been from people he worked with on The Magician in 73.

  21. I figured out Bill Bixby just from the first two sentences. He was all over TV when I was a kid, between new shows and syndication.

  22. The Bill Bixby guess is correct,but prostrate cancer was not easily treated at that time. Much more treatable now, not at all then.

  23. Surely Roman Polanski got on the wrong side of Witches Covens everywhere when he released RoseMary’s Baby

    1. B626. Manson freaks murdered his wife and son. Good guess. Grew up watching BB. The whole story is too sad.

  24. @B626, Well Polanski certainly got on the wrong side of good when he drugged and raped that little girl.

  25. Great job, Mermaidmaenad!

  26. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I was at a party in St Martin where the subject of voodoo came up. One of the guests scoffed at the possibility of it being real, when a friend of the host, an older Dutch woman, emphatically stated "Voodoo is real, and I know from experience".

    It turned out that her late husband had been the general manager of Shell Oil in Haiti. He was Dutch and imperious to his staff.

    The week he was scheduled to return to Holland, someone nailed a chicken foot with feathers and other voodoo talismans to his office door. He was warned by his terrified secretary not to touch or disturb it.

    He scoffed at her and ripped the voodoo charm from the door. Wrapping up his business, he packed his things and returned to Holland.

    Several days after he arrived home, his fingers and toes began tingling. Within a day, he was completely paralyzed, bedridden, and unable to speak.

    Doctors speculated he was suffering from ciguatera - which is caused by eating fish that eat coral (parrotfish. etc).

    Only problem: he hated fish and never ate it during all the years he lived in the Caribbean.

    His condition declined and after a year, he died, never having spoken or risen from his bed since the initial affliction.

    His wife was convinced it was voodoo...

  27. I came here to say Darren McGavin, but I did zero research to see if any terrible curse-type things ever happened to him. I just figured with him being Kolchak the Night Stalker he prob got to talk with some freaky people. All that being said, sounds like you guys solved it with Bill Bixby.

  28. Big +1 to mermaidmaenad and the others. Poor Bill Bixby. It seemed like everything just went to hell for him over a short time. "The Magician" was a freaky early 70's show. I thought of him immediately, even though I was just a little kid.
    Most cultures, if you dig a little, have stuff like this. I postulate that all women have the ability to cast spells/curses. My half Irish, half Puerto Rican ex put a doozy on me. Never take a bruja's virginity. Her house literally had a fucking succubus in it! She knew and didn't tell me at first. When it started fucking with me and my dog she admitted she heard it singing and knew it was there. She probably gonna tune me up again for writing this.

    1. "...all women have the ability to cast spells/curses?" How elevated of you. Bet you think vaginas have teeth.

  29. Brayson87
    I was trending towards the events of August 1969, which do not excuse the events of March 1977. but do seem like some pretty bad luck.

  30. My ex-husband had a speech impediment (articulation). His best friend used to make fun of him constantly. After the best friend married and had children, the best friend's youngest son developed a speech impediment and had to go through years of speech therapy. Karma.

    1. Karma is REAL....also NEVER(EVER) mock anyone with disabilities!!!

  31. Witchcraft is real, but not in the way you think. People think of herbs and animal sacrifices. While withcraft can involve that EVERYONE does something everyday without realizing what they are doing.

    I will say that if you don't believe witchcraft can affect you then you are correct. It will not harm you. You have to believe you can be harmed for it to take effect.

    I am not a witch but I have known people who are. Please do NOT ask for details. Withcraft is not a joke.

  32. Wicca is NOT witchcraft.

    But, for years I had a painting of a Tiger's face hanging on the wall that faced the front door of our house.

    Those were pretty good years financially.

    Then, the wife decides to re-decorate. Tiger gets stored and the economy collapses.
    I don't think so.

    I hid the Tiger's face paining behind the bookcase that faced the front door below where the tiger hung on wall.

    Things turned for us quickly!

    PS: Haven't told the wife, so that's a secret between all tyou readers and me!


    1. What was the direction of the painting faced... directions play important part.

  33. @IndieRaga

    It faces the front door!

    1. I meant N/S/E/W
      Anyway happy you bounced back!

  34. I agree, this is Bill Bixby. I didn't even need to do any research on this one. Every clue fits.

  35. Great, I can't ask Daryl about the two strange clients they mentioned on Wednesday, but witchcraft is totally kosher? ;)

  36. yepthatsme - do you leave the chilis and lemon on the front door forever, and do your loved ones have to have a permanent black mark?


  38. what a nice fairytale

  39. wow -- no comments from Tricia -- she must have sent this BS in

  40. Are you fucking kidding me? You actually believe that shit? A curse? Good Lord.

  41. @unknown -- sounds like the lyrics to a 5SOS song

  42. Ah so, DavidHowes, Master Broker is Feng Shui Master. All bow to David.

  43. Jesus Christ, witchcraft isn't real. Also, Bill Bixby.

  44. Why would Bixby need to consult the "dark arts" if he was doing a show about a David Copperfield-like Vegas magician? Who, of course, moonlights as an amateur crimefighter.

    The show only lasted 22 episodes.
