Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who was probably expecting some more award season love does heroin from time to time because he thinks it takes the edge off.


  1. Phoenix has gotten plenty of love... maybe Bale? He’s won before, making him permanent, and he was amazing in Ford v. Ferrari. I was shocked he wasn’t nominated. Don’t like the guy, but he was undeniably brilliant.

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM


  3. +2 on Bale. Phoenix has been sweeping so far. So plenty of love..

  4. Sandler gets A list status from his comedies, Uncut gems is awesome,he was really hoping this was his breakout role. He deserved a nom but didn't get one.

  5. I think that probably generates a few more edges ...

  6. This has to be DeNiro. Since Trump was elected to say he has an edge is an understatement

  7. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I’m going with Bale or Phoenix. Hard Drugs help with the rapid weight loss.

  8. Though extended Heroin use results in weight isn't really a "rapid weight loss" kinda drug. Most beginning addicts or occasional users end up eating a lot of ice cream. Just sayin.
    I think this may be Sandler who doesn't seem like he would do heroin...which is why it would be interesting.

    He really is a decent actor. Reign over me was one of the saddest movies I have ever seen.

    1. He was amazing in Reign over me! Very underrated as dramatic actor.
      I love that movie.

  9. Most people drink to take the edge off, but to each their own.

  10. Are Bale and Phoenix permanent A list?
    I'm going with de Niro.

  11. @Brayson - you are right.
    and even getting over a 3 day drunk is actually much easier than getting over a 3 day heroin binge....
    after a 3 day drunk - you wanna quit. After a 3 day heroin go get more.

  12. I HOPE it's DeNiro. Turning into a junkie couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Pervert Ahole.

  13. Bale is in the DM right now. He looks like shit.

  14. DeNiro. This explains a lot.

  15. how can anyone do heroin 'from time to time' - wow.

  16. Sandler was garbage in Uncut Gems. Second rate John Tuturro impression. He was surrounded with hack actors like basketball players and sports radio guy to hide his defiency

  17. Oh John Turturro, that's who he reminded me of! Good call on the impression Alf.

  18. Jeezus. No one does heroin from time to time. Did enty mean A Heroine?

  19. I had a friend who liked H from time to time. The problem was though, none of the guys she dated who were ok with her doing it from time to time ever just did it from time to time themselves. Only f/t junkies are cool like that.

  20. Idk if it’s his current character, but the ads that Sandler’s been running on social media in the greasy tracksuit makes him look old and creepy af.

  21. Scary whomever it is..

  22. How is Phoneix perm A list...?

  23. Sounds like bale to me

  24. I can attest, it definitely takes the edge off.

  25. No one does heroin from time to time to "take the edge off". Heroin is a "me and you forever" kind of drug.

    Somehow I don't think de Niro would jeopardize all he's got - including real estate holdings- to become a junkie late in life.

    I think it's someone younger who thinks he can beat the White Lady's odds.

  26. I was a hardcore heroin addict for 6 years or so. Then I went to rehab for about 10 months and never relapsed. Been clean for 15, 16 years now and I must concur with what others have said above: there are many "from time to time" drugs, but heroin ain't one of them. It is incredibly physically addictive.

  27. Good for you Sophia! I know some people who stopped using, but they just replaced it with something else and none of them are doing good. I don't even want to be around them.

  28. @kiki71 - I have a friend who would quit meth for soccer season so I don't know, some people are just wired differently.

    If he can be an occasional heroin user then more power to him.
